getone("SELECT maintable FROM `#@__channeltype` WHERE id='$channelid' "); if(is_array($arr)) { $maintable = $arr['maintable']; } else { showmsg('频道id不正确,无法处理!','javascript:;'); exit(); } $dsql->SetQuery("SELECT COUNT(title) AS dd,title FROM `$maintable` WHERE channel='$channelid' GROUP BY title ORDER BY dd DESC LIMIT 0, $pagesize"); $dsql->Execute(); $allarc = 0; include DedeInclude('templets/article_result_same.htm'); exit(); } //删除选中的内容(只保留一条) else if($dopost=='delsel') { require_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/../include/typelink.class.php"); require_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/inc/inc_batchup.php"); if(empty($titles)) { header("Content-Type: text/html; charset={$cfg_ver_lang}"); echo "\r\n"; echo "没有指定删除的文档!"; exit(); } $titless = split('`',$titles); if($channelid < -1) { $orderby = ($deltype=='delnew' ? " ORDER BY aid DESC " : " ORDER BY aid ASC "); } else { $orderby = ($deltype=='delnew' ? " ORDER BY id DESC " : " ORDER BY id ASC "); } $totalarc = 0; foreach($titless as $title) { $title = trim($title); $title = addslashes( $title=='' ? '' : urldecode($title) ); if($channelid < -1) { $q1 = "SELECT aid as id,title FROM `$maintable` WHERE channel='$channelid' AND title='$title' $orderby "; } else { $q1 = "SELECT id,title FROM `$maintable` WHERE channel='$channelid' AND title='$title' $orderby "; } $dsql->SetQuery($q1); $dsql->Execute(); $rownum = $dsql->GetTotalRow(); if($rownum < 2) continue; $i = 1; while($row = $dsql->GetObject()) { $i++; $naid = $row->id; $ntitle = $row->title; if($i > $rownum) continue; $totalarc++; DelArc($naid, 'OFF'); } } $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery(" OPTIMIZE TABLE `$maintable`; "); ShowMsg("一共删除了[{$totalarc}]篇重复的文档!","javascript:;"); exit(); } //向导页 $channelinfos = array(); $dsql->setquery("SELECT id,typename,maintable,addtable FROM `#@__channeltype` "); $dsql->execute(); while($row = $dsql->getarray()) $channelinfos[] = $row; include DedeInclude('templets/article_test_same.htm');