国内流行的内容管理系统(CMS)多端全媒体解决方案 https://www.dedebiz.com
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

201 lines

  1. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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  4. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo $cfg_soft_lang; ?>">
  5. <title>类别管理</title>
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  11. function LoadSuns(ctid,tid)
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  14. var myajax = new DedeAjax($DE(ctid),true,true,'','x','...');
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  35. //普通栏目
  36. function CommonMenu(eobj,obj,tid,tname)
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  39. popupoptions = [
  40. new ContextItem("增加内容",function(){ JumpOneUrl("catalog_do.php?cid="+tid+"&dopost=addArchives"); }),
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  42. new ContextSeperator(),
  43. new ContextItem("预览分类",function(){ window.open("<?php echo $cfg_phpurl; ?>/list.php?tid="+tid); }),
  44. new ContextItem("更新HTML",function(){ JumpOneUrl("makehtml_list.php?cid="+tid); }),
  45. new ContextItem("获取JS文件",function(){ JumpOneUrl("catalog_do.php?cid="+tid+"&dopost=GetJs"); }),
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  47. new ContextItem("增加子类",function(){ JumpOneUrl("catalog_add.php?id="+tid); }),
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  51. new ContextItem("删除栏目",function(){ JumpOneUrl("catalog_del.php?id="+tid+"&typeoldname="+tname); }),
  52. new ContextSeperator(),
  53. new ContextItem("关闭菜单",function(){})
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  55. ContextMenu.display(eobj,popupoptions)
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  58. function CommonMenuPart(eobj,obj,tid,tname)
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  63. new ContextSeperator(),
  64. new ContextItem("预览分类",function(){ window.open("<?php echo $cfg_phpurl; ?>/list.php?tid="+tid); }),
  65. new ContextItem("更新HTML",function(){ JumpOneUrl("makehtml_list.php?cid="+tid); }),
  66. new ContextItem("获取JS文件",function(){ JumpOneUrl("catalog_do.php?cid="+tid+"&dopost=GetJs"); }),
  67. new ContextSeperator(),
  68. new ContextItem("增加子类",function(){ JumpOneUrl("catalog_add.php?id="+tid); }),
  69. new ContextItem("更改栏目",function(){ JumpOneUrl("catalog_edit.php?id="+tid); }),
  70. new ContextSeperator(),
  71. new ContextItem("移动栏目",function(){ JumpOneUrl("catalog_move.php?job=movelist&typeid="+tid); }),
  72. new ContextItem("删除栏目",function(){ JumpOneUrl("catalog_del.php?id="+tid+"&typeoldname="+tname); }),
  73. new ContextSeperator(),
  74. new ContextItem("向上排前一级",function(){ JumpOneUrl("catalog_do.php?cid="+tid+"&dopost=upRank"); }),
  75. new ContextSeperator(),
  76. new ContextItem("关闭菜单",function(){})
  77. ]
  78. ContextMenu.display(eobj,popupoptions)
  79. }
  80. //单个页面
  81. function SingleMenu(eobj,obj,tid,tname)
  82. {
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  84. popupoptions = [
  85. new ContextItem("更改栏目",function(){ JumpOneUrl("catalog_edit.php?id="+tid); }),
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  87. new ContextItem("移动栏目",function(){ JumpOneUrl("catalog_move.php?job=movelist&typeid="+tid); }),
  88. new ContextItem("删除栏目",function(){ JumpOneUrl("catalog_del.php?id="+tid+"&typeoldname="+tname); }),
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  92. ContextMenu.display(eobj,popupoptions)
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  94. //跳转网址
  95. function JumpMenu(eobj,obj,tid,tname)
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  99. new ContextItem("更改栏目",function(){ JumpOneUrl("catalog_edit.php?id="+tid); }),
  100. new ContextSeperator(),
  101. new ContextItem("移动栏目",function(){ JumpOneUrl("catalog_move.php?job=movelist&typeid="+tid); }),
  102. new ContextItem("删除栏目",function(){ JumpOneUrl("catalog_del.php?id="+tid+"&typeoldname="+tname); }),
  103. new ContextSeperator(),
  104. new ContextItem("关闭菜单",function(){})
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  106. ContextMenu.display(eobj,popupoptions)
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  186. <td width="77%" background='images/mtbg1.gif' style='border-right: 1px solid #74c63f;'>站点目录树</td>
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  190. <?php
  191. $tu = new TypeUnit($userChannel);
  192. $tu->ListAllType($userChannel,$opendir);
  193. ?>
  194. </td>
  195. </tr>
  196. </table>
  197. </body>
  198. </html>