- #!/usr/bin/env php
- <?php
- /**
- * 命令行工具
- *
- * @version 2020年12月11日 tianya $
- * @package DedeBIZ.Command
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2022, DedeBIZ.COM
- * @license https://www.dedebiz.com/license
- * @link https://www.dedebiz.com
- */
- define('DEDE_ENVIRONMENT', 'production');
- define('DEBUG_LEVEL', FALSE); //如果设置为TRUE则会打印执行SQL的时间和标签加载时间方便调试
- //切换工作目录到/src
- $workDir = dirname(__FILE__) . "/src";
- chdir($workDir);
- if (substr(php_sapi_name(), 0, 3) === 'cgi') {
- die("DedeBIZ:needs php-cli to run\n\n");
- }
- $helpStr = "
- DedeBIZ Cli Tools
- php ./dedebiz command [arguments...]
- serv,s Run cli web server for DedeBIZ
- make,m Make DedeBIZ HTML
- update,u Update to latest system
- help,h Shows a list of commands or help
- quick,q Quick start a development environment
- https://www.dedebiz.com/help/
- ";
- //将选项转化为SQL IN参数
- function Option2SQLin($str = "")
- {
- $str = preg_replace("#[^0-9-,]#", "", $str);
- $strs = explode(",", $str);
- foreach ($strs as $key => $si) {
- if (preg_match("#-#", $si)) {
- $tstart = 0;
- $tend = 0;
- $tss = explode("-", $si);
- if (intval($tss[0]) > intval($tss[1])) {
- $tstart = intval($tss[1]);
- $tend = intval($tss[0]);
- } else {
- $tstart = intval($tss[0]);
- $tend = intval($tss[1]);
- }
- $tmpArr = array();
- for ($i = $tstart; $i <= $tend; $i++) {
- $tmpArr[] = $i;
- }
- $strs[$key] = implode(",", $tmpArr);
- }
- }
- return implode(",", $strs);
- }
- function RandEncode($length=26)
- {
- $chars='abcdefghigklmnopqrstuvwxwyABCDEFGHIGKLMNOPQRSTUVWXWY0123456789';
- $rnd_cookieEncode='';
- $length = rand(28,32);
- $max = strlen($chars) - 1;
- for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
- $rnd_cookieEncode .= $chars[mt_rand(0, $max)];
- }
- return $rnd_cookieEncode;
- }
- if (count($argv) > 1 && ($argv[1] == "serv" || $argv[1] == "s")) {
- //PHP5.4以下不支持内建服务器
- //用于开发调试
- if (phpversion() < "5.4") {
- die("DedeBIZ:command web server not support\n\n");
- }
- echo "Start Dev Server For DedeBIZ\n\r";
- echo "Open http://localhost:8088\n\r";
- passthru(PHP_BINARY . ' -S localhost:8088 -t' . escapeshellarg('./'));
- } else if (count($argv) > 1 && ($argv[1] == "make" || $argv[1] == "m")) {
- if (!file_exists($workDir . "/system/common.inc.php")) {
- DedeCli::error("Check your root path is right");
- exit;
- }
- require_once($workDir . "/system/common.inc.php");
- require_once(DEDEINC . "/libraries/cli.class.php");
- //一个命令行的生成工具
- if (count($argv) > 2 && ($argv[2] == "arc" || $argv[2] == "a")) {
- //生成文档
- //make arc typeid=1
- $t1 = ExecTime();
- $addsql = "1=1";
- $typeid = Option2SQLin(DedeCli::getOption("typeid"));
- if (!empty($typeid)) {
- $addsql .= " AND typeid IN(" . $typeid . ")";
- }
- $aid = Option2SQLin(DedeCli::getOption("aid"));
- if (!empty($aid)) {
- $addsql .= " AND id IN(" . $typeid . ")";
- }
- $tt = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT COUNT(id) as dd FROM `#@__arctiny` WHERE " . $addsql);
- $total = intval($tt['dd']);
- $dsql->Execute('out', "SELECT id FROM `#@__arctiny` WHERE " . $addsql . " ORDER BY typeid ASC");
- $i = 0;
- while ($row = $dsql->GetObject('out')) {
- $id = $row->id;
- $ac = new Archives($id);
- $rurl = $ac->MakeHtml(0);
- DedeCli::showProgress(ceil(($i / $total) * 100), 100, $i, $total);
- $i++;
- }
- DedeCli::write("Make archive html successfull");
- $queryTime = ExecTime() - $t1;
- DedeCli::write($queryTime);
- exit;
- } else if (count($argv) > 2 && ($argv[2] == "list" || $argv[2] == "l")) {
- //生成栏目
- $addsql = "1=1";
- $typeid = Option2SQLin(DedeCli::getOption("typeid"));
- if (!empty($typeid)) {
- $addsql .= " AND id IN(" . $typeid . ")";
- }
- $dsql->Execute('out', "SELECT id,channeltype FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE " . $addsql);
- $i = 0;
- while ($row = $dsql->GetObject('out')) {
- if ($row->channeltype > 0) {
- $lv = new ListView($row->id);
- } else {
- $lv = new SgListView($row->id);
- }
- $lv->CountRecord();
- DedeCli::write("Start make list html[id:{$row->id}]");
- $lv->MakeHtml('', '', 0);
- }
- exit;
- } else if (count($argv) > 2 && ($argv[2] == "index" || $argv[2] == "i")) {
- //生成首页
- $position = DedeCli::getOption("position");
- if (empty($position)) {
- $position = "../index.html";
- }
- if (!preg_match("#\.html$#", $position)) {
- DedeCli::error("position must end with .html");
- exit;
- }
- $homeFile = DEDEINC . "/" . $position;
- $homeFile = str_replace("\\", "/", $homeFile);
- $homeFile = str_replace("//", "/", $homeFile);
- $row = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `#@__homepageset`");
- $templet = $row['templet'];
- $templet = str_replace("{style}", $cfg_df_style, $templet);
- $pv = new PartView();
- $GLOBALS['_arclistEnv'] = 'index';
- $pv->SetTemplet($cfg_basedir . $cfg_templets_dir . "/" . $templet);
- $pv->SaveToHtml($homeFile);
- DedeCli::write("Make index html successfull");
- } else if (count($argv) > 2 && ($argv[2] == "auto" || $argv[2] == "o")) {
- //自动生成
- function OptimizeData($dsql)
- {
- global $cfg_dbprefix;
- $tptables = array("{$cfg_dbprefix}archives", "{$cfg_dbprefix}arctiny");
- $dsql->SetQuery("SELECT maintable,addtable FROM `#@__channeltype` ");
- $dsql->Execute();
- while ($row = $dsql->GetObject()) {
- $addtable = str_replace('#@__', $cfg_dbprefix, $row->addtable);
- if ($addtable != '' && !in_array($addtable, $tptables)) $tptables[] = $addtable;
- }
- $tptable = '';
- foreach ($tptables as $t) $tptable .= ($tptable == '' ? "`{$t}`" : ",`{$t}`");
- $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery(" OPTIMIZE TABLE $tptable; ");
- }
- $start = empty(DedeCli::getOption("start"))? "-1 day" : DedeCli::getOption("start");
- $start = strtotime($start);
- if (!$start) {
- DedeCli::error("start is empty");
- exit;
- }
- //1.生成首页
- $pv = new PartView();
- $row = $pv->dsql->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `#@__homepageset` ");
- $templet = str_replace("{style}", $cfg_df_style, $row['templet']);
- $homeFile = DEDEINC . '/' . $row['position'];
- $homeFile = str_replace("\\", '/', $homeFile);
- $homeFile = preg_replace("#\/{1,}#", '/', $homeFile);
- if ($row['showmod'] == 1) {
- $pv->SetTemplet($cfg_basedir . $cfg_templets_dir . '/' . $templet);
- $pv->SaveToHtml($homeFile);
- $pv->Close();
- } else {
- if (file_exists($homeFile)) @unlink($homeFile);
- }
- DedeCli::write("Make index html successfull");
- //2.生成栏目
- $query = "SELECT DISTINCT typeid From `#@__arctiny` WHERE senddate >=" . $start . " AND arcrank>-1";
- $dsql->SetQuery($query);
- $dsql->Execute();
- $typeids = array();
- while ($row = $dsql->GetArray()) {
- $typeids[$row['typeid']] = 1;
- }
- if (count($typeids) > 0) {
- foreach ($typeids as $k => $v) {
- $vs = array();
- $vs = GetParentIds($k);
- if (!isset($typeidsok[$k])) {
- $typeidsok[$k] = 1;
- }
- foreach ($vs as $k => $v) {
- if (!isset($typeidsok[$v])) {
- $typeidsok[$v] = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- foreach ($typeidsok as $tt=> $k) {
- $row = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT id,channeltype FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE id=".$tt);
- if ($row['channeltype'] > 0) {
- $lv = new ListView($tt);
- } else {
- $lv = new SgListView($tt);
- }
- $lv->CountRecord();
- DedeCli::write("Start make list html[id:{$tt}]");
- $lv->MakeHtml('', '', 0);
- }
- DedeCli::write("Make list html successfull");
- }
- //生成文档
- $tt = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT COUNT(id) as dd FROM `#@__arctiny` WHERE senddate >=" . $start . " AND arcrank>-1");
- $total = intval($tt['dd']);
- $dsql->Execute('out', "SELECT id FROM `#@__arctiny` WHERE senddate >=" . $start . " AND arcrank>-1 ORDER BY typeid ASC");
- $i = 0;
- while ($row = $dsql->GetObject('out')) {
- $id = $row->id;
- $ac = new Archives($id);
- $rurl = $ac->MakeHtml(0);
- DedeCli::showProgress(ceil(($i / $total) * 100), 100);
- $i++;
- }
- DedeCli::write("Make archives html successfull");
- //优化数据
- OptimizeData($dsql);
- DedeCli::write("Optimize data successfull");
- } else {
- $helpStr = "
- php ./dedebiz make action [arguments...]
- index,i Make Index html
- --position index html position,default: ../index.html(relative include dir)
- arc,a Make Archive htmls
- --typeid type id
- --aid archive id
- list,l Make List htmls
- --typeid type id
- auto,o Auto Make htmls
- --start start time(format:2012-03-12)
- https://www.dedebiz.com/help/";
- DedeCli::write($helpStr);
- exit;
- }
- } else if (count($argv) > 1 && ($argv[1] == "update" || $argv[1] == "u")) {
- define("DEDEINC", $workDir."/system");
- require_once(DEDEINC."/dedehttpdown.class.php");
- require_once(DEDEINC . "/libraries/cli.class.php");
- //更新系统
- $latestURL = "https://cdn.dedebiz.com/release/latest.txt";
- $del = new DedeHttpDown();
- $del->OpenUrl($latestURL);
- $remoteVerStr = $del->GetHtml();
- $commStr = file_get_contents(DEDEINC."/common.inc.php");
- preg_match("#_version_detail = '([\d\.]+)'#", $commStr, $matchs);
- $cfg_version_detail = $localVerStr = $matchs[1];
- if (version_compare($localVerStr, $remoteVerStr, '>=')) {
- DedeCli::error("latest version,don't need to update");
- exit;
- }
- $fileHashURL = "https://cdn.dedebiz.com/release/{$cfg_version_detail}.json";
- $del = new DedeHttpDown();
- $del->OpenUrl($fileHashURL);
- $filelist = $del->GetJSON();
- $offFiles = array();
- //TODO 命令行自动更新
- } else if (count($argv) > 1 && ($argv[1] == "quick" || $argv[1] == "q")){
- define("DEDEINC", $workDir."/system");
- require_once(DEDEINC . "/libraries/cli.class.php");
- //快速开始一个用于开发的DedeBIZ环境,基于SQLite无其他依赖
- if (file_exists($workDir."/data/DedeBIZ.db")) {
- DedeCli::write("development environment has inited");
- echo "Start Dev Server For DedeBIZ\n\r";
- echo "Open http://localhost:8088\n\r";
- passthru(PHP_BINARY . ' -S localhost:8088 -t' . escapeshellarg('./'));
- exit;
- }
- //初始化安装一个开发环境
- $db = new SQLite3($workDir.'/data/DedeBIZ.db');
- $fp = fopen($workDir."/install/common.inc.php","r");
- $configStr1 = fread($fp,filesize($workDir."/install/common.inc.php"));
- fclose($fp);
- @chmod($workDir."/data",0777);
- $dbtype = "sqlite";
- $dbhost = "";
- $dbname = "DedeBIZ";
- $dbuser = "";
- $dbpwd = "";
- $dbprefix = "dede_";
- $dblang = "utf8";
- if (!is_dir($workDir.'/data/tplcache')) {
- mkdir($workDir.'/data/tplcache', 0777);
- }
- //common.inc.php
- $configStr1 = str_replace("~dbtype~",$dbtype,$configStr1);
- $configStr1 = str_replace("~dbhost~",$dbhost,$configStr1);
- $configStr1 = str_replace("~dbname~",$dbname,$configStr1);
- $configStr1 = str_replace("~dbuser~",$dbuser,$configStr1);
- $configStr1 = str_replace("~dbpwd~",$dbpwd,$configStr1);
- $configStr1 = str_replace("~dbprefix~",$dbprefix,$configStr1);
- $configStr1 = str_replace("~dblang~",$dblang,$configStr1);
- $fp = fopen($workDir."/data/common.inc.php","w") or die("error,check /data writeable");
- fwrite($fp,$configStr1);
- fclose($fp);
- $cookieencode = RandEncode(26);
- $baseurl = "";
- $indexUrl = "/";
- $cmspath = "";
- $webname = "DedeBIZ本地测试开发站点";
- $adminmail = "admin@dedebiz.com";
- $fp = fopen($workDir."/install/config.cache.inc.php","r");
- $configStr2 = fread($fp,filesize($workDir."/install/config.cache.inc.php"));
- fclose($fp);
- $configStr2 = str_replace("~baseurl~",$baseurl,$configStr2);
- $configStr2 = str_replace("~basepath~",$cmspath,$configStr2);
- $configStr2 = str_replace("~indexurl~",$indexUrl,$configStr2);
- $configStr2 = str_replace("~cookieEncode~",$cookieencode,$configStr2);
- $configStr2 = str_replace("~webname~",$webname,$configStr2);
- $configStr2 = str_replace("~adminmail~",$adminmail,$configStr2);
- $fp = fopen($workDir.'/data/config.cache.inc.php','w');
- fwrite($fp,$configStr2);
- fclose($fp);
- $fp = fopen($workDir.'/data/config.cache.bak.php','w');
- fwrite($fp,$configStr2);
- fclose($fp);
- $query = '';
- $fp = fopen($workDir.'/install/sql-dftables.txt','r');
- while(!feof($fp))
- {
- $line = rtrim(fgets($fp,1024));
- if(preg_match("#;$#", $line))
- {
- $query .= $line."\n";
- $query = str_replace('#@__',$dbprefix,$query);
- $query = preg_replace('/character set (.*?) /i','',$query);
- $query = str_replace('unsigned','',$query);
- $query = str_replace('TYPE=MyISAM','',$query);
- $query = preg_replace ('/TINYINT\(([\d]+)\)/i','INTEGER',$query);
- $query = preg_replace ('/mediumint\(([\d]+)\)/i','INTEGER',$query);
- $query = preg_replace ('/smallint\(([\d]+)\)/i','INTEGER',$query);
- $query = preg_replace('/int\(([\d]+)\)/i','INTEGER',$query);
- $query = preg_replace('/auto_increment/i','PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT',$query);
- $query = preg_replace('/, KEY(.*?)MyISAM;/','',$query);
- $query = preg_replace('/, KEY(.*?);/',');',$query);
- $query = preg_replace('/, UNIQUE KEY(.*?);/',');',$query);
- $query = preg_replace('/set\(([^\)]*?)\)/','varchar',$query);
- $query = preg_replace('/enum\(([^\)]*?)\)/','varchar',$query);
- if ( preg_match("/PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT/",$query) )
- {
- $query = preg_replace('/,([\t\s ]+)PRIMARY KEY \(`([0-9a-zA-Z]+)`\)/i','',$query);
- $query = str_replace(', PRIMARY KEY (`id`)','',$query);
- }
- @$db->exec($query);
- $query='';
- } else if(!preg_match("#^(\/\/|--)#", $line))
- {
- $query .= $line;
- }
- }
- fclose($fp);
- //导入默认数据
- $query = '';
- $fp = fopen($workDir.'/install/sql-dfdata.txt','r');
- while(!feof($fp))
- {
- $line = rtrim(fgets($fp, 1024));
- if(preg_match("#;$#", $line))
- {
- $query .= $line;
- $query = str_replace('#@__',$dbprefix,$query);
- $query = str_replace("\'","\"",$query);
- $query = str_replace('\t\n\n',"",$query);
- $query = str_replace('\t\n',"",$query);
- @$db->exec($query);
- $query='';
- } else if(!preg_match("#^(\/\/|--)#", $line))
- {
- $query .= $line;
- }
- }
- fclose($fp);
- //更新配置
- $cquery = "UPDATE `{$dbprefix}sysconfig` SET value='{$baseurl}' WHERE varname='cfg_basehost';";
- $db->exec($cquery);
- $cquery = "UPDATE `{$dbprefix}sysconfig` SET value='{$cmspath}' WHERE varname='cfg_cmspath';";
- $db->exec($cquery);
- $cquery = "UPDATE `{$dbprefix}sysconfig` SET value='{$indexUrl}' WHERE varname='cfg_indexurl';";
- $db->exec($cquery);
- $cquery = "UPDATE `{$dbprefix}sysconfig` SET value='{$cookieencode}' WHERE varname='cfg_cookie_encode';";
- $db->exec($cquery);
- $cquery = "UPDATE `{$dbprefix}sysconfig` SET value='{$webname}' WHERE varname='cfg_webname';";
- $db->exec($cquery);
- $cquery = "UPDATE `{$dbprefix}sysconfig` SET value='{$adminmail}' WHERE varname='cfg_adminemail';";
- $db->exec($cquery);
- $adminuser = "admin";
- $adminpwd = "admin";
- //增加管理员帐号
- $pfd = "pwd";
- $apwd = substr(md5($adminpwd),5,20);
- $upwd = md5($adminpwd);
- if (function_exists('password_hash')) {
- $pfd = "pwd_new";
- $apwd = password_hash($adminpwd, PASSWORD_BCRYPT);
- $upwd = password_hash($adminpwd, PASSWORD_BCRYPT);
- }
- //增加管理员帐号
- $adminquery = "INSERT INTO `{$dbprefix}admin` (`id`,`usertype`,`userid`,`$pfd`,`uname`,`tname`,`email`,`typeid`,`logintime`,`loginip`) VALUES (1,10,'$adminuser','".$apwd."','admin','','',0,'".time()."','');";
- $db->exec($adminquery);
- //关连前台会员帐号
- $adminquery = "INSERT INTO `{$dbprefix}member` (`mid`,`mtype`,`userid`,`{$pfd}`,`uname`,`sex`,`rank`,`money`,`email`,`scores`,`matt`,`face`,`safequestion`,`safeanswer`,`jointime`,`joinip`,`logintime`,`loginip`) VALUES ('1','个人','$adminuser','".$upwd."','$adminuser','男','100','0','','10000','10','','0','','".time()."','','0',''); ";
- $db->exec($adminquery);
- $adminquery = "INSERT INTO `{$dbprefix}member_person` (`mid`,`onlynet`,`sex`,`uname`,`qq`,`msn`,`tel`,`mobile`,`place`,`oldplace`,`birthday`,`star`,`income`,`education`,`height`,`bodytype`,`blood`,`vocation`,`smoke`,`marital`,`house`,`drink`,`datingtype`,`language`,`nature`,`lovemsg`,`address`,`uptime`) VALUES ('1','1','男','{$adminuser}','','','','','0','0','1980-01-01','1','0','0','160','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','','','','','0'); ";
- $db->exec($adminquery);
- $adminquery = "INSERT INTO `{$dbprefix}member_tj` (`mid`,`article`,`album`,`archives`,`homecount`,`pagecount`,`feedback`,`friend`,`stow`) VALUES ('1','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0'); ";
- $db->exec($adminquery);
- $adminquery = "INSERT INTO `{$dbprefix}member_space` (`mid`,`pagesize`,`matt`,`spacename`,`spacelogo`,`spacestyle`,`sign`,`spacenews`) VALUES ('1','10','0','{$adminuser}的空间','','person','',''); ";
- $db->exec($adminquery);
- DedeCli::write("admin user:admin");
- DedeCli::write("admin password:admin");
- if (phpversion() < "5.4") {
- die("DedeBIZ:command web server not support\n\n");
- }
- // 写入程序安装锁
- file_put_contents($workDir.'/install/install_lock.txt', 'ok');
- echo "Start Dev Server For DedeBIZ\n\r";
- echo "Open http://localhost:8088\n\r";
- passthru(PHP_BINARY . ' -S localhost:8088 -t' . escapeshellarg('./'));
- exit;
- } else {
- echo $helpStr;
- }