SetParameter("tag", $tag); $dlist->SetParameter("orderway", $orderway); $dlist->SetParameter("orderby", $orderby); $dlist->pagesize = 30; $dlist->SetTemplet(DEDEADMIN."/templets/tags_main.htm"); $dlist->SetSource($query); $dlist->Display(); exit(); } else if ($action == 'update') { $tid = (empty($tid) ? 0 : intval($tid)); $count = (empty($count) ? 0 : intval($count)); if (empty($tid)) { ShowMsg('请选择需要删除的标签', '-1'); exit(); } $query = "UPDATE `#@__tagindex` SET `count`='$count' WHERE id='$tid' "; $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($query); ShowMsg("成功保存标签点击信息", 'tags_main.php'); exit(); } else if ($action == 'delete') { if (@is_array($ids)) { $stringids = implode(',', $ids); } else if (!empty($ids)) { $stringids = $ids; } else { ShowMsg('请选择需要删除的标签', '-1'); exit(); } $query = "DELETE FROM `#@__tagindex` WHERE id IN ($stringids)"; if ($dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($query)) { $query = "DELETE FROM `#@__taglist` WHERE tid IN ($stringids)"; $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($query); ShowMsg("删除[$stringids]标签成功", 'tags_main.php'); } else { ShowMsg("删除[$stringids]标签失败", 'tags_main.php'); } exit(); } else if ($action == 'get_one') { $tid = (empty($tid) ? 0 : intval($tid)); $row = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `#@__tagindex` WHERE id = $tid"); echo json_encode($row); exit; } else if ($action == 'set_one') { $tid = (empty($tid) ? 0 : intval($tid)); $title = empty($title) ? "" : HtmlReplace($title, 0); $kw = empty($kw) ? "" : HtmlReplace($kw, 0); $des = empty($des) ? "" : HtmlReplace($des, 0); $now = time(); $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("UPDATE `#@__tagindex` SET title='{$title}',keywords='{$kw}',`description`='{$des}',`uptime`='{$now}' WHERE id = {$tid}"); echo json_encode(array('code' => 200, 'result' => true)); } else if ($action == 'fetch') { $wheresql = ''; $start = isset($start) && is_numeric($start) ? $start : 0; $where = array(); if (isset($startaid) && is_numeric($startaid) && $startaid > 0) { $where[] = " id>=$startaid "; } else { $startaid = 0; } if (isset($endaid) && is_numeric($endaid) && $endaid > 0) { $where[] = " id<=$endaid "; } else { $endaid = 0; } if (!empty($where)) { $wheresql = " WHERE arcrank>-1 AND ".implode(' AND ', $where); } $query = "SELECT id as aid,arcrank,typeid,keywords FROM `#@__archives` $wheresql LIMIT $start, 100"; $dsql->SetQuery($query); $dsql->Execute(); $complete = true; $now = time(); while ($row = $dsql->GetArray()) { $aid = $row['aid']; $typeid = $row['typeid']; $arcrank = $row['arcrank']; $row['keywords'] = trim($row['keywords']); if ($row['keywords'] != '' && !preg_match("#,#", $row['keywords'])) { $keyarr = explode(' ', $row['keywords']); } else { $keyarr = explode(',', $row['keywords']); } foreach ($keyarr as $keyword) { $keyword = trim($keyword); if ($keyword != '' && strlen($keyword) < 24) { $keyword = addslashes($keyword); $row = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT id,total FROM `#@__tagindex` WHERE tag LIKE '$keyword'"); if (is_array($row)) { $tid = $row['id']; $trow = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT COUNT(*) as dd FROM `#@__taglist` WHERE tag LIKE '$keyword'"); if (intval($trow['dd']) != $row['total']) { $query = "UPDATE `#@__tagindex` SET `total`=".$trow['dd'].",uptime=$now WHERE id='$tid' "; $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($query); } } else { $query = "INSERT INTO `#@__tagindex` (`tag`,`count`,`total`,`weekcc`,`monthcc`,`weekup`,`monthup`,`addtime`,`uptime`) VALUES ('$keyword','0','1','0','0','$timestamp','$timestamp','$timestamp','$now');"; $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($query); $tid = $dsql->GetLastID(); } $query = "REPLACE INTO `#@__taglist` (`tid`,`aid`,`typeid`,`arcrank`,`tag`) VALUES ('$tid','$aid','$typeid','$arcrank','$keyword'); "; $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($query); } } $complete = FALSE; } if ($complete) { ShowMsg('完成标签获取', 'tags_main.php'); exit(); } $start = $start + 100; $goto = "tags_main.php?action=fetch&startaid=$startaid&endaid=$endaid&start=$start"; ShowMsg('正在获取标签', $goto); exit(); } ?>