dsql = $GLOBALS['dsql']; $this->cHttpDown = new DedeHttpDown(); $this->cDedeHtml = new DedeHtml2(); } function DedeCollection() { $this->__construct(); } //析放资源 function Close() { } /** * 从数据库里载入某个节点 * * @access public * @param int $nid 采集节点ID * @return void */ function LoadNote($nid) { $this->noteId = $nid; $row = $this->dsql->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `#@__co_note` WHERE nid='$nid'"); $this->LoadListConfig($row['listconfig']); $this->LoadItemConfig($row['itemconfig']); } /** * 分析基本节点的及索引配置信息 * * @access public * @param string $configString 配置字符串 * @return void */ function LoadListConfig($configString) { $dtp = new DedeTagParse(); $dtp2 = new DedeTagParse(); $dtp->LoadString($configString); for($i=0; $i<=$dtp->Count; $i++) { $ctag = $dtp->CTags[$i]; //item 配置 //节点基本信息 if($ctag->GetName()=="noteinfo") { $this->noteInfos['notename'] = $ctag->GetAtt('notename'); $this->noteInfos['matchtype'] = $ctag->GetAtt('matchtype'); $this->noteInfos['channelid'] = $ctag->GetAtt('channelid'); $this->noteInfos['refurl'] = $ctag->GetAtt('refurl'); $this->noteInfos['sourcelang'] = $ctag->GetAtt('sourcelang'); $this->noteInfos['cosort'] = $ctag->GetAtt('cosort'); $this->noteInfos['isref'] = $ctag->GetAtt('isref'); $this->noteInfos['exptime'] = $ctag->GetAtt('exptime'); } //list 配置 //要采集的列表页的信息 else if($ctag->GetName()=="listrule") { $this->lists['sourcetype'] = $ctag->GetAtt('sourcetype'); $this->lists['rssurl'] = $ctag->GetAtt('rssurl'); $this->lists['regxurl'] = $ctag->GetAtt('regxurl'); $this->lists['startid'] = $ctag->GetAtt('startid'); $this->lists['endid'] = $ctag->GetAtt('endid'); $this->lists['addv'] = $ctag->GetAtt('addv'); $this->lists['urlrule'] = $ctag->GetAtt('urlrule'); $this->lists['musthas'] = $ctag->GetAtt('musthas'); $this->lists['nothas'] = $ctag->GetAtt('nothas'); $this->lists['listpic'] = $ctag->GetAtt('listpic'); $this->lists['usemore'] = $ctag->GetAtt('usemore'); $dtp2->LoadString($ctag->GetInnerText()); for($j=0; $j<=$dtp2->Count; $j++) { $ctag2 = $dtp2->CTags[$j]; $tname = $ctag2->GetName(); if($tname=='addurls') { $this->lists['addurls'] = trim($ctag2->GetInnerText()); } else if($tname=='regxrule') { $this->lists['regxrule'] = trim($ctag2->GetInnerText()); } else if($tname=='areastart') { $this->lists['areastart'] = trim($ctag2->GetInnerText()); } else if($tname=='areaend') { $this->lists['areaend'] = trim($ctag2->GetInnerText()); } else if($tname=='batchrule') { $this->lists['batchrule'] = trim($ctag2->GetInnerText()); } } //分析列表网址 if($this->lists['sourcetype'] != 'rss') { $this->lists['url'] = GetUrlFromListRule($this->lists['regxurl'],$this->lists['addurls'], $this->lists['startid'],$this->lists['endid'],$this->lists['addv'],$this->lists['usemore'],$this->lists['batchrule']); } else { $this->lists['url'] = $this->lists['rssurl']; } } }//End Loop $dtp->Clear(); $dtp2->Clear(); } /** * 分析采集文章页的字段的设置 * * @access public * @param string $configString 配置字符串 * @return void */ function LoadItemConfig($configString) { $dtp = new DedeTagParse(); $dtp2 = new DedeTagParse(); $dtp->LoadString($configString); for($i=0; $i<=$dtp->Count; $i++) { $ctag = $dtp->CTags[$i]; if($ctag->GetName()=='sppage') { $this->artNotes['sppage'] = $ctag->GetInnerText(); $this->artNotes['sptype'] = $ctag->GetAtt('sptype'); $this->spNotes['srul'] = $ctag->GetAtt('srul'); $this->spNotes['erul'] = $ctag->GetAtt('erul'); } else if($ctag->GetName()=='previewurl') { $this->artNotes['previewurl'] = $ctag->GetInnerText(); } else if($ctag->GetName()=='keywordtrim') { $this->artNotes['keywordtrim'] = $ctag->GetInnerText(); } else if($ctag->GetName()=='descriptiontrim') { $this->artNotes['descriptiontrim'] = $ctag->GetInnerText(); } else if($ctag->GetName()=='item') { $field = $ctag->GetAtt('field'); if($field == '') { continue; } $this->artNotes[$field]['value'] = $ctag->GetAtt('value'); $this->artNotes[$field]['isunit'] = $ctag->GetAtt('isunit'); $this->artNotes[$field]['isdown'] = $ctag->GetAtt('isdown'); $this->artNotes[$field]['trim'] = array(); $this->artNotes[$field]['match'] = ''; $this->artNotes[$field]['function'] = ''; $t = 0; $dtp2->LoadString($ctag->GetInnerText()); for($k=0; $k<=$dtp2->Count; $k++) { $ctag2 = $dtp2->CTags[$k]; if($ctag2->GetName()=='trim') { $this->artNotes[$field]['trim'][$t][0] = str_replace('#n#',' ',$ctag2->GetInnerText()); $this->artNotes[$field]['trim'][$t][1] = $ctag2->GetAtt('replace'); $t++; } else if($ctag2->GetName()=='match') { $this->artNotes[$field]['match'] = str_replace('#n#',' ',$ctag2->GetInnerText()); } else if($ctag2->GetName()=='function') { $this->artNotes[$field]['function'] = $ctag2->GetInnerText(); } } } }//End Loop $dtp->Clear(); $dtp2->Clear(); } /** * 下载其中一个网址,并保存 * * @access public * @param int $aid 文档ID * @param string $dourl 操作地址 * @param string $litpic 缩略图 * @param bool $issave 是否保存 * @return string */ function DownUrl($aid, $dourl, $litpic='', $issave=TRUE) { $this->tmpLinks = array(); $this->tmpUnitValue = ''; $this->breImage = ''; $this->tmpHtml = $this->DownOnePage($dourl); //检测是否有分页字段,并预先处理 if(!empty($this->artNotes['sppage'])) { $noteid = ''; foreach($this->artNotes as $k=>$sarr) { if(isset($sarr['isunit']) && $sarr['isunit']==1) { $noteid = $k; break; } } $this->GetSpPage($dourl, $noteid, $this->tmpHtml); if(preg_match("/#p#/i", $this->tmpUnitValue)) { if ($this->artNotes["sptype"] != 'diyrule') { $this->tmpUnitValue = '副标题#e#'.$this->tmpUnitValue; } } } //处理字段 $body = $this->GetPageFields($dourl, $issave, $litpic); //保存资料到数据库 if($issave) { $query = " UPDATE `#@__co_htmls` SET dtime='".time()."',result='".addslashes($body)."',isdown='1' WHERE aid='$aid' "; if(!$this->dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($query)) { echo $this->dsql->GetError(); } return $body; } return $body; } // 解析地址 function GetUrl($uri) { $arr = $tmp = array(); // query $x = array_pad( explode( '?', $uri ), 2, false ); $arr['query'] = ( $x[1] )? $x[1] : '' ; // resource $x = array_pad( explode( '/', $x[0] ), 2, false ); $x_last = array_pop( $x ); if( strpos( $x_last, '.' ) === false ) { $arr['resource'] = ''; $x[] = $x_last; } else { $arr['resource'] = $x_last; $tmp = @explode('.', $arr['resource']); $arr['file'] = @$tmp[0]; $arr['ext'] = '.'.@$tmp[1]; } // path $arr['path'] = implode( '/', $x ); if( substr( $arr['path'], -1 ) !== '/' ) $arr['path'] .= '/'; // url $arr['url'] = $uri; return $arr; } /** * 获取分页区域的内容 * * @access public * @param string $dourl 操作地址 * @param string $noteid 节点ID * @param string $html html内容 * @param int $step 步骤 * @return string */ function GetSpPage($dourl, $noteid, $html, $step=0) { $sarr = $this->artNotes[$noteid]; $linkareaHtml = $this->GetHtmlArea('[内容]', $this->artNotes['sppage'], $html); if($linkareaHtml=='') { if($this->tmpUnitValue=='') { $this->tmpUnitValue .= $this->GetHtmlArea('[内容]', $sarr['match'], $html); } else { $this->tmpUnitValue .= "#p#副标题#e#".$this->GetHtmlArea('[内容]', $sarr['match'], $html); } if ($this->artNotes["sptype"] != 'diyrule') return; } //完整的分页列表 if($this->artNotes["sptype"]=='full' || $this->artNotes["sptype"]=='') { $this->tmpUnitValue .= $this->GetHtmlArea('[内容]', $sarr['match'], $html); $this->cDedeHtml->GetLinkType = "link"; $this->cDedeHtml->SetSource($linkareaHtml, $dourl, 'link'); foreach($this->cDedeHtml->Links as $k=>$t) { $k = $this->cDedeHtml->FillUrl($k); if($k==$dourl) { continue; } $nhtml = $this->DownOnePage($k); if($nhtml!='') { $ct = trim($this->GetHtmlArea('[内容]', $sarr['match'], $nhtml)); if($ct!='') { $this->tmpUnitValue .= "#p#副标题#e#".$ct; } } } } else if ($this->artNotes["sptype"] == 'diyrule') { $maxpage = 10; $urlinfo = $this->GetUrl($dourl); $testurl = str_replace(array_keys($urlinfo), array_values($urlinfo), $this->artNotes['sppage']); $testurl = str_ireplace('{p}', '~p~', $testurl); $testurl = str_replace(array('{', '}'), '', $testurl); $lastchash = md5($html); for($i=$this->spNotes['srul']; $i <= $this->spNotes['erul']; $i++) { $tempurl = str_replace('~p~', $i, $testurl); $tempurl = $this->cDedeHtml->FillUrl($tempurl); $nhtml = $this->DownOnePage($tempurl); $newchash = md5($nhtml); if ($newchash == $lastchash) continue; $lastchash = $newchash; if($nhtml!='') { $ct = trim($this->GetHtmlArea('[内容]', $sarr['match'], $nhtml)); if($ct!='') { $this->tmpUnitValue .= "#p#副标题#e#".$ct; // echo $this->tmpUnitValue;exit; } } } } //上下页形式或不完整的分页列表 else { if($step>50) { return; } if($step==0) { $this->tmpUnitValue .= $this->GetHtmlArea('[内容]', $sarr['match'], $html); } $this->cDedeHtml->GetLinkType = "link"; $this->cDedeHtml->SetSource($linkareaHtml, $dourl, 'link'); $hasLink = FALSE; foreach($this->cDedeHtml->Links as $k=>$t) { $k = $this->cDedeHtml->FillUrl($k); if(in_array($k, $this->tmpLinks)) { CONTINUE; } else{ $nhtml = $this->DownOnePage($k); if($nhtml!='') { $ct = trim($this->GetHtmlArea('[内容]',$sarr['match'],$nhtml)); if($ct!='') { $this->tmpUnitValue .= "#p#副标题#e#".$ct; } } $hasLink = TRUE; $this->tmpLinks[] = $k; $dourl = $k; $step++; } } if($hasLink) { $this->GetSpPage($dourl, $noteid, $nhtml, $step); } } } /** * 获取特定区域的HTML * * @access public * @param string $sptag 区域标记 * @param string $areaRule 地址规则 * @param string $html html代码 * @return string */ function GetHtmlArea($sptag, &$areaRule, &$html) { //用正则表达式的模式匹配 if($this->noteInfos['matchtype']=='regex') { $areaRule = str_replace("/", "\\/", $areaRule); $areaRules = explode($sptag, $areaRule); $arr = array(); if($html==''||$areaRules[0]=='') { return ''; } preg_match('#'.$areaRules[0]."(.*)".$areaRules[1]."#isU", $html, $arr); return empty($arr[1]) ? '' : trim($arr[1]); } //用字符串模式匹配 else { $areaRules = explode($sptag,$areaRule); if($html=='' || $areaRules[0]=='') { return ''; } $posstart = @strpos($html,$areaRules[0]); if($posstart===FALSE) { return ''; } $posstart = $posstart + strlen($areaRules[0]); $posend = @strpos($html,$areaRules[1],$posstart); if($posend > $posstart && $posend!==FALSE) { //return substr($html,$posstart+strlen($areaRules[0]),$posend-$posstart-strlen($areaRules[0])); return substr($html,$posstart,$posend-$posstart); } else { return ''; } } } /** * 下载指定网址 * * @access public * @param string $dourl 下载地址 */ function DownOnePage($dourl) { $this->cHttpDown->OpenUrl($dourl); $html = $this->cHttpDown->GetHtml(); $this->cHttpDown->Close(); $this->ChangeCode($html); return $html; } /** * 下载特定资源,并保存为指定文件 * * @access public * @param string $dourl 操作地址 * @param string $mtype 附件类型 * @param string $islitpic 是否缩略图 * @return string */ function DownMedia($dourl, $mtype='img', $islitpic=FALSE) { global $notckpic; if(empty($notckpic)) { $notckpic = 0; } //检测是否已经下载此文件 $wi = FALSE; $tofile = $filename = ''; if($notckpic==0) { $row = $this->dsql->GetOne("SELECT hash,tofile FROM `#@__co_mediaurls` WHERE nid='{$this->noteId}' AND hash='".md5($dourl)."' "); if(isset($row['tofile'])) { $tofile = $filename = $row['tofile']; } } //如果不存在,下载文件 if($tofile=='' || !file_exists($GLOBALS['cfg_basedir'].$filename)) { $filename = $this->GetRndName($dourl,$mtype); if(!preg_match("#^\/#", $filename)) { $filename = "/".$filename; } //防盗链模式 if($this->noteInfos['isref']=='yes' && $this->noteInfos['refurl']!='') { if($this->noteInfos['exptime']=='') { $this->noteInfos['exptime'] = 10; } DownImageKeep($dourl,$this->noteInfos['refurl'],$GLOBALS['cfg_basedir'].$filename,'',0,$this->Item['exptime']); } //普通模式 else { $this->cHttpDown->OpenUrl($dourl); $this->cHttpDown->SaveToBin($GLOBALS['cfg_basedir'].$filename); $this->cHttpDown->Close(); } //下载文件成功,保存记录 if(file_exists($GLOBALS['cfg_basedir'].$filename)) { if($tofile=='') { $query = "INSERT INTO `#@__co_mediaurls`(nid,hash,tofile) VALUES ('".$this->noteId."', '".md5($dourl)."', '".addslashes($filename)."');"; } else { $query = "UPDATE `#@__co_mediaurls` SET tofile='".addslashes($filename)."' WHERE hash='".md5($dourl)."' "; } $this->dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($query); } } //如果下载图片失败或图片不存在,返回网址 if(!file_exists($GLOBALS['cfg_basedir'].$filename)) { return $dourl; } //生成缩略图 if($mtype=='img' && !$islitpic && $this->breImage=='') { $this->breImage = $filename; if(!preg_match("#^http:\/\/#", $this->breImage) && file_exists($GLOBALS['cfg_basedir'].$filename)) { $filenames = explode('/',$filename); $filenamed = $filenames[count($filenames)-1]; $nfilename = str_replace('.','_lit.',$filenamed); $nfilename = str_replace($filenamed,$nfilename,$filename); if(@copy($GLOBALS['cfg_basedir'].$filename, $GLOBALS['cfg_basedir'].$nfilename)) { ImageResize($GLOBALS['cfg_basedir'].$nfilename,$GLOBALS['cfg_ddimg_width'],$GLOBALS['cfg_ddimg_height']); $this->breImage = $nfilename; } } } if($mtype=='img' && !$islitpic) { @WaterImg($GLOBALS['cfg_basedir'].$filename,'collect'); } return $filename; } /** * 获得下载媒体的随机名称 * * @access public * @param string $url 地址 * @param string $v 值 * @return string */ function GetRndName($url, $v) { global $cfg_image_dir,$cfg_dir_purview; $this->mediaCount++; $mnum = $this->mediaCount; $timedir = "c".MyDate("ymd",time()); //存放路径 $fullurl = preg_replace("#\/{1,}#", "/", $cfg_image_dir."/"); if(!is_dir($GLOBALS['cfg_basedir']."/$fullurl")) { MkdirAll($GLOBALS['cfg_basedir']."/$fullurl", $cfg_dir_purview); } $fullurl = $fullurl.$timedir."/"; if(!is_dir($GLOBALS['cfg_basedir']."/$fullurl")) { MkdirAll($GLOBALS['cfg_basedir']."/$fullurl", $cfg_dir_purview); } //文件名称 $timename = str_replace('.','', ExecTime()); $threadnum = 0; if(isset($_GET['threadnum'])) { $threadnum = intval($_GET['threadnum']); } $filename = dd2char($timename.$threadnum.'-'.$mnum.mt_rand(1000,9999)); //分配扩展名 $urls = explode('.',$url); if($v=='img') { $shortname = '.jpg'; if(preg_match("#\.gif$#i", $url)) { $shortname = '.gif'; } else if(preg_match("#\.png$#i", $url)) { $shortname = '.png'; } } else if($v=='embed') { $shortname = '.swf'; } else { $shortname = ''; } $fullname = $fullurl.$filename.$shortname; return preg_replace("#\/{1,}#", "/", $fullname); } /** * 按载入的网页内容获取规则,从一个HTML文件中获取内容 * * @access public * @param string $dourl 操作地址 * @param string $needDown 需要下载 * @param string $litpic 缩略图 * @return string */ function GetPageFields($dourl, $needDown, $litpic='') { global $cfg_auot_description; if($this->tmpHtml == '') { return ''; } $artitem = ''; $isPutUnit = FALSE; $tmpLtKeys = array(); $inarr = array(); //自动分析关键字和摘要 preg_match("#tmpHtml, $inarr); preg_match("#tmpHtml, $inarr2); if(!isset($inarr[1]) && isset($inarr2[1])) { $inarr[1] = $inarr2[1]; } if(isset($inarr[1])) { $keywords = trim(cn_substr(html2text($inarr[1]),30)); $keywords = preg_replace("#".$this->artNotes['keywordtrim']."#isU",'',$keywords); if(!preg_match("#,#", $keywords)) { $keywords = str_replace(' ', ',', $keywords); } $artitem .= "{dede:field name='keywords'}".$keywords."{/dede:field}\r\n"; } else { $artitem .= "{dede:field name='keywords'}{/dede:field}\r\n"; } // preg_match("#tmpHtml, $inarr); // preg_match("#tmpHtml, $inarr2); preg_match("#]*?)['\"]#iU", $this->tmpHtml, $inarr); preg_match("#]*?)['\"][\s]+name=['\"]description['\"]#iU", $this->tmpHtml, $inarr2); if(!isset($inarr[1]) && isset($inarr2[1])) { $inarr[1] = $inarr2[1]; } if(isset($inarr[1])) { $description = trim(cn_substr(html2text($inarr[1]),$cfg_auot_description)); $description = preg_replace("/".$this->artNotes['descriptiontrim']."/isU",'',$description); $artitem .= "{dede:field name='description'}".$description."{/dede:field}\r\n"; } else { $artitem .= "{dede:field name='description'}{/dede:field}\r\n"; } foreach($this->artNotes as $k=>$sarr) { //可能出现意外的情况 if($k=='sppage' || $k=='sptype') { continue; } if(!is_array($sarr)) { continue; } //特殊的规则或没匹配选项 if($sarr['match']=='' || trim($sarr['match'])=='[内容]') { if($sarr['value']!='[内容]') { $v = trim($sarr['value']); } else { $v = ''; } } else { //分多页的内容 if($this->tmpUnitValue!='' && !$isPutUnit && $sarr['isunit']==1) { $v = $this->tmpUnitValue; $isPutUnit = TRUE; } else { $v = $this->GetHtmlArea('[内容]',$sarr['match'],$this->tmpHtml); } //过滤内容规则 if(isset($sarr['trim']) && $v!='') { foreach($sarr['trim'] as $nv) { if($nv[0]=='') { continue; } $nvs = str_replace("/", "\\/", $nv[0]); $v = preg_replace("#".$nvs."#isU", $nv[1], $v); } } //是否下载远程资源 if($needDown) { if($sarr['isdown'] == '1') { $v = $this->DownMedias($v, $dourl); } } else { if($sarr['isdown'] == '1') { $v = $this->MediasReplace($v, $dourl); } } } $v = trim($v); //用户自行对内容进行处理的接口 if($sarr['function'] != '') { $tmpLtKeys[$k]['v'] = $v; $tmpLtKeys[$k]['f'] = $sarr['function']; } else { $v = preg_replace("#( )$#", '', $v); $v = preg_replace("#[\r\n\t ]{1,}$#", '', $v); $artitem .= "{dede:field name='$k'}$v{/dede:field}\r\n"; } }//End Foreach //处理带函数的项目 foreach($tmpLtKeys as $k=>$sarr) { $v = $this->RunPHP($sarr['v'],$sarr['f']); $v = preg_replace("#( )$#", '', $v); $v = preg_replace("#[\r\n\t ]{1,}$#", '', $v); $artitem .= "{dede:field name='$k'}$v{/dede:field}\r\n"; } if($litpic!='' && $this->lists['listpic']==1) { $artitem .= "{dede:field name='litpic'}".$this->DownMedia($litpic,'img',TRUE)."{/dede:field}\r\n"; } else { $artitem .= "{dede:field name='litpic'}".$this->breImage."{/dede:field}\r\n"; } return $artitem; } /** * 下载内容里的资源 * * @access public * @param string $html html内容 * @param string $url 地址 * @return string */ function DownMedias(&$html, $url) { $this->cDedeHtml->SetSource($html,$url,'media'); //下载标记里的图片和flash foreach($this->cDedeHtml->Medias as $k=>$v) { $furl = $this->cDedeHtml->FillUrl($k); if($v=='embed' && !preg_match("#\.(swf)\?(.*)$#i", $k)&& !preg_match("#\.(swf)$#i", $k)) { continue; } $okurl = $this->DownMedia($furl, $v); $html = str_replace($k, $okurl, $html); } //下载超链接里的图片 foreach($this->cDedeHtml->Links as $v=>$k) { if(preg_match("#\.(jpg|gif|png)\?(.*)$#i",$v) || preg_match("#\.(jpg|gif|png)$#i", $v)) { $m = "img"; } else if(preg_match("#\.(swf)\?(.*)$#i", $v) || preg_match("#\.(swf)$#i", $v)) { $m = "embed"; } else { continue; } $furl = $this->cDedeHtml->FillUrl($v); $okurl = $this->DownMedia($furl, $m); $html = str_replace($v, $okurl, $html); } return $html; } /** * 仅替换内容里的资源为绝对网址 * * @access public * @param string $html html内容 * @param string $dourl 操作地址 * @return string */ function MediasReplace(&$html, $dourl) { $this->cDedeHtml->SetSource($html, $dourl, 'media'); foreach($this->cDedeHtml->Medias as $k=>$v) { $k = trim($k); $okurl = $this->cDedeHtml->FillUrl($k); $html = str_replace($k, $okurl, $html); } return $html; } //测试列表 function Testlists(&$dourl) { $links = array(); //从RSS中获取网址 if($this->lists['sourcetype']=='rss') { $dourl = $this->lists['rssurl']; $links = GetRssLinks($dourl); return $links; } //正常情况 if(isset($this->lists['url'][0][0])) { $dourl = $this->lists['url'][0][0]; } else { $dourl = ''; $this->errString = "配置中指定列表的网址错误!\r\n"; return $links; } $dhtml = new DedeHtml2(); $html = $this->DownOnePage($dourl); if($html=='') { $this->errString = "读取网址: $dourl 时失败!\r\n"; return $links; } if( trim($this->lists['areastart']) !='' && trim($this->lists['areaend']) != '' ) { $areabody = $this->lists['areastart'].'[var:区域]'.$this->lists['areaend']; $html = $this->GetHtmlArea('[var:区域]',$areabody,$html); } $t1 = ExecTime(); $dhtml->SetSource($html,$dourl,'link'); $this->lists['musthas'] = str_replace('/', '\/', $this->lists['musthas']); foreach($dhtml->Links as $s) { if($this->lists['nothas']!='') { if( preg_match("#".$this->lists['nothas']."#i", $s['link']) ) { continue; } } if($this->lists['musthas']!='') { if( !preg_match("#".$this->lists['musthas']."#i", $s['link']) ) { continue; } } $links[] = $s; } return $links; } /** * 测试文章规则 * * @access public * @param $dourl 操作地址 * @return string */ function TestArt($dourl) { return $this->DownUrl(0, $dourl, '', FALSE); } /** * 采集种子网址 * * @access public * @param int $islisten 是否监听 * @param int $glstart 采集开始 * @param int $pagesize 分页尺寸 * @return string */ function GetSourceUrl($islisten=0, $glstart=0, $pagesize=10) { //在第一页中进行预处理 //“下载种子网址的未下载内容”的模式不需要经过采集种子网址的步骤 if($glstart==0) { //重新采集所有内容模式 if($islisten == -1) { $this->dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("DELETE FROM `#@__co_urls` WHERE nid='".$this->noteId."'"); $this->dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("DELETE FROM `#@__co_htmls` WHERE nid='".$this->noteId."' "); } //监听模式(保留未导出的内容、保留节点的历史网址记录) else { $this->dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("DELETE FROM `#@__co_htmls` WHERE nid='".$this->noteId."' AND isexport=1 "); } } //从RSS中获取种子 if($this->lists['sourcetype']=='rss') { $links = GetRssLinks($this->lists['rssurl']); //if($this->noteInfos['cosort']!='asc') $tmplink = krsort($links); $lk = 0; foreach($links as $v) { if($islisten==1) { $lrow = $this->dsql->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `#@__co_urls` WHERE nid='{$this->noteId}' AND hash='".md5($v['link'])."' "); if(is_array($lrow)) { continue; } } $lk++; if($mytotal > 0 && $lk >= $mytotal) break; $inquery = "INSERT INTO `#@__co_htmls` (`nid` ,`typeid`, `title` , `litpic` , `url` , `dtime` , `isdown` , `isexport` , `result`) VALUES ('{$this->noteId}' , '0', '".addslashes($v['title'])."' , '".addslashes($v['image'])."' , '".addslashes($v['link'])."' , 'dtime' , '0' , '0' , ''); "; $this->dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($inquery); $inquery = "INSERT INTO `#@__co_urls`(hash,nid) VALUES ('".md5($v['link'])."','{$this->noteId}');"; $this->dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($inquery); } return 0; } else { $tmplink = array(); $arrStart = 0; $moviePostion = 0; $endpos = $glstart + $pagesize; $totallen = count($this->lists['url']); //dump($this->lists['url']);exit; foreach($this->lists['url'] as $k=>$cururls) { //$status = FALSE; $urlnum = 0; $cururl = $cururls[0]; $typeid = (empty($cururls[1]) ? 0 : $cururls[1]); $moviePostion++; if($moviePostion > $endpos) { break; } if($moviePostion > $glstart) { $html = $this->DownOnePage($cururl); if( trim($this->lists['areastart']) !='' && trim($this->lists['areaend']) != '' ) { $areabody = $this->lists['areastart'].'[var:区域]'.$this->lists['areaend']; $html = $this->GetHtmlArea('[var:区域]',$areabody,$html); } $this->cDedeHtml->SetSource($html, $cururl, 'link'); $lk = 0; foreach($this->cDedeHtml->Links as $k=>$v) { if($this->lists['nothas']!='') { if( preg_match("#".$this->lists['nothas']."#", $v['link']) ) { continue; } } if($this->lists['musthas']!='') { if( !preg_match("#".$this->lists['musthas']."#i", $v['link']) ) { continue; } } $tmplink[$arrStart][0] = $v; $tmplink[$arrStart][1] = $typeid; $arrStart++; $lk++; } $this->cDedeHtml->Clear(); } }//foreach //if($this->noteInfos['cosort']!='asc') krsort($tmplink); $unum = count($tmplink); if($unum>0) { //echo "完成本次种子网址抓取,共找到:{$unum} 个记录!
\r\n"; foreach($tmplink as $vs) { $v = $vs[0]; $typeid = $vs[1]; if($islisten==1) { $lrow = $this->dsql->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `#@__co_urls` WHERE nid='{$this->noteId}' AND hash='".md5($v['link'])."' "); if(is_array($lrow)) { continue; } } $inquery = "INSERT INTO `#@__co_htmls` (`nid` ,`typeid`, `title` , `litpic` , `url` , `dtime` , `isdown` , `isexport` , `result`) VALUES ('{$this->noteId}' ,'$typeid', '".addslashes($v['title'])."' , '".addslashes($v['image'])."' , '".addslashes($v['link'])."' , '".time()."' , '0' , '0' , ''); "; $this->dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($inquery); $inquery = "INSERT INTO `#@__co_urls`(hash,nid) VALUES ('".md5($v['link'])."','{$this->noteId}');"; $this->dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($inquery); } if($endpos >= $totallen) { return 0; } else { return ($totallen-$endpos); } } else { //仅在第一批采集时出错才返回 if($glstart==0) { return -1; } //在其它页出错照常采集后面内容 if($endpos >= $totallen) { return 0; } else { return ($totallen-$endpos); } } } } /** * 用扩展函数处理采集到的原始数据 * * @access public * @param string $fvalue 值 * @param string $phpcode PHP代码 * @return string */ function RunPHP($fvalue, $phpcode) { $DedeMeValue = $fvalue; $phpcode = preg_replace("#'@me'|\"@me\"|@me#isU", '$DedeMeValue', $phpcode); if(preg_match("#@body#i", $phpcode)) { $DedeBodyValue = $this->tmpHtml; $phpcode = preg_replace("#'@body'|\"@body\"|@body#isU", '$DedeBodyValue', $phpcode); } if(preg_match("#@litpic#i", $phpcode)) { $DedeLitPicValue = $this->breImage; $phpcode = preg_replace("#'@litpic'|\"@litpic\"|@litpic#isU", '$DedeLitPicValue', $phpcode); } eval($phpcode.";"); return $DedeMeValue; } /** * 编码转换 * * @access public * @param string $str 字符串 * @return string */ function ChangeCode(&$str) { global $cfg_soft_lang; if($cfg_soft_lang=='utf-8') { if($this->noteInfos["sourcelang"]=="gb2312") { $str = gb2utf8($str); } if($this->noteInfos["sourcelang"]=="big5") { $str = gb2utf8(big52gb($str)); } } else { if($this->noteInfos["sourcelang"]=="utf-8") { $str = utf82gb($str); } if($this->noteInfos["sourcelang"]=="big5") { $str = big52gb($str); } } } }//End Class