dsql = $GLOBALS['dsql']; $this->VoteInfos = $this->dsql->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `#@__vote` WHERE aid='$aid'"); $this->VoteNotes = Array(); $this->VoteCount = 0; $this->VoteID = $aid; if(!is_array($this->VoteInfos)) { return; } $dtp = new DedeTagParse(); $dtp->SetNameSpace("v", "<", ">"); $dtp->LoadSource($this->VoteInfos['votenote']); if(is_array($dtp->CTags)) { foreach($dtp->CTags as $ctag) { $this->VoteNotes[$ctag->GetAtt('id')]['count'] = $ctag->GetAtt('count'); $this->VoteNotes[$ctag->GetAtt('id')]['name'] = trim($ctag->GetInnerText()); $this->VoteCount++; } } $dtp->Clear(); } //兼容php4的构造函数 function DedeVote($aid) { $this->__construct($aid); } function Close() { } /** * 获得投票项目总投票次数 * * @access public * @return int */ function GetTotalCount() { if(!empty($this->VoteInfos["totalcount"])) { return $this->VoteInfos["totalcount"]; } else { return 0; } } /** * 增加指定的投票节点的票数 * * @access public * @param int $aid 投票ID * @return string */ function AddVoteCount($aid) { if(isset($this->VoteNotes[$aid])) { $this->VoteNotes[$aid]['count']++; } } /** * 获得项目的投票表单 * * @access public * @param int $lineheight 行高 * @param string $tablewidth 表格宽度 * @param string $titlebgcolor 标题颜色 * @param string $titlebackgroup 标题背景 * @param string $tablebg 表格背景 * @param string $itembgcolor 项目背景 * @return string */ function GetVoteForm($lineheight=30,$tablewidth="100%",$titlebgcolor="#EDEDE2",$titlebackgroup="",$tablebg="#FFFFFF",$itembgcolor="#FFFFFF") { //省略参数 if($lineheight=="") { $lineheight=24; } if($tablewidth=="") { $tablewidth="100%"; } if($titlebgcolor=="") { $titlebgcolor="#98C6EF"; } if($titlebackgroup!="") { $titlebackgroup="background='$titlebackgroup'"; } if($tablebg=="") { $tablebg="#FFFFFF"; } if($itembgcolor=="") { $itembgcolor="#FFFFFF"; } $items = "\r\n"; $items .= "\r\n"; $items .= "\r\n"; $items .= "\r\n"; $items .= "\r\n"; $items.="\r\n"; if($this->VoteCount > 0) { foreach($this->VoteNotes as $k=>$arr) { if($this->VoteInfos['ismore']==0) { $items.="\r\n"; } else { $items.="\r\n"; } } $items .= "\r\n"; } $items.="\r\n
\r\n"; $items .= "\r\n"; $items .= "VoteID."'); />
\r\n"; return $items; } /** * 保存投票数据 * 请不要在输出任何内容之前使用SaveVote()方法! * * @access public * @param string $voteitem 投票项目 * @return string */ function SaveVote($voteitem) { global $ENV_GOBACK_URL,$file,$memberID,$row,$content; if(empty($voteitem)) { return '你没选中任何项目!'; } $items = ''; //检查投票是否已过期 $nowtime = time(); if($nowtime > $this->VoteInfos['endtime']) { ShowMsg('投票已经过期!',$ENV_GOBACK_URL); exit(); } if($nowtime < $this->VoteInfos['starttime']) { ShowMsg('投票还没有开始!',$ENV_GOBACK_URL); exit(); } //检测游客是否已投过票 if(isset($_COOKIE['VOTE_MEMBER_IP'])) { if($_COOKIE['VOTE_MEMBER_IP'] == $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) { ShowMsg('您已投过票',$ENV_GOBACK_URL); exit(); } else { setcookie('VOTE_MEMBER_IP',$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],time()*$row['spec']*3600,'/'); } } else { setcookie('VOTE_MEMBER_IP',$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],time()*$row['spec']*3600,'/'); } //检查用户是否已投过票 $nowtime = time(); $VoteMem = $this->dsql->GetOne("SELECT * FROM #@__vote_member WHERE voteid = '$this->VoteID' and userid='$memberID'"); if(!empty($memberID)) { if(isset($VoteMem['id'])) { $voteday = date("Y-m-d",$VoteMem['uptime']); $day = strtotime("-".$row['spec']." day"); $day = date("Y-m-d",$day); if($day < $voteday) { ShowMsg('在'.$row['spec'].'天内不能重复投票',$ENV_GOBACK_URL); exit(); }else{ $query = "UPDATE #@__vote_member SET uptime='$nowtime' WHERE voteid='$this->VoteID' AND userid='$memberID'"; if($this->dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($query) == false) { ShowMsg('插入数据过程中出现错误',$ENV_GOBACK_URL); exit(); } } }else{ $query = "INSERT INTO #@__vote_member(id,voteid,userid,uptime) VALUES('','$this->VoteID','$memberID','$nowtime')"; if($this->dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($query) == false) { ShowMsg('插入数据过程中出现错误',$ENV_GOBACK_URL); exit(); } } } //必须存在投票项目 if($this->VoteCount > 0) { foreach($this->VoteNotes as $k=>$v) { if($this->VoteInfos['ismore']==0) { //单选项 if($voteitem == $k) { $this->VoteNotes[$k]['count']++; break; } } else { //多选项 if(is_array($voteitem) && in_array($k,$voteitem)) { $this->VoteNotes[$k]['count']++; } } } foreach($this->VoteNotes as $k=>$arr) { $items .= "".$arr['name']."\r\n"; } } $this->dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("UPDATE `#@__vote` SET totalcount='".($this->VoteInfos['totalcount']+1)."',votenote='".addslashes($items)."' WHERE aid='".$this->VoteID."'"); return "投票成功!"; } /** * 获得项目的投票结果 * * @access public * @param string $tablewidth 表格宽度 * @param string $lineheight 行高 * @param string $tablesplit 表格分隔 * @return string */ function GetVoteResult($tablewidth="600", $lineheight="24", $tablesplit="40%") { $totalcount = $this->VoteInfos['totalcount']; if($totalcount==0) { $totalcount=1; } $res = "\r\n"; $res .= "\r\n"; $i=1; foreach($this->VoteNotes as $k=>$arr) { $res .= ""; $c = $arr['count']; $res .= "\r\n"; $i++; } $res .= "\r\n"; $res .= "
\r\n"; return $res; } }//End Class