pageNO = $pageno; $this->totalResult = $totalresult; if(isset($this->tpl->tpCfgs['pagesize'])){ $this->pageSize = $this->tpl->tpCfgs['pagesize']; } $this->totalPage = ceil($this->totalResult/$this->pageSize); if($this->totalPage > $this->maxPageSize) { $this->totalPage = $this->maxPageSize; } //限制最大页数 if($this->pageNO > $this->totalPage) { $this->pageNO = $this->totalPage; $this->totalResult = $this->totalPage * $this->pageSize; } $this->sourceSql = preg_replace("#LIMIT [0-9,]{1,}#i", '', $this->sourceSql); if( $this->totalResult==0 ) { //$this->isQuery = true; //$this->dsql->Execute('dlist',$this->sourceSql); //$this->totalResult = $this->dsql->GetTotalRow('dlist'); $countQuery = preg_replace("#SELECT[ \r\n\t](.*)[ \r\n\t]FROM#is","SELECT COUNT(*) as dd FROM", $this->sourceSql); $row = $this->dsql->GetOne($countQuery); $this->totalResult = $row['dd']; $this->sourceSql .= " LIMIT 0,".$this->pageSize; } else { $this->sourceSql .= " LIMIT ".(($this->pageNO-1) * $this->pageSize).",".$this->pageSize; } } /** * 获取当前页数据列表 * * @param array $atts * @param object $refObj * @param array $fields * @return array */ function GetArcList($atts, $refObj='', $fields=array()) { $rsArray = array(); $t1 = Exectime(); if(!$this->isQuery) { $this->dsql->Execute('dlist', $this->sourceSql); } $i = 0; while($arr=$this->dsql->GetArray('dlist')) { $i++; $arr['filename'] = $arr['arcurl'] = GetFileUrl($arr['id'],$arr['typeid'],$arr['senddate'],$arr['title'],$arr['ismake'], $arr['arcrank'],$arr['namerule'],$arr['typedir'],$arr['money'],$arr['filename'],$arr['moresite'],$arr['siteurl'],$arr['sitepath']); $arr['typeurl'] = GetTypeUrl($arr['typeid'],MfTypedir($arr['typedir']),$arr['isdefault'],$arr['defaultname'], $arr['ispart'],$arr['namerule2'],$arr['moresite'],$arr['siteurl'],$arr['sitepath']); if($arr['litpic'] == '-' || $arr['litpic'] == '') { $arr['litpic'] = 'templets/images/dfpic.gif'; } if(!preg_match("#^http:\/\/#i", $arr['litpic']) && $GLOBALS['cfg_multi_site'] == 'Y') { $arr['litpic'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_mainsite'].$arr['litpic']; } $arr['picname'] = $arr['litpic']; $arr['alttitle'] = $arr['userid']." 的空间"; $arr['face'] = ($arr['face']!='' ? $arr['face'] : 'images/nopic.gif'); if($arr['userid']!='') { $arr['spaceurl'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_basehost'].'/member/index.php?uid='.$arr['userid']; } else { $arr['alttitle'] = $arr['title']; $arr['spaceurl'] = $arr['arcurl']; $arr['face'] = $arr['litpic']; $arr['face'] = str_replace('defaultpic','dfcaicai',$arr['face']); } if(!empty($arr['lastpost'])) { $arr['lastpost'] = MyDate('m-d h:i',$arr['lastpost']); } else { $arr['lastpost'] = "说几句>>"; } $rsArray[$i] = $arr; if($i >= $this->pageSize) { break; } } $this->dsql->FreeResult('dlist'); $this->queryTime = (Exectime() - $t1); return $rsArray; } /** * 获得最差或最好的踩踩文章 * * @param array $atts * @param object $refObj * @param array $fields * @return array */ function GetSortArc($atts, $refObj='', $fields=array()) { $arcrow = (empty($atts['row']) ? 12 : $atts['row']); $order = (empty($atts['order']) ? 'scores' : $atts['order'] ); $orderway = (empty($atts['orderway']) ? 'desc' : $atts['orderway'] ); if(empty($arcrow)) $arcrow = 12; $query = "SELECT arc.*,tp.typedir,tp.typename, tp.isdefault,tp.defaultname,tp.namerule,tp.namerule2,tp.ispart,tp.moresite,tp.siteurl,tp.sitepath FROM `#@__archives` arc LEFT JOIN `#@__arctype` tp ON = arc.typeid WHERE arc.arcrank>-1 ORDER BY arc.{$order} $orderway LIMIT 0,$arcrow "; $rsArray = array(); $cacheFile = DEDEDATA.'/cache/caicai_'.md5($query).'.inc'; $needCache = false; if(file_exists($cacheFile) && filemtime($cacheFile)-time() < $this->arcCacheTime) { $fp = fopen($cacheFile, 'r'); $ids = fread($fp, filesize($cacheFile)); fclose($fp); $ids = trim($ids); if( !empty($ids) ) { $query = "SELECT arc.*,tp.typedir,tp.typename, tp.isdefault,tp.defaultname,tp.namerule,tp.namerule2,tp.ispart,tp.moresite,tp.siteurl,tp.sitepath FROM `#@__archives` arc LEFT JOIN `#@__arctype` tp ON WHERE in($ids) ORDER BY arc.{$order} $orderway "; } } else { $needCache = true; } $ids = array(); $i = 0; $this->dsql->Execute('cai',$query); while($arr=$this->dsql->GetArray('cai')) { $i++; $ids[] = $arr['id']; $arr['filename'] = $arr['arcurl'] = GetFileUrl($arr['id'],$arr['typeid'],$arr['senddate'],$arr['title'],$arr['ismake'], $arr['arcrank'],$arr['namerule'],$arr['typedir'],$arr['money'],$arr['filename'],$arr['moresite'],$arr['siteurl'],$arr['sitepath']); $arr['typeurl'] = GetTypeUrl($arr['typeid'], MfTypedir($arr['typedir']), $arr['isdefault'], $arr['defaultname'], $arr['ispart'], $arr['namerule2'], $arr['moresite'], $arr['siteurl'], $arr['sitepath']); if($arr['litpic']=='') $arr['litpic'] = '/static/defaultpic.gif'; if(!preg_match("#^http:\/\/#", $arr['litpic'])) { $arr['picname'] = $arr['litpic'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_cmsurl'].$arr['litpic']; } else { $arr['picname'] = $arr['litpic'] = $arr['litpic']; } $rsArray[$i] = $arr; } $this->dsql->FreeResult('cai'); //写入缓存 if($needCache && count($ids) > 0) { $idsstr = join(',', $ids); file_put_contents($cacheFile, $idsstr); // $fp = fopen($cacheFile, 'w'); // fwrite($fp, $idsstr); // fclose($fp); } return $rsArray; } /** * 获取顶级栏目列表 * * @param array $atts * @param object $refObj * @param array $fields * @return array */ function GetCatalog($atts,$refObj='',$fields=array()) { $maxrow = (empty($atts['row']) ? 12 : $atts['row']); $query = "SELECT id,typename FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE reid=0 AND ispart<2 AND channeltype>0 ORDER BY sortrank ASC LIMIT 0,$maxrow "; $rsArray = array(); $this->dsql->Execute('co',$query); $i = 0; while($arr=$this->dsql->GetArray('co')) { $i++; $rsArray[$i] = $arr; } $this->dsql->FreeResult('co'); return $rsArray; } }//End Class