indexUrl = $GLOBALS['cfg_basehost'].$GLOBALS['cfg_indexurl']; $this->indexName = $GLOBALS['cfg_indexname']; $this->baseDir = $GLOBALS['cfg_basedir']; $this->modDir = $GLOBALS['cfg_templets_dir']; $this->SplitSymbol = $GLOBALS['cfg_list_symbol'] === " > " ? "" : $GLOBALS['cfg_list_symbol']; $this->dsql = $GLOBALS['dsql']; $this->TypeID = $typeid; $this->valuePosition = ''; $this->valuePositionName = ''; $this->typeDir = ''; $this->OptionArrayList = ''; //载入类目信息 $query = "SELECT tp.*,ch.typename as ctypename,ch.addtable,ch.issystem FROM `#@__arctype` tp left join `#@__channeltype` ch on WHERE'$typeid' "; if ($typeid > 0) { $this->TypeInfos = $this->dsql->GetOne($query); if (is_array($this->TypeInfos)) { $this->TypeInfos['tempindex'] = MfTemplet($this->TypeInfos['tempindex']); $this->TypeInfos['templist'] = MfTemplet($this->TypeInfos['templist']); $this->TypeInfos['temparticle'] = MfTemplet($this->TypeInfos['temparticle']); } } } //对于使用默认构造函数的情况 //GetPositionLink()将不可用 function TypeLink($typeid) { $this->__construct($typeid); } //关闭数据库连接,析放资源 function Close() { } //重设类目ID function SetTypeID($typeid) { $this->TypeID = $typeid; $this->valuePosition = ""; $this->valuePositionName = ""; $this->typeDir = ""; $this->OptionArrayList = ""; //载入类目信息 $query = " SELECT #@__arctype.*,#@__channeltype.typename as ctypename FROM #@__arctype left join #@__channeltype on WHERE'$typeid' "; $this->dsql->SetQuery($query); $this->TypeInfos = $this->dsql->GetOne(); } //获得这个类目的路径 function GetTypeDir() { if (empty($this->TypeInfos['typedir'])) { return $GLOBALS['cfg_cmspath'].$GLOBALS['cfg_arcdir']; } else { return $this->TypeInfos['typedir']; } } //获得某类目的链接列表 如:类目一>>类目二>> 这样的形式 //islink 表示返回的列表是否带连接 function GetPositionLink($islink = true) { if (defined('DEDEMOB')) { $indexpage = ""; } else { $indexpage = ""; } if ($this->valuePosition != "" && $islink) { return $this->valuePosition; } else if ($this->valuePositionName != "" && !$islink) { return $this->valuePositionName; } else if ($this->TypeID == 0) { if ($islink) { return $indexpage; } else { return "没指定分类"; } } else { if ($islink) { $this->valuePosition = $this->GetOneTypeLink($this->TypeInfos); if ($this->TypeInfos['reid'] != 0) { //调用递归逻辑 $this->LogicGetPosition($this->TypeInfos['reid'], true); } $this->valuePosition = $indexpage.$this->SplitSymbol.$this->valuePosition; return $this->valuePosition.$this->SplitSymbol; } else { $this->valuePositionName = $this->TypeInfos['typename']; if ($this->TypeInfos['reid'] != 0) { //调用递归逻辑 $this->LogicGetPosition($this->TypeInfos['reid'], false); } return $this->valuePositionName; } } } //获得名字列表 function GetPositionName() { return $this->GetPositionLink(false); } //获得某类目的链接列表,递归逻辑部分 function LogicGetPosition($id, $islink) { $this->dsql->SetQuery("SELECT id,reid,typename,typedir,isdefault,ispart,defaultname,namerule2,moresite,siteurl,sitepath FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE id='".$id."'"); $tinfos = $this->dsql->GetOne(); if ($islink) { $this->valuePosition = $this->GetOneTypeLink($tinfos).$this->SplitSymbol.$this->valuePosition; } else { $this->valuePositionName = $tinfos['typename'].$this->SplitSymbol.$this->valuePositionName; } if ($tinfos['reid'] > 0) { $this->LogicGetPosition($tinfos['reid'], $islink); } else { return 0; } } //获得某个类目的超链接信息 function GetOneTypeLink($typeinfos) { $typepage = $this->GetOneTypeUrl($typeinfos); $typelink = ""; return $typelink; } //获得某分类连接的URL function GetOneTypeUrl($typeinfos) { if (defined('DEDEMOB')) { return 'list.php?tid='.$typeinfos['id']; } else { return GetTypeUrl( $typeinfos['id'], MfTypedir($typeinfos['typedir']), $typeinfos['isdefault'], $typeinfos['defaultname'], $typeinfos['ispart'], $typeinfos['namerule2'], $typeinfos['moresite'], $typeinfos['siteurl'], $typeinfos['sitepath'] ); } } //获得类别列表 //hid 是指默认选中类目,0 表示“请选择类目”或“不限类目” //oper 是用户允许管理的类目,0 表示所有类目 //channeltype 是指类目的内容类型,0 表示不限频道 function GetOptionArray($hid = 0, $oper = 0, $channeltype = 0, $usersg = 0) { return $this->GetOptionList($hid, $oper, $channeltype, $usersg); } function GetOptionList($hid = 0, $oper = 0, $channeltype = 0, $usersg = 0) { global $cfg_admin_channel; if (empty($cfg_admin_channel)) $cfg_admin_channel = 'all'; if (!$this->dsql) $this->dsql = $GLOBALS['dsql']; $this->OptionArrayList = ''; if ($hid > 0) { $row = $this->dsql->GetOne("SELECT id,typename,ispart,channeltype FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE id='$hid'"); $channeltype = $row['channeltype']; if ($row['ispart'] == 1) { $this->OptionArrayList .= "\r\n"; } else { $this->OptionArrayList .= "\r\n"; } } if ($channeltype == 0) $ctsql = ''; else $ctsql = " AND channeltype='$channeltype' "; if (is_array($oper) && $cfg_admin_channel != 'all') { if (count($oper) == 0) { $query = "SELECT id,typename,ispart FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE 1=2 "; } else { $admin_catalog_tmp = $admin_catalog = join(',', $oper); $this->dsql->SetQuery("SELECT reid FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE id in($admin_catalog) GROUP BY reid "); $this->dsql->Execute(); $topidstr = ''; while ($row = $this->dsql->GetObject()) { if ($row->reid == 0) continue; $topidstr .= ($topidstr == '' ? $row->reid : ','.$row->reid); } $admin_catalog .= ','.$topidstr; $admin_catalogs = explode(',', $admin_catalog); $admin_catalogs = array_unique($admin_catalogs); $admin_catalog = join(',', $admin_catalogs); $admin_catalog = preg_replace("/,$/", '', $admin_catalog); $query = "SELECT id,typename,ispart FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE id in({$admin_catalog}) AND reid=0 $ctsql"; } } else { $query = "SELECT id,typename,ispart FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE reid=0 $ctsql ORDER BY sortrank ASC"; } $this->dsql->SetQuery($query); $this->dsql->Execute(); while ($row = $this->dsql->GetObject()) { if ($row->id != $hid) { if ($row->ispart == 1) { $this->OptionArrayList .= "\r\n"; } else { $this->OptionArrayList .= "\r\n"; } } $this->LogicGetOptionArray($row->id, "─", $oper); } return $this->OptionArrayList; } /** * 逻辑递归 * * @access public * @param int $id 栏目ID * @param int $step 步进标志 * @param int $oper 操作权限 * @return string */ function LogicGetOptionArray($id, $step, $oper = 0) { global $cfg_admin_channel; if (empty($cfg_admin_channel)) $cfg_admin_channel = 'all'; $this->dsql->SetQuery("SELECT id,typename,ispart FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE reid='".$id."' AND ispart<>2 ORDER BY sortrank ASC"); $this->dsql->Execute($id); while ($row = $this->dsql->GetObject($id)) { if (is_array($oper) && $cfg_admin_channel != 'all') { if (!in_array($row->id, $oper)) continue; } if ($row->ispart == 1) { $this->OptionArrayList .= "\r\n"; } else { $this->OptionArrayList .= "\r\n"; } $this->LogicGetOptionArray($row->id, $step."─", $oper); } } /** * 获得与该类相关的类目,本函数应用于模板标记{dede:channel}{/dede:channel}中 * $typetype 的值为:sun 下级分类 self 同级分类 top 顶级分类 * * @access public * @param int $typeid 栏目ID * @param int $reid 所属ID * @param int $row 栏目行数 * @param string $typetype 栏目类型 * @param string $innertext 底层模板 * @param int $col 显示列数 * @param int $tablewidth 表格宽度 * @param int $myinnertext 自定义底层模板 * @return string */ function GetChannelList( $typeid = 0, $reid = 0, $row = 8, $typetype = 'sun', $innertext = '', $col = 1, $tablewidth = 100, $myinnertext = '' ) { if ($typeid == 0) $typeid = $this->TypeID; if ($row == "") $row = 8; if ($reid == "") $reid = 0; if ($col == "") $col = 1; $tablewidth = str_replace("%", "", $tablewidth); if ($tablewidth == "") $tablewidth = 100; if ($col == "") $col = 1; $colWidth = ceil(100 / $col); $tablewidth = $tablewidth."%"; $colWidth = $colWidth."%"; if ($typetype == "") $typetype = "sun"; if ($innertext == "") $innertext = GetSysTemplets("channel_list.htm"); if ($reid == 0 && $typeid > 0) { $dbrow = $this->dsql->GetOne("SELECT reid FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE id='$typeid' "); if (is_array($dbrow)) { $reid = $dbrow['reid']; } } $likeType = ""; if ($typetype == "top") { $sql = "SELECT id,typename,typedir,isdefault,ispart,defaultname,namerule2,moresite,siteurl FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE reid=0 AND ishidden<>1 ORDER BY sortrank ASC limit 0,$row"; } else if ($typetype == "sun" || $typetype == "son") { $sql = "SELECT id,typename,typedir,isdefault,ispart,defaultname,namerule2,moresite,siteurl FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE reid='$typeid' AND ishidden<>1 ORDER BY sortrank ASC limit 0,$row"; } else if ($typetype == "self") { $sql = "SELECT id,typename,typedir,isdefault,ispart,defaultname,namerule2,moresite,siteurl FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE reid='$reid' AND ishidden<>1 ORDER BY sortrank ASC limit 0,$row"; } //AND ID<>'$typeid' $dtp2 = new DedeTagParse(); $dtp2->SetNameSpace("field", "[", "]"); $dtp2->LoadSource($innertext); $this->dsql->SetQuery($sql); $this->dsql->Execute(); $line = $row; $GLOBALS['autoindex'] = 0; if ($col > 1) { $likeType = "\r\n"; } for ($i = 0; $i < $line; $i++) { if ($col > 1) { $likeType .= "\r\n"; } for ($j = 0; $j < $col; $j++) { if ($col > 1) $likeType .= " \r\n"; } $GLOBALS['autoindex']++; } //Loop Col if ($col > 1) { $i += $col - 1; } if ($col > 1) { $likeType .= " \r\n"; } } //Loop for $i if ($col > 1) { $likeType .= "
\r\n"; if ($row = $this->dsql->GetArray()) { //处理当前栏目的样式 if ($row['id'] == "$typeid" && $myinnertext != '') { $linkOkstr = $myinnertext; $row['typelink'] = $this->GetOneTypeUrl($row); $linkOkstr = str_replace("~typelink~", $row['typelink'], $linkOkstr); $linkOkstr = str_replace("~typename~", $row['typename'], $linkOkstr); $likeType .= $linkOkstr; } else { //非当前栏目 $row['typelink'] = $this->GetOneTypeUrl($row); if (is_array($dtp2->CTags)) { foreach ($dtp2->CTags as $tagid => $ctag) { if (isset($row[$ctag->GetName()])) { $dtp2->Assign($tagid, $row[$ctag->GetName()]); } } } $likeType .= $dtp2->GetResult(); } } if ($col > 1) { $likeType .= "
\r\n"; } $this->dsql->FreeResult(); return $likeType; } //GetChannel }//End Class