国内流行的内容管理系统(CMS)多端全媒体解决方案 https://www.dedebiz.com
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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  1. <!DOCTYPE html
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  6. <title>文档管理</title>
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  16. if (moz) {
  17. extendEventObject();
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  21. function viewArc(aid) {
  22. if (aid == 0) aid = getOneItem();
  23. window.open("archives_do.php?aid=" + aid + "&dopost=viewArchives");
  24. }
  25. function editArc(aid) {
  26. if (aid == 0) aid = getOneItem();
  27. location = "archives_do.php?aid=" + aid + "&dopost=editArchives";
  28. }
  29. function checkArc(aid) {
  30. var qstr = getCheckboxItem();
  31. if (aid == 0) aid = getOneItem();
  32. location = "archives_do.php?aid=" + aid + "&dopost=checkArchives&qstr=" + qstr;
  33. }
  34. function updateArc(aid) {
  35. var qstr = getCheckboxItem();
  36. if (aid == 0) aid = getOneItem();
  37. location = "archives_do.php?aid=" + aid + "&dopost=makeArchives&qstr=" + qstr;
  38. }
  39. function moveArc(aid) {
  40. var qstr = getCheckboxItem();
  41. if (aid == 0) aid = getOneItem();
  42. location = "archives_do.php?aid=" + aid + "&dopost=moveArchives&qstr=" + qstr;
  43. }
  44. function delArc(aid) {
  45. var qstr = getCheckboxItem();
  46. if (aid == 0) aid = getOneItem();
  47. location = "archives_do.php?qstr=" + qstr + "&aid=" + aid + "&dopost=delArchives";
  48. }
  49. function adArc(aid) {
  50. var qstr = getCheckboxItem();
  51. if (aid == 0) aid = getOneItem();
  52. location = "archives_do.php?aid=" + aid + "&dopost=commendArchives&qstr=" + qstr;
  53. }
  54. function moveArc(e, obj, cid) {
  55. var qstr = getCheckboxItem();
  56. if (qstr == '') {
  57. alert('必须选择一个或多个文档!');
  58. return;
  59. }
  60. LoadQuickDiv(e, 'archives_do.php?dopost=moveArchives&qstr=' + qstr + '&channelid=' + cid + '&rnd=' + Math.random(), 'moveArchives', '450px', '180px');
  61. ChangeFullDiv('show');
  62. }
  63. //上下文菜单
  64. function ShowMenu(evt, obj, aid, atitle) {
  65. var popupoptions
  66. popupoptions = [
  67. new ContextItem("浏览文档", function () { viewArc(aid); }),
  68. new ContextItem("编辑文档", function () { editArc(aid); }),
  69. new ContextSeperator(),
  70. new ContextItem("更新HTML", function () { updateArc(aid); }),
  71. new ContextItem("审核文档", function () { checkArc(aid); }),
  72. new ContextItem("推荐文档", function () { adArc(aid); }),
  73. new ContextItem("删除文档", function () { delArc(aid); }),
  74. new ContextSeperator(),
  75. new ContextItem("复制(<u>C</u>)", function () { copyToClipboard(atitle); }),
  76. new ContextItem("重载页面", function () { location.reload(); }),
  77. new ContextSeperator(),
  78. new ContextItem("全部选择", function () { selAll(); }),
  79. new ContextItem("取消选择", function () { noSelAll(); }),
  80. new ContextSeperator(),
  81. new ContextItem("关闭菜单", function () { })
  82. ]
  83. ContextMenu.display(evt, popupoptions);
  84. //location="catalog_main.php";
  85. }
  86. //获得选中文件的文件名
  87. function getCheckboxItem() {
  88. var allSel = "";
  89. if (document.form2.arcID.value) return document.form2.arcID.value;
  90. for (i = 0; i < document.form2.arcID.length; i++) {
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  96. }
  97. }
  98. return allSel;
  99. }
  100. //获得选中其中一个的id
  101. function getOneItem() {
  102. var allSel = "";
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  104. for (i = 0; i < document.form2.arcID.length; i++) {
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  107. break;
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  109. }
  110. return allSel;
  111. }
  112. function selAll() {
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  117. }
  118. }
  119. function noSelAll() {
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  136. <td align="center">
  137. <input type='button' class="coolbg np"
  138. onClick="location='catalog_do.php?channelid={dede:global.channelid/}&cid={dede:global.cid/}&dopost=addArchives';"
  139. value='添加文档' />
  140. {dede:if $adminid==$mid }
  141. <input type='button' class="coolbg np"
  142. onClick="location='content_list.php?cid={dede:global.cid/}&mid=0';"
  143. value='全部文档' />
  144. {else}
  145. <input type='button' class="coolbg np"
  146. onClick="location='content_list.php?cid={dede:global.cid/}&mid=<?php echo $cuserLogin->getUserID(); ?>';"
  147. value='我的文档' />
  148. {/dede:if}
  149. <input type='button' class="coolbg np" onClick="location='catalog_main.php';"
  150. value='栏目管理' />
  151. <input type='button' class="coolbg np" name='bb1'
  152. onClick="location='makehtml_list.php?cid={dede:global.cid/}';"
  153. value='更新列表' />
  154. <input type='button' class="coolbg np" name='bb2'
  155. onClick="location='makehtml_archives.php?cid={dede:global.cid/}';"
  156. value='更新文档' />
  157. <?php echo $CheckUserSend; ?>
  158. </td>
  159. </tr>
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  171. <td height="24" colspan="9" background="images/tbg.gif" style="padding-left:10px;">
  172. {dede:global.positionname/}文档列表 &nbsp;(使用鼠标右键进行常用操作)
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  174. </tr>
  175. <form name="form2">
  176. <tr align="center" bgcolor="#FBFCE2" height="25">
  177. <td width="6%">ID</td>
  178. <td width="6%">选择</td>
  179. <td width="26%">文章标题</td>
  180. <td width="11%">更新时间</td>
  181. <td width="11%">类目</td>
  182. <td width="10%">权限</td>
  183. <td width="8%">点击</td>
  184. <td width="10%">发布人</td>
  185. <td width="10%">操作</td>
  186. </tr>
  187. {dede:datalist}
  188. <tr align='center' bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onMouseMove="javascript:this.bgColor='#FCFDEE';"
  189. onMouseOut="javascript:this.bgColor='#FFFFFF';" height="22">
  190. <td>{dede:field.id/}</td>
  191. <td><input name="arcID" type="checkbox" id="arcID" value="{dede:field.aid/}" class="np">
  192. </td>
  193. <td align='left'>
  194. <a href='archives_do.php?aid={dede:field.aid/}&dopost=editArchives'
  195. oncontextmenu="ShowMenu(event,this,{dede:field.aid/},'{dede:field.title function="
  196. str_replace('\'', '' , @me)" /}')">
  197. <u>{dede:field.title/}{dede:field.flag function='IsCommendArchives(@me)'/}</u>
  198. </a>
  199. </td>
  200. <td>{dede:field.senddate function='GetDateMk(@me)'/}</td>
  201. <td>{dede:field.typename/}</td>
  202. <td>{dede:field.arcrank function="GetRankName(@me)"/}</td>
  203. <td>{dede:field.click/}</td>
  204. <td>{dede:field.mid function=GetMemberName(@me)/}</td>
  205. <td>
  206. <a href="javascript:editArc({dede:field.aid/})">编辑</a> |
  207. <a href="javascript:viewArc({dede:field.aid/})">预览</a>
  208. </td>
  209. </tr>
  210. {/dede:datalist}
  211. <tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
  212. <td height="24" colspan="9">
  213. &nbsp;
  214. <a href="javascript:selAll()" class="coolbg">全选</a>
  215. <a href="javascript:noSelAll()" class="coolbg">取消</a>
  216. <a href="javascript:updateArc(0)" class="coolbg">&nbsp;更新&nbsp;</a>
  217. <a href="javascript:checkArc(0)" class="coolbg">&nbsp;审核&nbsp;</a>
  218. <a href="javascript:adArc(0)" class="coolbg">&nbsp;推荐&nbsp;</a>
  219. <a href="javascript:;"
  220. onClick="moveArc(event,this,<?php echo (empty($channelid) ? 0 : $channelid); ?>)"
  221. class="coolbg">&nbsp;移动&nbsp;</a>
  222. <a href="javascript:delArc(0)" class="coolbg">&nbsp;删除&nbsp;</a>
  223. </td>
  224. </tr>
  225. </form>
  226. <tr align="right" bgcolor="#F9FCEF">
  227. <td height="20" colspan="9" align="center">
  228. {dede:pagelist listsize=3/}
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  232. <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
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  236. <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
  237. <td height="26">
  238. <table width='100%' border='0' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' bgcolor='#cfcfcf' class="table table-bordered">
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  240. <form name='form3' action='content_sg_list.php' method='get'>
  241. <input type='hidden' name='dopost' value='listArchives'>
  242. <td>
  243. <table width='600' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' class="table-borderless">
  244. <tr>
  245. <td width='90' align='center'>请选择类目:</td>
  246. <td width='160'>
  247. <select name='cid' style='width:150'>
  248. <option value='0'>选择分类...</option>
  249. {dede:global.optionarr/}
  250. </select>
  251. </td>
  252. <td width='70'>
  253. 关键字:
  254. </td>
  255. <td width='160'>
  256. <input type='text' name='keyword' value='{dede:global.keyword/}'
  257. style='width:150'>
  258. </td>
  259. <td>
  260. <input name="imageField" type="image"
  261. src="images/button_search.gif" width="60" height="22"
  262. border="0" class="np">
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  264. </tr>
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  266. </td>
  267. </form>
  268. </tr>
  269. </table>
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  272. <tr>
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