GetOne($query); if (!is_array($searchinfo)) { showmsg('自定义搜索模型不存在', '-1'); exit(); } $template = $searchinfo['template'] != '' ? $searchinfo['template'] : 'advancedsearch.htm'; $sql = empty($_SESSION[$sqlhash]) ? '' : $_SESSION[$sqlhash]; if (empty($sql)) { //主表字段处理 $q = stripslashes($q); $q = preg_replace("#[\|\"\r\n\t%\*\?\(\)\$;,'%<>]#", " ", trim($q)); if (($cfg_notallowstr != '' && preg_match("#".$cfg_notallowstr."#i", $q)) || ($cfg_replacestr != '' && preg_match("#".$cfg_replacestr."#i", $q))) { echo "您的信息中存在非法内容,被系统禁止[返回]"; exit(); } $q = addslashes($q); $iscommend = isset($iscommend) && is_numeric($iscommend) ? $iscommend : 0; $typeid = isset($typeid) && is_numeric($typeid) ? $typeid : 0; $typeid = max($typeid, 0); $includesons = isset($includesons) ? 1 : 0; $writer = isset($writer) ? trim($writer) : ''; $source = isset($source) ? trim($source) : ''; $startdate = isset($startdate) ? trim($startdate) : ''; $enddate = isset($enddate) ? trim($enddate) : ''; if ($startdate != '') $starttime = strtotime($startdate); else $starttime = 0; if ($enddate != '') $endtime = strtotime($enddate); else $endtime = 0; $where = ' WHERE main.arcrank>-1 '; if ($q != '') $where .= " AND main.title LIKE '%$q%' "; if ($iscommend == 1) $where .= " AND FIND_IN_SET('c', main.flag)>0 "; if (!empty($typeid)) { if ($includesons == 1) { $tids = TypeGetSunID($typeid, $dsql, '', $mid, TRUE); $where .= " AND main.typeid IN ($tids) "; } else { $where .= " AND main.typeid=$typeid "; } } else { $where .= " AND = $mid "; } if ($writer != '') { $writer = stripslashes($writer); $writer = preg_replace("#[\|\"\r\n\t%\*\?\(\)\$;,'%<>]#", "", trim($writer)); $writer = addslashes($writer); $where .= " AND main.writer='$writer' "; } if ($source != '') { $source = stripslashes($source); $source = preg_replace("#[\|\"\r\n\t%\*\?\(\)\$;,'%<>]#", "", trim($source)); $source = addslashes($source); $where .= " AND main.source='$source' "; } if ($starttime > 0) $where .= " AND main.senddate>$starttime "; if ($endtime > 0) $where .= " AND main.senddate<$endtime"; $maintable = $searchinfo['maintable']; $addontable = $searchinfo['addontable']; $mainfields = $searchinfo['mainfields']; $addonfields = $searchinfo['addonfields']; $mainfieldsarr = explode(',', $mainfields); $addonfieldsarr = explode(',', $addonfields); array_pop($addonfieldsarr); //弹出 $intarr = array('int', 'float'); $textarr = array('textdata', 'textchar', 'text', 'htmltext', 'multitext'); foreach ($addonfieldsarr as $addonfield) { $addonfieldarr = explode(':', $addonfield); $var = $addonfieldarr[0]; $type = $addonfieldarr[1]; if (in_array($type, $intarr)) { if (isset(${'start'.$var}) && trim(${'start'.$var}) != '') { ${'start'.$var} = trim(${'start'.$var}); ${'start'.$var} = intval(${'start'.$var}); $where .= " AND addon.$var>${'start' .$var} "; } if (isset(${'end'.$var}) && trim(${'end'.$var}) != '') { ${'end'.$var} = trim(${'end'.$var}); ${'end'.$var} = intval(${'end'.$var}); $where .= " AND addon.$var<${'end' .$var} "; } } elseif (in_array($type, $textarr)) { if (isset(${$var}) && trim(${$var}) != '') { ${$var} = stripslashes(${$var}); ${$var} = preg_replace("#[\|\"\r\n\t%\*\?\(\)\$;,'%<>]#", "", trim(${$var})); ${$var} = addslashes(${$var}); $where .= " AND addon.$var LIKE '%${$var}%'"; } } elseif ($type == 'select') { ${$var} = stripslashes(${$var}); ${$var} = preg_replace("#[\|\"\r\n\t%\*\?\(\)\$;,'%<>]#", "", trim(${$var})); ${$var} = addslashes(${$var}); if (${$var} != '') { $where .= " AND addon.$var LIKE '${$var}'"; } } elseif ($type == 'radio') { ${$var} = stripslashes(${$var}); ${$var} = preg_replace("#[\|\"\r\n\t%\*\?\(\)\$;,'%<>]#", "", trim(${$var})); ${$var} = addslashes(${$var}); if (${$var} != '') { $where .= " AND addon.$var LIKE '${$var}'"; } } elseif ($type == 'checkbox') { if (is_array(${$var}) && !empty(${$var})) { foreach (${$var} as $tmpvar) { $tmpvar = trim($tmpvar); if ($tmpvar != '') { $tmpvar = stripslashes($tmpvar); $tmpvar = preg_replace("#[\|\"\r\n\t%\*\?\(\)\$;,'%<>]#", "", trim($tmpvar)); $tmpvar = addslashes($tmpvar); $where .= " AND CONCAT(',',addon.$var, ',') LIKE '%,$tmpvar,%' "; } } } } elseif ($type == 'datetime') { ${'start'.$var} = trim(${'start'.$var}); if (${'start'.$var} != '') { ${'start'.$var} = strtotime(${'start'.$var}); } else { ${'start'.$var} = 0; } ${'end'.$var} = trim(${'end'.$var}); if (${'end'.$var} != '') { ${'end'.$var} = strtotime(${'end'.$var}); } else { ${'end'.$var} = 0; } } } $orderby = ' order by main.senddate desc '; if ($mid < -1) { $where = str_replace('main.', 'addon.', $where); $orderby = str_replace('main.', 'addon.', $orderby); $query = "SELECT addon.*, arctype.* FROM $addontable addon LEFT JOIN `#@__arctype` arctype ON = addon.typeid $where $orderby"; } else { $query = "SELECT AS aid,main.*,main.description AS description1, type.* FROM $maintable main LEFT JOIN `#@__arctype` type ON = main.typeid LEFT JOIN $addontable addon ON addon.aid = $where $orderby"; } $sql = $query; } else { $sql = urldecode($sql); $query = $sql; } $sql = urlencode($sql); //生成sql的唯一序列化字符串,并将sql语句记录到session中去 $sqlhash = md5($sql); $_SESSION[$sqlhash] = $sql; $dlist = new DataListCP(); $dlist->pageSize = 20; $dlist->SetParameter("hash", $sqlhash); $dlist->SetParameter("mid", $mid); if (file_exists(DEDEROOT."/theme/templets/$template")) { $templatefile = DEDEROOT."/theme/templets/$template"; } else { $templatefile = DEDEROOT."/theme/templets/advancedsearch.htm"; } $dlist->SetTemplate($templatefile); $dlist->SetSource($query); require_once(DEDEINC."/channelunit.class.php"); //获得一个指定档案的链接 function GetArcUrl($aid, $typeid, $timetag, $title, $ismake = 0, $rank = 0, $namerule = '', $artdir = '', $money = 0) { return GetFileUrl($aid, $typeid, $timetag, $title, $ismake, $rank, $namerule, $artdir, $money); } $dlist->Display();