国内流行的内容管理系统(CMS)多端全媒体解决方案 https://www.dedebiz.com
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

40 lines

  1. <?php
  2. /**
  3. * @version $Id: story_list_chapter.php 1 9:02 2010年9月25日Z 蓝色随想 $
  4. * @package DedeCMS.Module.Book
  5. * @copyright Copyright (c) 2007 - 2020, DesDev, Inc.
  6. * @license http://help.dedecms.com/usersguide/license.html
  7. * @link http://www.dedecms.com
  8. */
  9. require_once(dirname(__FILE__). "/config.php");
  10. require_once DEDEINC. '/datalistcp.class.php';
  11. setcookie("ENV_GOBACK_URL", $dedeNowurl, time()+3600,"/");
  12. CheckPurview('story_books');
  13. if(!isset($action)) $action = '';
  14. if(!isset($keyword)) $keyword = "";
  15. if(!isset($bid)) $bid = 0;
  16. if(!empty($bookid)) $bid = $bookid;
  17. $addquery = " id>0 ";
  18. $orderby = " ORDER BY id DESC ";
  19. if($keyword!="") $addquery .= " And (bookname LIKE '%$keyword%' OR chaptername LIKE '%$keyword%') ";
  20. if($bid!=0) $addquery .= " And bookid='$bid' ";
  21. $query = "
  22. SELECT * FROM #@__story_chapter WHERE $addquery $orderby
  23. ";
  24. $dlist = new DataListCP();
  25. $dlist->pageSize = 20;
  26. $dlist->SetParameter("keyword", $keyword);
  27. $dlist->SetParameter("bid", $bid);
  28. $dlist->SetTemplate(DEDEADMIN. '/templets/story_list_chapter.htm');
  29. $dlist->SetSource($query);
  30. $dlist->Display();