国内流行的内容管理系统(CMS)多端全媒体解决方案 https://www.dedebiz.com
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

59 lines

  1. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
  2. <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  3. <head>
  4. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" />
  5. <title>{dede:var.spacename /} {dede:var.curtitle /}</title>
  6. <link href="space/company/images/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
  7. </head>
  8. <body>
  9. <div id="showmenu" style="z-index:100;display:none;"></div>
  10. <div class="wrap1"><div class="wrap2"><div class="wrap3">
  11. <div dargarea='yes' id="container">
  12. <!--begin header-->
  13. <div id="header">
  14. <div id="title">
  15. <h1>
  16. <?php
  17. if(empty($_vars['spacelogo'])) {
  18. ?>
  19. <a href="{dede:var.userurl /}">{dede:var.spacename /}</a>
  20. <?php } else { ?>
  21. <a href="{dede:var.userurl /}"><img src="{dede:var.spacelogo /}" width="200" height="50" alt="{dede:var.spacename /}" /></a>
  22. <?php } ?>
  23. </h1>
  24. <div class="fr tar" id="toolbar">
  25. <a href="{dede:global.cfg_basehost /}" target="_blank">{dede:global.cfg_basehost /}</a><br />
  26. {dede:if $cfg_ml->IsLogin() }
  27. <a href="index.php?uid={dede:object.cfg_ml->M_LoginID /}">我的主页</a>
  28. | &nbsp;
  29. <a href="index.php">会员中心</a>
  30. | &nbsp;<a href="edit_space_info.php" target="_blank">空间管理</a> | <a href="index_do.php?fmdo=login&dopost=exit">注销</a>
  31. {else}
  32. <a href="login.php">登录</a> | <a href="index_do.php?fmdo=user&dopost=regnew">注册</a>
  33. {/dede:if}
  34. </div>
  35. </div>
  36. <div class="c"></div>
  37. <ul id="guide">
  38. <li><a href="index.php?uid={dede:var.userid_e /}">首页</a></li>
  39. <li><a href="index.php?uid={dede:var.userid_e /}&action=introduce">公司简介</a></li>
  40. <li><a href="index.php?uid={dede:var.userid_e /}&action=article">新闻动态</a></li>
  41. <li><a href="index.php?uid={dede:var.userid_e /}&action=products">产品展示</a></li>
  42. <?php
  43. foreach($_vars['bloglinks'] as $k=>$v)
  44. {
  45. if($k==6) continue;
  46. if($k==2) {
  47. echo " <li><a href=\"index.php?uid={$_vars['userid_e']}&action=album\">相册</a></li>\r\n";
  48. }
  49. else {
  50. echo " <li><a href=\"index.php?uid={$_vars['userid_e']}&action=archives&channelid={$k}\">{$v}</a></li>\r\n";
  51. }
  52. }
  53. ?>
  54. <li><a href="index.php?uid={dede:var.userid_e /}&action=guestbook">在线留言</a></li>
  55. <li><a href="index.php?uid={dede:var.userid_e /}&action=contact">联系我们</a></li>
  56. </ul>
  57. </div>
  58. <div class="c" ></div>