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  78. function GetDigg(aid,cid) {
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  151. function SendReplyFeedback(fid) {
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  164. } else {
  165. ShowAlert(`._feedback_reply[for="${fid}"]`, `评论失败:${result.msg}`, "danger");
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  167. })
  168. $(`._feedback_reply[for="${fid}"]`).find(".btn-send").attr("disabled", "disabled");
  169. }
  170. //回复某个评论
  171. function ReplyFeedback(fid) {
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  174. <input type="text" class="form-control iptReplyContent">
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  179. if (result.code !== 200) {
  180. $(`._feedback_reply`).html("");
  181. ShowAlert(`._feedback_reply[for="${fid}"]`, '回复需要登录会员中心,您可以<a href="{dede:global.cfg_memberurl/}/login.php">点击登录</a>后再来回复', 'warning', 3000);
  182. } else {
  183. $(`._feedback_reply`).html("");
  184. $(`._feedback_reply[for="${fid}"]`).html(replyPannel);
  185. }
  186. });
  187. $(`._feedback_reply[for="${fid}"]`).html('<i class="fa fa-spinner"></i>');
  188. }
  189. //加载回复评论
  190. function LoadReplyFeedbacks(fid) {
  191. $(`.feedback_replies[for="${fid}"]`).html('<i class="fa fa-spinner"></i>');
  192. $.get("{dede:global.cfg_phpurl/}/feedback.php", {
  193. "aid" : "{dede:field.id/}",
  194. "fid" : fid,
  195. }, function(data) {
  196. let result = JSON.parse(data);
  197. let tpl = `<div class="media py-3">
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  202. <span>~username~</span>
  203. <span>~dtimestr~</span>
  204. </div>
  205. <div class="feedback-action">
  206. <a href="javascript:GoodFeedback(~id~, ~good~)">
  207. <i class="fa fa-thumbs-up"></i>
  208. <i id="feedbackGood~id~">~good~</i>
  209. </a>
  210. </div>
  211. </div>
  212. <div class="feedback-content">~msg~</div>
  213. </div>
  214. </div>`;
  215. if (result.code === 200) {
  216. $(`.feedback_replies[for="${fid}"]`).html("");
  217. for (let i = 0; i < result.data.length; i++) {
  218. const feedback = result.data[i];
  219. let rs = tpl;
  220. for (const key in feedback) {
  221. if (feedback.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
  222. rs = rs.replace(new RegExp(`~${key}~`,"gm"), feedback[key])
  223. }
  224. }
  225. $(`.feedback_replies[for="${fid}"]`).append(rs);
  226. }
  227. }
  228. })
  229. }
  230. //赞
  231. function GoodFeedback(fid, g) {
  232. let good = {
  233. action : "send",
  234. feedbacktype : "good",
  235. good : g,
  236. fid : fid,
  237. }
  238. $.post("{dede:global.cfg_phpurl/}/feedback.php", good, function(data) {
  239. let result = JSON.parse(data);
  240. $(`#feedbackGood${fid}`).html(result.data);
  241. })
  242. }
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