国内流行的内容管理系统(CMS)多端全媒体解决方案 https://www.dedebiz.com
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  19. if(document.form1.title.value==""){
  20. alert("<?php echo $cInfos['titlename']; ?>不能为空!");
  21. return false;
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  24. alert("请选择档案的主栏目!");
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  35. <td width="30%" align='right'>&nbsp; <?php echo $backurl; ?><a href="catalog_main.php">[<u>栏目管理</u>]</a> </td>
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  75. $dsql->Execute();
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  80. ?>
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  116. <td width="90">&nbsp;浏览权限:</td>
  117. <td>
  118. <select name="arcrank" id="arcrank" style="width:150px">
  119. <?php
  120. $urank = $cuserLogin->getUserRank();
  121. $dsql->SetQuery("Select * from `#@__arcrank` where adminrank<='$urank'");
  122. $dsql->Execute();
  123. while($row = $dsql->GetObject())
  124. {
  125. echo " <option value='".$row->rank."'>".$row->membername."</option>\r\n";
  126. }
  127. ?>
  128. </select>
  129. </td>
  130. <td width="90"></td>
  131. <td></td>
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  136. <?php if($cInfos['dfcid']>0)
  137. {
  138. echo "<input type='hidden' name='typeid' value='{$cInfos['dfcid']}' />\r\n";
  139. }
  140. else
  141. {
  142. ?>
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  147. <td width="90">&nbsp;文档主栏目:</td>
  148. <td>
  149. <span id='typeidct'>
  150. <?php
  151. $typeOptions = GetOptionList($cid,$cuserLogin->getUserChannel(),$channelid);
  152. echo "<select name='typeid' id='typeid' style='width:240px'>\r\n";
  153. echo "<option value='0'>请选择栏目...</option>\r\n";
  154. echo $typeOptions;
  155. echo "</select>";
  156. ?></span>
  157. <img src='images/menusearch.gif' style='cursor:pointer;' onClick="ShowCatMap(event, this, <?php echo $channelid; ?>, 'typeid')" alt='快捷选择' title='快捷选择' />
  158. &nbsp;<a href='catalog_main.php'>【<u>栏目管理</u>】</a>
  159. &nbsp;<a href='catalog_add.php?listtype=all'>【<u>增加大栏目</u>】</a>
  160. <?php
  161. if($cfg_remote_site=='Y')
  162. {
  163. ?>  
  164. <input name="isremote" type="checkbox" id="isremote" value="1" <?php if($cfg_title_site=='Y') echo "checked";?>>是否同步远程发布 <?php GetFtp();?> <?php
  165. }
  166. ?>
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