IsError = FALSE; $this->ArcID = $aid; $this->PreNext = array(); $this->dsql = $dsql; $query = "SELECT channel,typeid FROM `#@__arctiny` WHERE id='$aid' "; $arr = $this->dsql->GetOne($query); $envs['url_type'] = 2; if (!is_array($arr)) { $this->IsError = TRUE; } else { if ($arr['channel'] == 0) $arr['channel'] = 1; $this->ChannelUnit = new ChannelUnit($arr['channel'], $aid); $this->TypeLink = new TypeLink($arr['typeid']); if ($this->ChannelUnit->ChannelInfos['issystem'] != -1) { //如果当前文档不是系统模型,为单表模型 $query = "SELECT arc.*,tp.reid,tp.typedir,ch.addtable FROM `#@__archives` arc LEFT JOIN `#@__arctype` tp on LEFT JOIN `#@__channeltype` as ch on = WHERE'$aid' "; $this->Fields = $this->dsql->GetOne($query); } else { $this->Fields['title'] = ''; $this->Fields['money'] = $this->Fields['arcrank'] = 0; $this->Fields['senddate'] = $this->Fields['pubdate'] = $this->Fields['mid'] = $this->Fields['adminid'] = 0; $this->Fields['ismake'] = 1; $this->Fields['filename'] = ''; } if ($this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['corank'] > 0 && $this->Fields['arcrank'] == 0) { $this->Fields['arcrank'] = $this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['corank']; } $this->Fields['tags'] = GetTags($aid); $this->dtp = new DedeTagParse(); $this->dtp->SetRefObj($this); $this->SplitPageField = $this->ChannelUnit->SplitPageField; $this->SplitFields = ''; $this->TotalPage = 1; $this->NameFirst = ''; $this->ShortName = 'html'; $this->FixedValues = ''; $this->TempSource = ''; $this->remoteDir = ''; if (empty($GLOBALS['pageno'])) { $this->NowPage = 1; } else { $this->NowPage = $GLOBALS['pageno']; } //特殊的字段数据处理 $this->Fields['aid'] = $aid; $this->Fields['id'] = $aid; $this->Fields['position'] = $this->TypeLink->GetPositionLink(TRUE); $this->Fields['typeid'] = $arr['typeid']; //设置一些全局参数的值 foreach ($GLOBALS['PubFields'] as $k => $v) { $this->Fields[$k] = $v; } //为了减少重复查询,这里直接把附加表查询记录放在 $this->addTableRow 中,在 ParAddTable() 不再查询 if ($this->ChannelUnit->ChannelInfos['addtable'] != '') { $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$this->ChannelUnit->ChannelInfos['addtable']}` WHERE `aid` = '$aid'"; $this->addTableRow = $this->dsql->GetOne($query); } //issystem==-1 表示单表模型,单表模型不支持redirecturl这类参数,因此限定内容普通模型才进行下面查询 if ($this->ChannelUnit->ChannelInfos['addtable'] != '' && $this->ChannelUnit->ChannelInfos['issystem'] != -1) { if (is_array($this->addTableRow)) { $this->Fields['redirecturl'] = $this->addTableRow['redirecturl']; $this->Fields['templet'] = $this->addTableRow['templet']; $this->Fields['userip'] = $this->addTableRow['userip']; } $this->Fields['templet'] = (empty($this->Fields['templet']) ? '' : trim($this->Fields['templet'])); $this->Fields['redirecturl'] = (empty($this->Fields['redirecturl']) ? '' : trim($this->Fields['redirecturl'])); $this->Fields['userip'] = (empty($this->Fields['userip']) ? '' : trim($this->Fields['userip'])); } else { $this->Fields['templet'] = $this->Fields['redirecturl'] = ''; } } //!error } //php4构造函数 function Archives($aid) { $this->__construct($aid); } /** * 解析附加表的内容 * * @access public * @return void */ function ParAddTable() { //读取附加表信息,并把附加表的资料经过编译处理后导入到$this->Fields中,以方便在模板中用 {dede:field name='fieldname' /} 标记统一调用 if ($this->ChannelUnit->ChannelInfos['addtable'] != '') { $row = $this->addTableRow; if ($this->ChannelUnit->ChannelInfos['issystem'] == -1) { $this->Fields['title'] = $row['title']; $this->Fields['senddate'] = $this->Fields['pubdate'] = $row['senddate']; $this->Fields['mid'] = $this->Fields['adminid'] = $row['mid']; $this->Fields['ismake'] = 1; $this->Fields['arcrank'] = 0; $this->Fields['money'] = 0; $this->Fields['filename'] = ''; } if (is_array($row)) { foreach ($row as $k => $v) $row[strtolower($k)] = $v; } if (is_array($this->ChannelUnit->ChannelFields) && !empty($this->ChannelUnit->ChannelFields)) { foreach ($this->ChannelUnit->ChannelFields as $k => $arr) { if (isset($row[$k])) { if (!empty($arr['rename'])) { $nk = $arr['rename']; } else { $nk = $k; } $cobj = $this->GetCurTag($k); if (is_object($cobj)) { foreach ($this->dtp->CTags as $ctag) { if ($ctag->GetTagName() == 'field' && $ctag->GetAtt('name') == $k) { //带标识的专题节点 if ($ctag->GetAtt('noteid') != '') { $this->Fields[$k.'_'.$ctag->GetAtt('noteid')] = $this->ChannelUnit->MakeField($k, $row[$k], $ctag); } //带类型的字段节点 else if ($ctag->GetAtt('type') != '') { $this->Fields[$k.'_'.$ctag->GetAtt('type')] = $this->ChannelUnit->MakeField($k, $row[$k], $ctag); } //其它字段 else { $this->Fields[$nk] = $this->ChannelUnit->MakeField($k, $row[$k], $ctag); } } } } else { $this->Fields[$nk] = $row[$k]; } if ($arr['type'] == 'htmltext' && $GLOBALS['cfg_keyword_replace'] == 'Y' && !empty($this->Fields['keywords'])) { $this->Fields[$nk] = $this->ReplaceKeyword($this->Fields['keywords'], $this->Fields[$nk]); } } } //End foreach } //设置全局环境变量 $this->Fields['typename'] = $this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['typename']; @SetSysEnv($this->Fields['typeid'], $this->Fields['typename'], $this->Fields['id'], $this->Fields['title'], 'archives'); //文章的图片注释替换为标题 $this->Fields['body'] = str_ireplace(array('alt=""','alt=\'\''),'',$this->Fields['body']); $this->Fields['body'] = preg_replace("@ [\s]{0,}alt[\s]{0,}=[\"'\s]{0,}[\s\S]{0,}[\"'\s] @isU"," ",$this->Fields['body']); $this->Fields['body'] = str_ireplace("Fields['title']."\" title=\"".$this->Fields['title']."\" style=\"margin:20px 0;box-shadow:0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.1)\"",$this->Fields['body']); //图集的图片注释替换为标题 $this->Fields['imgurls'] = str_ireplace(array('alt=""','alt=\'\''),'',$this->Fields['imgurls']); $this->Fields['imgurls'] = preg_replace("@ [\s]{0,}alt[\s]{0,}=[\"'\s]{0,}[\s\S]{0,}[\"'\s] @isU"," ",$this->Fields['imgurls']); $this->Fields['imgurls'] = str_ireplace("Fields['title']."\" title=\"".$this->Fields['title']."\" ",$this->Fields['imgurls']); //去掉文章图片的宽度和高度 $this->Fields['body'] = preg_replace("/style=\"width\:(.*)\"/","",$this->Fields['body']); } //完成附加表信息读取 unset($row); //处理要分页显示的字段 $this->SplitTitles = array(); if ($this->SplitPageField != '' && $GLOBALS['cfg_arcsptitle'] = 'Y' && isset($this->Fields[$this->SplitPageField]) ) { $this->SplitFields = explode("#p#", $this->Fields[$this->SplitPageField]); $i = 1; foreach ($this->SplitFields as $k => $v) { $tmpv = cn_substr($v, 50); $pos = strpos($tmpv, '#e#'); if ($pos > 0) { $st = trim(cn_substr($tmpv, $pos)); if ($st == "" || $st == "副标题" || $st == "分页标题") { $this->SplitFields[$k] = preg_replace("/^(.*)#e#/is", "", $v); continue; } else { $this->SplitFields[$k] = preg_replace("/^(.*)#e#/is", "", $v); $this->SplitTitles[$k] = $st; } } else { continue; } $i++; } $this->TotalPage = count($this->SplitFields); $this->Fields['totalpage'] = $this->TotalPage; } //处理默认缩略图等 if (isset($this->Fields['litpic'])) { if ($this->Fields['litpic'] == '-' || $this->Fields['litpic'] == '') { $this->Fields['litpic'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_cmspath'].'/static/web/img/defaultpic.jpg'; } if (!preg_match("#^http:\/\/#i", $this->Fields['litpic']) && $GLOBALS['cfg_multi_site'] == 'Y') { $this->Fields['litpic'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_mainsite'].$this->Fields['litpic']; } $this->Fields['picname'] = $this->Fields['litpic']; //模板里直接使用{dede:field name='image'/}获取缩略图 $this->Fields['image'] = (!preg_match('/jpg|gif|png/i', $this->Fields['picname']) ? 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'' : $this->Fields['senddate']; $this->Fields['title'] = empty($this->Fields['title']) ? '' : $this->Fields['title']; $this->Fields['arcrank'] = empty($this->Fields['arcrank']) ? 0 : $this->Fields['arcrank']; $this->Fields['ismake'] = empty($this->Fields['ismake']) ? 0 : $this->Fields['ismake']; $this->Fields['money'] = empty($this->Fields['money']) ? 0 : $this->Fields['money']; $this->Fields['filename'] = empty($this->Fields['filename']) ? '' : $this->Fields['filename']; //分析要创建的文件名称 $filename = GetFileNewName( $this->ArcID, $this->Fields['typeid'], $this->Fields['senddate'], $this->Fields['title'], $this->Fields['ismake'], $this->Fields['arcrank'], $this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['namerule'], $this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['typedir'], $this->Fields['money'], $this->Fields['filename'] ); $filenames = explode(".", $filename); $this->ShortName = $filenames[count($filenames) - 1]; if ($this->ShortName == '') $this->ShortName = 'html'; $fileFirst = preg_replace("/\.".$this->ShortName."$/i", "", $filename); $this->Fields['namehand'] = basename($fileFirst); $filenames = explode("/", $filename); $this->NameFirst = preg_replace("/\.".$this->ShortName."$/i", "", $filenames[count($filenames) - 1]); if ($this->NameFirst == '') { $this->NameFirst = $this->arcID; } //获得当前文档的全名 $filenameFull = GetFileUrl( $this->ArcID, $this->Fields['typeid'], $this->Fields["senddate"], $this->Fields["title"], $this->Fields["ismake"], $this->Fields["arcrank"], $this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['namerule'], $this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['typedir'], $this->Fields["money"], $this->Fields['filename'], $this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['moresite'], $this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['siteurl'], $this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['sitepath'] ); $this->Fields['arcurl'] = $this->Fields['fullname'] = $filenameFull; //对于已设置不生成HTML的文章直接返回网址 if ( $this->Fields['ismake'] == -1 || $this->Fields['arcrank'] != 0 || $this->Fields['money'] > 0 || ($this->Fields['typeid'] == 0 && $this->Fields['channel'] != -1)) { return $this->GetTrueUrl($filename); } //循环生成HTML文件 else { $seoUrls = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->TotalPage; $i++) { if ($this->TotalPage > 1) { $this->Fields['tmptitle'] = (empty($this->Fields['tmptitle']) ? $this->Fields['title'] : $this->Fields['tmptitle']); if ($i > 1) $this->Fields['title'] = $this->Fields['tmptitle']."($i)"; } if ($i > 1) { $TRUEfilename = $this->GetTruePath().$fileFirst."_".$i.".".$this->ShortName; $URLFilename = $fileFirst."_".$i.".".$this->ShortName; } else { $TRUEfilename = $this->GetTruePath().$filename; $URLFilename = $filename; } $seoUrls = array_merge($seoUrls, array($cfg_basehost.$URLFilename)); $this->ParseDMFields($i, 1); $this->dtp->SaveTo($TRUEfilename); } } $this->dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("Update `#@__archives` SET ismake=1 WHERE id='".$this->ArcID."'"); return $this->GetTrueUrl($filename); } /** * 获得真实连接路径 * * @access public * @param string $nurl 连接 * @return string */ function GetTrueUrl($nurl) { return GetFileUrl( $this->Fields['id'], $this->Fields['typeid'], $this->Fields['senddate'], $this->Fields['title'], $this->Fields['ismake'], $this->Fields['arcrank'], $this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['namerule'], $this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['typedir'], $this->Fields['money'], $this->Fields['filename'], $this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['moresite'], $this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['siteurl'], $this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['sitepath'] ); } /** * 获得站点的真实根路径 * * @access public * @return string */ function GetTruePath() { $TRUEpath = $GLOBALS["cfg_basedir"]; return $TRUEpath; } /** * 获得指定键值的字段 * * @access public * @param string $fname 键名称 * @param object $ctag 标记 * @return string */ function GetField($fname, $ctag) { //所有Field数组 OR 普通Field if ($fname == 'array') { return $this->Fields; } //指定了ID的节点 else if ($ctag->GetAtt('noteid') != '') { if (isset($this->Fields[$fname.'_'.$ctag->GetAtt('noteid')])) { return $this->Fields[$fname.'_'.$ctag->GetAtt('noteid')]; } } //指定了type的节点 else if ($ctag->GetAtt('type') != '') { if (isset($this->Fields[$fname.'_'.$ctag->GetAtt('type')])) { return $this->Fields[$fname.'_'.$ctag->GetAtt('type')]; } } else if (isset($this->Fields[$fname])) { return $this->Fields[$fname]; } return ''; } /** * 获得模板文件位置 * * @access public * @return string */ function GetTempletFile() { global $cfg_basedir, $cfg_templets_dir, $cfg_df_style; $cid = $this->ChannelUnit->ChannelInfos['nid']; if (!empty($this->Fields['templet'])) { $filetag = MfTemplet($this->Fields['templet']); if (!preg_match("#\/#", $filetag)) $filetag = $GLOBALS['cfg_df_style'].'/'.$filetag; } else { $filetag = MfTemplet($this->TypeLink->TypeInfos["temparticle"]); } $tid = $this->Fields['typeid']; $filetag = str_replace('{cid}', $cid, $filetag); $filetag = str_replace('{tid}', $tid, $filetag); $tmpfile = $cfg_basedir.$cfg_templets_dir.'/'.$filetag; if ($cid == 'spec') { if (!empty($this->Fields['templet'])) { $tmpfile = $cfg_basedir.$cfg_templets_dir.'/'.$filetag; } else { $tmpfile = $cfg_basedir.$cfg_templets_dir."/{$cfg_df_style}/article_spec.htm"; } } if (!file_exists($tmpfile)) { $tmpfile = $cfg_basedir.$cfg_templets_dir."/{$cfg_df_style}/".($cid == 'spec' ? 'article_spec.htm' : 'article_default.htm'); } if (!preg_match("#.htm$#", $tmpfile)) return FALSE; return $tmpfile; } /** * 动态输出结果 * * @access public * @return void */ function display() { global $htmltype; if ($this->IsError) { return ''; } $this->Fields["displaytype"] = "dm"; if ($this->NowPage > 1) $this->Fields["title"] = $this->Fields["title"]."({$this->NowPage})"; //预编译 $this->LoadTemplet(); $this->ParAddTable(); $this->ParseTempletsFirst(); //跳转网址 $this->Fields['flag'] = empty($this->Fields['flag']) ? "" : $this->Fields['flag']; if (preg_match("#j#", $this->Fields['flag']) && $this->Fields['redirecturl'] != '') { if ($GLOBALS['cfg_jump_once'] == 'N') { $pageHtml = "\r\n\r\n\r\n".$this->Fields['title']."\r\n"; $pageHtml .= "Fields['redirecturl']."\">\r\n\r\n\r\n"; $pageHtml .= "现在正在转向:".$this->Fields['title'].",请稍候

\r\n转向内容简介:".$this->Fields['description']."\r\n\r\n\r\n"; echo $pageHtml; } else { header("location:{$this->Fields['redirecturl']}"); } exit(); } $pageCount = $this->NowPage; $this->ParseDMFields($pageCount, 0); $this->dtp->display(); } /** * 载入模板 * * @access public * @return void */ function LoadTemplet() { if ($this->TempSource == '') { $tempfile = $this->GetTempletFile(); if (!file_exists($tempfile) || !is_file($tempfile)) { echo "文档ID:{$this->Fields['id']} - {$this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['typename']} - {$this->Fields['title']}
"; echo "模板文件不存在,无法解析文档"; exit(); } $this->dtp->LoadTemplate($tempfile); $this->TempSource = $this->dtp->SourceString; } else { $this->dtp->LoadSource($this->TempSource); } } /** * 解析模板,对固定的标记进行初始给值 * * @access public * @return void */ function ParseTempletsFirst() { if (empty($this->Fields['keywords'])) { $this->Fields['keywords'] = ''; } if (empty($this->Fields['reid'])) { $this->Fields['reid'] = 0; } $GLOBALS['envs']['tags'] = $this->Fields['tags']; if (isset($this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['reid'])) { $GLOBALS['envs']['reid'] = $this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['reid']; } $GLOBALS['envs']['keyword'] = $this->Fields['keywords']; $GLOBALS['envs']['typeid'] = $this->Fields['typeid']; $GLOBALS['envs']['topid'] = GetTopid($this->Fields['typeid']); $GLOBALS['envs']['aid'] = $GLOBALS['envs']['id'] = $this->Fields['id']; $GLOBALS['envs']['adminid'] = $GLOBALS['envs']['mid'] = isset($this->Fields['mid']) ? $this->Fields['mid'] : 1; $GLOBALS['envs']['channelid'] = $this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['channeltype']; if ($this->Fields['reid'] > 0) { $GLOBALS['envs']['typeid'] = $this->Fields['reid']; } MakeOneTag($this->dtp, $this, 'N'); } /** * 解析模板,对内容里的变动进行赋值 * * @access public * @param string $pageNo 页码数 * @param string $ismake 是否生成 * @return string */ function ParseDMFields($pageNo, $ismake = 1) { $this->NowPage = $pageNo; $this->Fields['nowpage'] = $this->NowPage; if ($this->SplitPageField != '' && isset($this->Fields[$this->SplitPageField])) { $this->Fields[$this->SplitPageField] = $this->SplitFields[$pageNo - 1]; if ($pageNo > 1) $this->Fields['description'] = trim(preg_replace("/[\r\n\t]/", ' ', cn_substr(html2text($this->Fields[$this->SplitPageField]), 200))); } //解析模板 if (is_array($this->dtp->CTags)) { foreach ($this->dtp->CTags as $i => $ctag) { if ($ctag->GetName() == 'field') { $this->dtp->Assign($i, $this->GetField($ctag->GetAtt('name'), $ctag)); } else if ($ctag->GetName() == 'pagebreak') { if ($ismake == 0) { $this->dtp->Assign($i, $this->GetPagebreakDM($this->TotalPage, $this->NowPage, $this->ArcID)); } else { $this->dtp->Assign($i, $this->GetPagebreak($this->TotalPage, $this->NowPage, $this->ArcID)); } } else if ($ctag->GetName() == 'pagetitle') { if ($ismake == 0) { $this->dtp->Assign($i, $this->GetPageTitlesDM($ctag->GetAtt("style"), $pageNo)); } else { $this->dtp->Assign($i, $this->GetPageTitlesST($ctag->GetAtt("style"), $pageNo)); } } else if ($ctag->GetName() == 'prenext') { $this->dtp->Assign($i, $this->GetPreNext($ctag->GetAtt('get'))); } //二次开发上一篇下一篇{dede:prenextdiy get='pre'}{/dede:prenextdiy}{dede:prenextdiy get='next'}{/dede:prenextdiy} else if($ctag->GetName()=='prenextdiy') { $innertext = trim($ctag->GetInnerText()); if($innertext) { $get = $ctag->GetAtt('get'); $diys['diy'] = $this->GetPreNext('diy'); $revalue = ''; $dtp2 = new DedeTagParse(); $dtp2->SetNameSpace('field','[',']'); $dtp2->LoadSource($innertext); foreach($diys as $row) { foreach($dtp2->CTags as $tid=>$ctag2) { if(isset($row[$get][$ctag2->GetName()])) { $dtp2->Assign($tid,$row[$get][$ctag2->GetName()]); } } $revalue .= $dtp2->GetResult(); } if($row[$get]['id']) $this->dtp->Assign($i,$revalue); } } else if ($ctag->GetName() == 'fieldlist') { $innertext = trim($ctag->GetInnerText()); if ($innertext == '') $innertext = GetSysTemplets('tag_fieldlist.htm'); $dtp2 = new DedeTagParse(); $dtp2->SetNameSpace('field', '[', ']'); $dtp2->LoadSource($innertext); $oldSource = $dtp2->SourceString; $oldCtags = $dtp2->CTags; $res = ''; if (is_array($this->ChannelUnit->ChannelFields) && is_array($dtp2->CTags)) { foreach ($this->ChannelUnit->ChannelFields as $k => $v) { if (isset($v['autofield']) && empty($v['autofield'])) { continue; } $dtp2->SourceString = $oldSource; $dtp2->CTags = $oldCtags; $fname = $v['itemname']; foreach ($dtp2->CTags as $tid => $ctag2) { if ($ctag2->GetName() == 'name') { $dtp2->Assign($tid, $fname); } else if ($ctag2->GetName() == 'tagname') { $dtp2->Assign($tid, $k); } else if ($ctag2->GetName() == 'value') { if (isset($this->Fields[$k])) { $this->Fields[$k] = $this->ChannelUnit->MakeField($k, $this->Fields[$k], $ctag2); @$dtp2->Assign($tid, $this->Fields[$k]); } } } $res .= $dtp2->GetResult(); } } $this->dtp->Assign($i, $res); } //end case } //结束模板循环 } } /** * 关闭所占用的资源 * * @access public * @return void */ function Close() { $this->FixedValues = ''; $this->Fields = ''; } /** * 获取上一篇,下一篇链接 * * @access public * @param string $gtype 获取类型 * pre:上一篇 preimg:上一篇图片 next:下一篇 nextimg:下一篇图片 * @return string */ function GetPreNext($gtype = '') { $rs = ''; if (count($this->PreNext) < 2) { $aid = $this->ArcID; $preR = $this->dsql->GetOne("Select id From `#@__arctiny` where id<$aid And arcrank>-1 And typeid='{$this->Fields['typeid']}' order by id desc"); $nextR = $this->dsql->GetOne("Select id From `#@__arctiny` where id>$aid And arcrank>-1 And typeid='{$this->Fields['typeid']}' order by id asc"); $next = (is_array($nextR) ? " where{$nextR['id']} " : ' where 1>2 '); $pre = (is_array($preR) ? " where{$preR['id']} " : ' where 1>2 '); $query = "Select,arc.title,arc.shorttitle,arc.typeid,arc.ismake,arc.senddate,arc.arcrank,,arc.filename,arc.litpic,t.typedir,t.typename,t.namerule,t.namerule2,t.ispart,t.moresite,t.siteurl,t.sitepath from `#@__archives` arc left join #@__arctype t on "; $nextRow = $this->dsql->GetOne($query.$next); $preRow = $this->dsql->GetOne($query.$pre); if (is_array($preRow)) { $mlink = GetFileUrl( $preRow['id'], $preRow['typeid'], $preRow['senddate'], $preRow['title'], $preRow['ismake'], $preRow['arcrank'], $preRow['namerule'], $preRow['typedir'], $preRow['money'], $preRow['filename'], $preRow['moresite'], $preRow['siteurl'], $preRow['sitepath'] ); //二次开发上一篇属性 $preRow['litpic'] = (empty($preRow['litpic'])) ? $GLOBALS['cfg_cmspath'].'/static/web/img/defaultpic.jpg' : $preRow['litpic']; $this->PreNext['diy']['pre']['id'] = $preRow['id']; $this->PreNext['diy']['pre']['arcurl'] = $mlink; $this->PreNext['diy']['pre']['title'] = $preRow['title']; $this->PreNext['diy']['pre']['litpic'] = $preRow['litpic']; $this->PreNext['diy']['pre']['pubdate'] = $preRow['senddate']; $this->PreNext['pre'] = "上一篇:{$preRow['title']} "; $this->PreNext['preimg'] = "\"{$preRow['title']}\"/ "; } else { $this->PreNext['pre'] = "上一篇:没有了 "; $this->PreNext['preimg'] = "\"对不起,没有上一图集了\"/"; } if (is_array($nextRow)) { $mlink = GetFileUrl( $nextRow['id'], $nextRow['typeid'], $nextRow['senddate'], $nextRow['title'], $nextRow['ismake'], $nextRow['arcrank'], $nextRow['namerule'], $nextRow['typedir'], $nextRow['money'], $nextRow['filename'], $nextRow['moresite'], $nextRow['siteurl'], $nextRow['sitepath'] ); //二次开发下一篇属性 $nextRow['litpic'] = (empty($nextRow['litpic'])) ? $GLOBALS['cfg_cmspath'].'/static/web/img/defaultpic.jpg' : $nextRow['litpic']; $this->PreNext['diy']['next']['id'] = $nextRow['id']; $this->PreNext['diy']['next']['arcurl'] = $mlink; $this->PreNext['diy']['next']['title'] = $nextRow['title']; $this->PreNext['diy']['next']['litpic'] = $nextRow['litpic']; $this->PreNext['diy']['next']['pubdate'] = $nextRow['senddate']; $this->PreNext['next'] = "下一篇:{$nextRow['title']} "; $this->PreNext['nextimg'] = "\"{$nextRow['title']}\"/ "; } else { $this->PreNext['next'] = "下一篇:没有了 "; $this->PreNext['nextimg'] = "\"对不起,没有下一图集了\"/"; } } //二次开发上一篇下一篇 if($gtype=='diy') { return $this->PreNext['diy']; } if($gtype=='pre') { $rs = $this->PreNext['pre']; } else if ($gtype == 'preimg') { $rs = $this->PreNext['preimg']; } else if ($gtype == 'next') { $rs = $this->PreNext['next']; } else if ($gtype == 'nextimg') { $rs = $this->PreNext['nextimg']; } else { $rs = $this->PreNext['pre']."   ".$this->PreNext['next']; } return $rs; } /** * 获得动态页面分页列表 * * @access public * @param int $totalPage 总页数 * @param int $nowPage 当前页数 * @param int $aid 文档id * @return string */ function GetPagebreakDM($totalPage, $nowPage, $aid) { global $cfg_rewrite; if ($totalPage == 1) { return ""; } $PageList = "
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  • 1
  • "; } else { $PageList .= "
  • 1
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