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  81. <p>WEB服务器</p>
  82. <span><?php echo GetSimpleServerSoftware();?></span>
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  87. <p>IP地址</p>
  88. <span><?php echo gethostbyname($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);?></span>
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  90. </td>
  91. <td width="20%">
  92. <div class="web-info">
  93. <p>PHP版本</p>
  94. <span><?php echo @phpversion();?></span>
  95. </div>
  96. </td>
  97. <td width="20%">
  98. <div class="web-info">
  99. <p>数据库版本</p>
  100. <span><?php echo $dsql->GetVersion();?></span>
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  149. <span class="spinner-border text-success" role="status"></span>
  150. <span id="step1Msg">对比版本更改的文件</span>
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  152. <div id="stepArea2" class="stepArea">
  153. <p>本更新提供了重要的安全性更新,建议所有会员升级,软件更新覆盖以下文件,请做好备份。</p>
  154. <div id="_fileList">正在加载</div>
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  157. <p>发下以下版本的更新文件</p>
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  191. <script>
  192. var currentStep = 1;
  193. var hasNewVer = false;
  194. //步骤
  195. function dedeAlter(msg, t = 'info', loading = false) {
  196. let loadingStr = loading ? '<span class="spinner-border spinner-border-sm" role="status" aria-hidden="true"></span>' : '';
  197. return `<div class="alert alert-${t}">${loadingStr}
  198. ${msg}
  199. </div>`;
  200. }
  201. //显示步骤区域
  202. function showStepArea(step) {
  203. $(".stepArea").hide();
  204. $(".btnStep").hide();
  205. $("#stepArea" + step).show();
  206. $("#btnStep" + step).show();
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  208. function update() {
  209. $.get("api.php?action=update", function (rs) {
  210. if (rs.code === 0) {
  211. $("#_updateMsg").html(rs.msg);
  212. if (rs.data.finish === false) {
  213. setTimeout(() => {
  214. update();
  215. }, 500);
  216. } else {
  217. currentStep++
  218. $("#_msgInfo").html('');
  219. $("#_msgInfo").hide();
  220. showStepArea(currentStep);
  221. }
  222. }
  223. })
  224. }
  225. function hasNewVersion() {
  226. $.get("api.php?action=has_new_version", function (rs) {
  227. try {
  228. if (rs.code === 0) {
  229. if (rs.result.HasNew === true) {
  230. hasNewVer = true;
  231. $(".updates-dot").show();
  232. } else {
  233. hasNewVer = false;
  234. $(".updates-dot").hide();
  235. }
  236. } else {
  237. $(".updates-dot").hide();
  238. showStepArea(0);
  239. }
  240. } catch (error) {
  241. console.log("获取软件信息失败")
  242. }
  243. })
  244. }
  245. $(document).ready(function () {
  246. hasNewVersion();
  247. $("#btnCancel").click(function () {
  248. currentStep = 1;
  249. $("#_fileList").html(``);
  250. })
  251. $("#btnBackup").click(function () {
  252. let alertMsg = dedeAlter("正在备份差异文件", 'info', true);
  253. $("#_msgInfo").html(alertMsg);
  254. $("#_msgInfo").show();
  255. $.get("api.php?action=update_backup", function (rs) {
  256. if (rs.code === 0) {
  257. alertMsg = dedeAlter(`成功备份差异文件,目录:${rs.data.backupdir}`, 'success');
  258. $("#_msgInfo").html(alertMsg);
  259. }
  260. })
  261. })
  262. $("#systemUpdate").click(function () {
  263. if (hasNewVer === false) {
  264. currentStep = 5;
  265. showStepArea(currentStep);
  266. $('#mdlUpdate').modal('show');
  267. return;
  268. }
  269. $('#mdlUpdate').modal('show');
  270. showStepArea(currentStep);
  271. currentStep++;
  272. $.get("api.php?action=get_changed_files", function (rs) {
  273. if (rs.code === 0) {
  274. let fstr = '<ul class="list-group list-group-flush">';
  275. let i = 1;
  276. rs.data.files.forEach(file => {
  277. fstr += `<li class='list-group-item'>第${i}个文件:${file['filename']}</li>`;
  278. i++;
  279. });
  280. fstr += '</ul>';
  281. $("#_fileList").html(fstr);
  282. showStepArea(currentStep);
  283. } else {
  284. showStepArea(0);
  285. }
  286. })
  287. })
  288. $('#mdlUpdate').on('hidden.bs.modal', function (event) {
  289. currentStep = 1;
  290. $("#_msgInfo").html('');
  291. $("#_msgInfo").hide();
  292. })
  293. $("#btnGoStep3").click(function () {
  294. currentStep++
  295. $("#_msgInfo").html('');
  296. $("#_msgInfo").hide();
  297. showStepArea(currentStep);
  298. $.get("api.php?action=get_update_versions", function (rs) {
  299. if (rs.code === 0) {
  300. let fstr = '<ul class="list-group list-group-flush">';
  301. let i = 1;
  302. rs.result.Versions.forEach(ver => {
  303. fstr += `<li class='list-group-item'>版本号:${ver.ver},发布日期:${ver.r} <a href='https://www.zhelixie.com/DedeBIZ/DedeCMSV6/commits/tag/${ver.ver}' class='btn btn-outline-success float-right' target='_blank'>更新记录</a></li>`;
  304. i++;
  305. });
  306. fstr += '</ul>';
  307. $("#_verList").html(fstr);
  308. } else {
  309. showStepArea(0);
  310. }
  311. })
  312. })
  313. $("#btnGoStep4").click(function () {
  314. currentStep++
  315. $("#_msgInfo").html('');
  316. $("#_msgInfo").hide();
  317. showStepArea(currentStep);
  318. update();
  319. })
  320. $("#btnOK").click(function () {
  321. hasNewVersion();
  322. })
  323. })
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