TypeLink->TypeInfos['id'])) { $typeid = $refObj->TypeLink->TypeInfos['id']; $reid = $refObj->TypeLink->TypeInfos['reid']; $topid = $refObj->TypeLink->TypeInfos['topid']; } else { $typeid = 0; } } //如果指定了栏目id,从数据库获取栏目信息 else { $row2 = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE id='$typeid' "); $typeid = $row2['id']; $reid = $row2['reid']; $topid = $row2['topid']; } if ($type == '' || $type == 'sun') $type = 'son'; if ($type == 'top') { $sql = "SELECT id,typename,typedir,isdefault,ispart,defaultname,namerule2,moresite,siteurl,sitepath FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE reid=0 AND ishidden<>1 ORDER BY sortrank ASC LIMIT 0, $line "; } else if ($type == 'son') { if ($typeid == 0) return $reArray; $sql = "SELECT id,typename,typedir,isdefault,ispart,defaultname,namerule2,moresite,siteurl,sitepath FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE reid='$typeid' AND ishidden<>1 ORDER BY sortrank ASC LIMIT 0, $line "; } else if ($type == 'self') { if ($reid == 0) return $reArray; $sql = "SELECT id,typename,typedir,isdefault,ispart,defaultname,namerule2,moresite,siteurl,sitepath FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE reid='$reid' AND ishidden<>1 ORDER BY sortrank ASC LIMIT 0, $line "; } //检查是否有子栏目,并返回rel提示用于二级菜单 $needRel = true; if (empty($sql)) return $reArray; $dsql->Execute('me', $sql); $totalRow = $dsql->GetTotalRow('me'); //如果用子栏目模式,当没有子栏目时显示同级栏目 if ($type == 'son' && $reid != 0 && $totalRow == 0) { $sql = "SELECT id,typename,typedir,isdefault,ispart,defaultname,namerule2,moresite,siteurl,sitepath FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE reid='$reid' AND ishidden<>1 ORDER BY sortrank ASC LIMIT 0, $line "; $dsql->Execute('me', $sql); } $GLOBALS['autoindex'] = 0; while ($row = $dsql->GetArray()) { $row['currentstyle'] = $row['sonids'] = $row['rel'] = ''; if ($needRel) { $row['sonids'] = GetSonIds($row['id'], 0, false); if ($row['sonids'] == '') $row['rel'] = ''; else $row['rel'] = " rel='dropmenu{$row['id']}'"; } //处理同级栏目中,当前栏目的样式 if (($row['id'] == $typeid || ($topid == $row['id'] && $type == 'top')) && $currentstyle != '') { $row['currentstyle'] = $currentstyle; } $row['typelink'] = $row['typeurl'] = GetOneTypeUrlA($row); $reArray[] = $row; $GLOBALS['autoindex']++; } //Loop for $i $dsql->FreeResult(); return $reArray; } ?>