getUserID().'.txt'; if(!file_exists($myIcoFile)) $myIcoFile = $defaultIcoFile; //默认主页 if(empty($dopost)) { require(DEDEINC.'/inc/inc_fun_funAdmin.php'); $verLockFile = DEDEDATA.'/admin/ver.txt'; $fp = fopen($verLockFile,'r'); $upTime = trim(fread($fp,64)); fclose($fp); $oktime = substr($upTime,0,4).'-'.substr($upTime,4,2).'-'.substr($upTime,6,2); $offUrl = SpGetNewInfo(); $dedecmsidc = DEDEDATA.'/admin/idc.txt'; $fp = fopen($dedecmsidc,'r'); $dedeIDC = fread($fp,filesize($dedecmsidc)); fclose($fp); $myMoveFile = DEDEDATA.'/admin/move-'.$cuserLogin->getUserID().'.txt'; if(file_exists($myMoveFile)) { $fp = fopen($myMoveFile,'r'); $movedata= fread($fp,filesize($myMoveFile)); $movedata = unserialize($movedata); $column1 = array(); $column2 = array(); foreach ($movedata['items'] as $key => $value) { if($value['column'] == 'column1') $column1 = $column1 + array($key => $value['id']); else if($value['column'] == 'column2') $column2 = $column2 + array($key => $value['id']); } include DedeInclude('templets/index_body_move.htm'); }else{ include DedeInclude('templets/index_body.htm'); } exit(); } /*----------------------- 增加新项 function _AddNew() { } -------------------------*/ else if($dopost=='addnew') { if(empty($link) || empty($title)) { ShowMsg("链接网址或标题不能为空!","-1"); exit(); } $fp = fopen($myIcoFile,'r'); $oldct = trim(fread($fp, filesize($myIcoFile))); fclose($fp); $link = preg_replace("#['\"]#", '`', $link); $title = preg_replace("#['\"]#", '`', $title); $ico = preg_replace("#['\"]#", '`', $ico); $oldct .= "\r\n"; $myIcoFileTrue = DEDEDATA.'/admin/quickmenu-'.$cuserLogin->getUserID().'.txt'; $fp = fopen($myIcoFileTrue, 'w'); fwrite($fp, $oldct); fclose($fp); ShowMsg("成功增加一个项目!","index_body.php?".time()); exit(); } /*--------------------------- 保存修改的项 function _EditSave() { } ----------------------------*/ else if($dopost=='editsave') { $quickmenu = stripslashes($quickmenu); $myIcoFileTrue = DEDEDATA.'/admin/quickmenu-'.$cuserLogin->getUserID().'.txt'; $fp = fopen($myIcoFileTrue,'w'); fwrite($fp,$quickmenu); fclose($fp); ShowMsg("成功修改快捷操作项目!","index_body.php?".time()); exit(); } /*--------------------------- 保存修改的项 function _EditSave() { } ----------------------------*/ else if($dopost=='movesave') { $movedata = str_replace('\\',"",$sortorder); $movedata = json_decode($movedata,TRUE); $movedata = serialize($movedata); $myIcoFileTrue = DEDEDATA.'/admin/move-'.$cuserLogin->getUserID().'.txt'; $fp = fopen($myIcoFileTrue,'w'); fwrite($fp,$movedata); fclose($fp); } /*----------------------------- 显示修改表单 function _EditShow() { } -----------------------------*/ else if($dopost=='editshow') { $fp = fopen($myIcoFile,'r'); $oldct = trim(fread($fp,filesize($myIcoFile))); fclose($fp); ?>
GetOne($query); $query = " SELECT COUNT(*) AS dd FROM `#@__feedback` "; $row2 = $dsql->GetOne($query); $chArrNames = array(); $query = "SELECT id, typename FROM `#@__channeltype` "; $dsql->Execute('c', $query); while($row = $dsql->GetArray('c')) { $chArrNames[$row['id']] = $row['typename']; } $query = "SELECT COUNT(channel) AS dd, channel FROM `#@__arctiny` GROUP BY channel "; $allArc = 0; $chArr = array(); $dsql->Execute('a', $query); while($row = $dsql->GetArray('a')) { $allArc += $row['dd']; $row['typename'] = $chArrNames[$row['channel']]; $chArr[] = $row; } ?>
-2 ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 0, 6 "; $arcArr = array(); $dsql->Execute('m', $query); while($row = $dsql->GetArray('m')) { $arcArr[] = $row; } AjaxHead(); ?> {$row['title']}"; if($row['arcrank']==-1) $linkstr .= "(未审核)"; ?>
array( 'method' => $post ? 'POST' : 'GET', 'header' => $header, 'content' => $content, 'timeout' => $timeout, ), )); $fp = @fopen($scheme.'://'.$host.':'.$port.$path, 'b', false, $context); $fpflag = 1; } if (!$fp) { return ''; } else { stream_set_blocking($fp, true); stream_set_timeout($fp, $timeout); @fwrite($fp, $out); $status = stream_get_meta_data($fp); if (!$status['timed_out']) { while (!feof($fp) && !$fpflag) { if (($header = @fgets($fp)) && ($header == "\r\n" || $header == "\n")) { break; } } if ($limit) { $return = stream_get_contents($fp, $limit); } else { $return = stream_get_contents($fp); } } @fclose($fp); return $return; } } $seo_info = array(); $seo_info = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `#@__plus_seoinfo` ORDER BY id DESC"); $now = time(); if ( empty($seo_info) OR $now - $seo_info['create_time'] > 60*60*6 ) { $site = str_replace(array("http://",'/'),'',$cfg_basehost); $url = "{$site}"; $html = dedeseo_http_send($url); //var_dump($html);exit; if ( preg_match("#API at -->(.*)#isU",$html,$matches) ) { $seo_info['alexa_num'] = isset($matches[1])? trim($matches[1]) : 0; } $seo_info['alexa_num'] = empty($seo_info['alexa_num'])? 0 : $seo_info['alexa_num']; if ( preg_match("#Flag'>(.*)#isU",$html,$matches) ) { $seo_info['alexa_area_num'] = isset($matches[1])? trim($matches[1]) : 0; } $seo_info['alexa_area_num'] = empty($seo_info['alexa_area_num'])? 0 : $seo_info['alexa_area_num']; $url = "{$site}"; $html = Html2Text(dedeseo_http_send($url)); if ( preg_match("#结果数约([\d]+)个#",$html,$matches) ) { $seo_info['baidu_count'] = isset($matches[1])? $matches[1] : 0; } if (empty($seo_info['baidu_count']) AND preg_match("#网站共有([\d, ]+)个#",$html,$matches) ) { $seo_info['baidu_count'] = isset($matches[1])? trim($matches[1]) : 0; } $seo_info['baidu_count'] = empty($seo_info['baidu_count'])? 0 : $seo_info['baidu_count']; $url = "{$site}"; $html = Html2Text(dedeseo_http_send($url)); if ( preg_match("#结果数约([\d]+)个#",$html,$matches) ) { $seo_info['sogou_count'] = isset($matches[1])? $matches[1] : 0; } if (empty($seo_info['sogou_count']) AND preg_match("#找到约([\d, ]+)条结果#",$html,$matches) ) { $seo_info['sogou_count'] = isset($matches[1])? trim($matches[1]) : 0; } $seo_info['sogou_count'] = empty($seo_info['sogou_count'])? 0 : $seo_info['sogou_count']; $url = "{$site}"; $html = Html2Text(dedeseo_http_send($url)); if ( preg_match("#结果数约([\d]+)个#",$html,$matches) ) { $seo_info['haosou360_count'] = isset($matches[1])? $matches[1] : 0; } if (empty($seo_info['haosou360_count']) AND preg_match("#结果约([\d, ]+)个#",$html,$matches) ) { $seo_info['haosou360_count'] = isset($matches[1])? trim($matches[1]) : 0; } $seo_info['haosou360_count'] = empty($seo_info['haosou360_count'])? 0 : $seo_info['haosou360_count']; $in_query = "INSERT INTO `#@__plus_seoinfo` (`create_time`, `alexa_num`, `alexa_area_num`, `baidu_count`, `sogou_count`, `haosou360_count`) VALUES ({$now}, '{$seo_info['alexa_num']}', '{$seo_info['alexa_area_num']}', '{$seo_info['baidu_count']}', '{$seo_info['sogou_count']}', '{$seo_info['haosou360_count']}');"; $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($in_query); } $inff=array( 'alexa_num'=>'Alexa全球排名', 'alexa_area_num'=>'Alexa地区排名', 'baidu_count'=>'百度收录', 'sogou_count'=>'搜狗收录', 'haosou360_count'=>'360收录', ); ?> $value ) { if ( $key=='id' OR $key=='create_time' ) continue; ?>