国内流行的内容管理系统(CMS)多端全媒体解决方案 https://www.dedebiz.com
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  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
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  4. <meta charset="<?php echo $cfg_soft_lang; ?>">
  5. <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge,chrome=1">
  6. <title>更新系统缓存</title>
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  12. <table width="98%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" align="center" class="table maintable mt-3 mb-3">
  13. <form name="form1" action="sys_cache_up.php" method="get" target='stafrm'>
  14. <input type="hidden" name="dopost" value="ok">
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  17. <table width="98%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="table table-borderless">
  18. <tr>
  19. <td width="30%">更新系统缓存</td>
  20. <td width="70%" align="right"></td>
  21. </tr>
  22. </table>
  23. </td>
  24. </tr>
  25. <tr>
  26. <td>本程序作默认会执行下面的操作:1.更新栏目缓存 2.更新枚举缓存 3.清理arclist调用缓存 4.清理过期会员访问历史 5.删除过期短信<br>
  27. <label><input type="checkbox" name="uparc" value="1"> 检测并清理错误文档</label>(该项操作很占资源,如果没有出现页码不正确、无法解析文档等情况,不要执行本操作)
  28. </td>
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  31. <td bgcolor="#fbfce2" align="center"><button type="button" name="b112" class="btn btn-success btn-sm" value="" onClick="document.form1.submit();">开始执行</button></td>
  32. </tr>
  33. </form>
  34. <tr>
  35. <td>
  36. <table width="100%" class="table table-borderless">
  37. <tr>
  38. <td width="30%">结果:</td>
  39. <td width="70%" align="right">
  40. <script>
  41. function ResizeDiv(obj, ty) {
  42. if (ty == "+") document.all[obj].style.pixelHeight += 50;
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  52. </tr>
  53. <tr>
  54. <td id="mtd">
  55. <div id="mdv" style="width:100%;height:360px">
  56. <iframe name="stafrm" frameborder="0" id="stafrm" width="100%" height="100%"></iframe>
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