GetTagName(); $channelid = $ctag->GetAtt('channelid'); //增加对分页文档的处理 $pagesize = $ctag->GetAtt('pagesize'); if ($pagesize == '') { $multi = 0; } else { $tagid = $ctag->GetAtt('tagid'); } //arclist是否需要weight排序,默认为"N",如果需要排序则设置为"Y" $isweight = $ctag->GetAtt('isweight'); if ($tagname == 'imglist' || $tagname == 'imginfolist') { $listtype = 'image'; } else if ($tagname == 'specart') { $channelid = -1; $listtype = ''; } else if ($tagname == 'coolart') { $listtype = 'commend'; } else if ($tagname == 'autolist') { $autopartid = $ctag->GetAtt('partsort'); } else { $listtype = $ctag->GetAtt('type'); } //排序 if ($ctag->GetAtt('sort') != '') $orderby = $ctag->GetAtt('sort'); else if ($tagname == 'hotart') $orderby = 'click'; else $orderby = $ctag->GetAtt('orderby'); //对相应的标记使用不同的默认innertext if (trim($ctag->GetInnerText()) != '') $innertext = $ctag->GetInnerText(); else if ($tagname == 'imglist') $innertext = GetSysTemplets('part_imglist.htm'); else if ($tagname == 'imginfolist') $innertext = GetSysTemplets('part_imginfolist.htm'); else $innertext = GetSysTemplets("part_arclist.htm"); //兼容titlelength if ($ctag->GetAtt('titlelength') != '') $titlelen = $ctag->GetAtt('titlelength'); else $titlelen = $ctag->GetAtt('titlelen'); //兼容infolength if ($ctag->GetAtt('infolength') != '') $infolen = $ctag->GetAtt('infolength'); else $infolen = $ctag->GetAtt('infolen'); $typeid = trim($ctag->GetAtt('typeid')); if (empty($typeid)) { $typeid = (isset($refObj->Fields['typeid']) ? $refObj->Fields['typeid'] : $envs['typeid']); } if ($listtype == 'autolist') { $typeid = lib_GetAutoChannelID($ctag->GetAtt('partsort'), $typeid); } if ($ctag->GetAtt('att') == '') { $flag = $ctag->GetAtt('flag'); } else { $flag = $ctag->GetAtt('att'); } return lib_arclistDone ($refObj, $ctag, $typeid, $ctag->GetAtt('row'), $ctag->GetAtt('col'), $titlelen, $infolen, $ctag->GetAtt('imgwidth'), $ctag->GetAtt('imgheight'), $listtype, $orderby, $ctag->GetAtt('keyword'), $innertext, $envs['aid'], $ctag->GetAtt('idlist'), $channelid, $ctag->GetAtt('limit'), $flag,$ctag->GetAtt('orderway'), $ctag->GetAtt('subday'), $ctag->GetAtt('noflag'), $tagid,$pagesize,$isweight,$ctag->GetAtt('notypeid') ); } /** * arclist解析函数 * * @access public * @param object $refObj 引用对象 * @param object $ctag 标签 * @param int $typeid 栏目id * @param int $row 调用行数 * @param int $titlelen 字符串长度 * @param int $infolen 描述信息长度 * @param int $imgwidth 图片宽度 * @param int $imgheight 图片高度 * @param string $listtype 列表类型 * @param string $orderby 排列顺序 * @param string $keyword 关键词 * @param string $innertext 底层模板 * @param int $arcid 文档id * @param string $idlist ID列表 * @param int $channelid 栏目id * @param string $limit 限制 * @param string $att 属性 * @param string $order 排序类型 * @param int $subday 天内 * @param string $noflag 属性标记 * @param string $tagid 标签id * @param string $pagesize 显示条数 * @param string $isweight 是否需要对检索出来的文档按照weight排序 * @return string */ function lib_arclistDone (&$refObj, &$ctag, $typeid=0, $row=10, $col=1, $titlelen=30, $infolen=160, $imgwidth=120, $imgheight=90, $listtype='all', $orderby='default', $keyword='', $innertext='', $arcid=0, $idlist='', $channelid=0, $limit='', $att='', $order='desc', $subday=0, $noflag='',$tagid='', $pagesize=0, $isweight='N',$notypeid=0) { global $dsql, $PubFields, $cfg_keyword_like, $cfg_index_cache, $_arclistEnv, $envs, $cfg_cache_type, $cfg_digg_update; $row = AttDef($row, 10); $titlelen = AttDef($titlelen, 30); $infolen = AttDef($infolen, 160); $imgwidth = AttDef($imgwidth, 120); $imgheight = AttDef($imgheight, 120); $listtype = AttDef($listtype, 'all'); $arcid = AttDef($arcid, 0); $channelid = AttDef($channelid, 0); $orderby = AttDef($orderby, 'default'); $orderWay = AttDef($order, 'desc'); $subday = AttDef($subday, 0); $pagesize = AttDef($pagesize, 0); $line = $row; $orderby = strtolower($orderby); $keyword = trim($keyword); $innertext = trim($innertext); $tablewidth = $ctag->GetAtt('tablewidth'); $writer = $ctag->GetAtt('writer'); if ($tablewidth == "") $tablewidth = 100; if (empty($col)) $col = 1; $colWidth = ceil(100 / $col); $tablewidth = $tablewidth."%"; $colWidth = $colWidth."%"; //记录属性,以便分页样式统一调用 $attarray = compact('row', 'titlelen', 'infolen', 'imgwidth', 'imgheight', 'listtype', 'arcid', 'channelid', 'orderby', 'orderWay', 'subday', 'pagesize', 'orderby', 'keyword', 'tablewidth', 'col', 'colWidth'); if ($innertext == '') $innertext = GetSysTemplets('part_arclist.htm'); if (@$ctag->GetAtt('getall') == 1) $getall = 1; else $getall = 0; if ($att == '0') $att = ''; if ($att == '3') $att = 'f'; if ($att == '1') $att = 'h'; $orwheres = array(); $maintable = '#@__archives'; //按不同情况设定SQL条件 排序方式 if ($idlist == '') { if ($orderby == 'near' && $cfg_keyword_like == 'N') { $keyword = ''; } if ($writer == 'this') { $wmid = isset($refObj->Fields['mid']) ? $refObj->Fields['mid'] : 0; $orwheres[] = " arc.mid = '$wmid' "; } //时间限制(用于调用最近热门文档、热门评论之类)这里的时间只能计算到天,否则缓存功能无效 if ($subday > 0) { $ntime = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, gmdate('m'), gmdate('d'), gmdate('Y')); $limitday = $ntime - ($subday * 24 * 3600); $orwheres[] = " arc.senddate > $limitday "; } //关键词条件 if ($keyword != '') { $keyword = str_replace(',', '|', $keyword); $orwheres[] = " CONCAT(arc.title,arc.keywords) REGEXP '$keyword' "; } //文档属性 if (preg_match('/commend/i', $listtype)) $orwheres[] = " FIND_IN_SET('c', arc.flag)>0 "; if (preg_match('/image/i', $listtype)) $orwheres[] = " FIND_IN_SET('p', arc.flag)>0 "; if ($att != '') { $flags = explode(',', $att); for ($i = 0; isset($flags[$i]); $i++) $orwheres[] = " FIND_IN_SET('{$flags[$i]}', arc.flag)>0 "; } if (!empty($typeid) && $typeid != 'top') { //指定了多个栏目时,不再获取子类的id if (preg_match('#,#', $typeid)) { //指定了getall属性或首页模板例外 if ($getall == 1 || empty($refObj->Fields['typeid'])) { $typeids = explode(',', $typeid); foreach ($typeids as $ttid) { $typeidss[] = GetSonIds($ttid); } $typeidStr = join(',', $typeidss); $typeidss = explode(',', $typeidStr); $typeidssok = array_unique($typeidss); $typeid = join(',', $typeidssok); } $orwheres[] = " arc.typeid IN ($typeid) "; } else { //处理交叉栏目 $CrossID = ''; if ($ctag->GetAtt('cross') == '1') { $arr = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT `id`,`topid`,`cross`,`crossid`,`ispart`,`typename` FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE id='$typeid' "); if ($arr['cross'] == 0 || ($arr['cross'] == 2 && trim($arr['crossid'] == ''))) { $orwheres[] = ' arc.typeid IN ('.GetSonIds($typeid).')'; } else { $selquery = ''; if ($arr['cross'] == 1) { $selquery = "SELECT id,topid FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE typename LIKE '{$arr['typename']}' AND id<>'{$typeid}' AND topid<>'{$typeid}' "; } else { $arr['crossid'] = preg_replace('#[^0-9,]#', '', trim($arr['crossid'])); if ($arr['crossid'] != '') $selquery = "SELECT id,topid FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE id IN('{$arr['crossid']}') AND id<>'{$typeid}' AND topid<>'{$typeid}' "; } if ($selquery != '') { $dsql->SetQuery($selquery); $dsql->Execute(); while ($arr = $dsql->GetArray()) { $CrossID .= ($CrossID == '' ? $arr['id'] : ','.$arr['id']); } } } } if ($CrossID == '') $orwheres[] = ' arc.typeid IN ('.GetSonIds($typeid).')'; else $orwheres[] = ' arc.typeid IN ('.GetSonIds($typeid).','.$CrossID.')'; } } //栏目id if (preg_match('#spec#i', $listtype)) $channelid == -1; if (!empty($channelid)) $orwheres[] = " And = '$channelid' "; if (!empty($noflag)) { if (!preg_match('#,#', $noflag)) { $orwheres[] = " FIND_IN_SET('$noflag', arc.flag)<1 "; } else { $noflags = explode(',', $noflag); foreach ($noflags as $noflag) { if (trim($noflag) == '') continue; $orwheres[] = " FIND_IN_SET('$noflag', arc.flag)<1 "; } } } $orwheres[] = 'arc.arcrank > -1'; if (!empty($notypeid)) { $orwheres[] = "and arc.typeid NOT IN (".GetSonIds($notypeid).")"; } //由于这个条件会导致缓存功能失去意义,因此取消 //if ($arcid!=0) $orwheres[] = "<>'$arcid' "; } //文档排序的方式 $ordersql = ''; if ($orderby == 'hot' || $orderby == 'click') $ordersql = " ORDER BY $orderWay"; else if ($orderby == 'sortrank' || $orderby == 'pubdate') $ordersql = " ORDER BY arc.sortrank $orderWay"; else if ($orderby == 'id') $ordersql = " ORDER BY $orderWay"; else if ($orderby == 'near') $ordersql = " ORDER BY ABS( - ".$arcid.")"; else if ($orderby == 'lastpost') $ordersql = " ORDER BY arc.lastpost $orderWay"; else if ($orderby == 'scores') $ordersql = " ORDER BY arc.scores $orderWay"; //增加按好评数和差评数调用 else if ($orderby == 'goodpost') $ordersql = " order by arc.goodpost $orderWay"; else if ($orderby == 'badpost') $ordersql = " order by arc.badpost $orderWay"; else if ($orderby == 'rand') $ordersql = " ORDER BY rand()"; else $ordersql = " ORDER BY arc.sortrank $orderWay"; //limit条件 $limit = trim(preg_replace('#limit#is', '', $limit)); if ($limit != '') { $limitsql = " LIMIT $limit "; $limitarr = explode(',', $limit); $line = isset($limitarr[1]) ? $limitarr[1] : $line; } else $limitsql = " LIMIT 0,$line "; $orwhere = ''; if (isset($orwheres[0])) { $orwhere = join(' And ', $orwheres); $orwhere = preg_replace("#^ And#is", '', $orwhere); $orwhere = preg_replace("#And[ ]{1,}And#is", 'And ', $orwhere); } if ($orwhere != '') $orwhere = " WHERE $orwhere "; //获取附加表信息 $addfield = trim($ctag->GetAtt('addfields')); $addfieldsSql = ''; $addfieldsSqlJoin = ''; if ($addfield != '' && !empty($channelid)) { $row = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT addtable FROM `#@__channeltype` WHERE id='$channelid' "); if (isset($row['addtable']) && trim($row['addtable']) != '') { $addtable = trim($row['addtable']); $addfields = explode(',', $addfield); $row['addtable'] = trim($row['addtable']); $addfieldsSql = ",addf.".join(',addf.', $addfields); $addfieldsSqlJoin = " LEFT JOIN `$addtable` addf ON addf.aid = "; } } $query = "SELECT arc.*,tp.typedir,tp.typename,tp.corank,tp.isdefault,tp.defaultname,tp.namerule,tp.namerule2,tp.ispart,tp.moresite,tp.siteurl,tp.sitepath $addfieldsSql FROM `$maintable` arc LEFT JOIN `#@__arctype` tp on $addfieldsSqlJoin $orwhere $ordersql $limitsql"; //统一hash $taghash = md5(serialize($ctag).$typeid); $needSaveCache = true; //进行tagid的默认处理 if ($pagesize > 0) $tagid = AttDef($tagid, 'tag'.$taghash); if ($idlist != '' || $GLOBALS['_arclistEnv'] == 'index' || $cfg_index_cache == 0) { $needSaveCache = false; } else { $idlist = GetArclistCache($taghash); if ($idlist != '') { $needSaveCache = false; } //如果使用的是文档缓存,直接返回结果 if ($cfg_cache_type == 'content' && $idlist != '') { $idlist = ($idlist == 0 ? '' : $idlist); return $idlist; } } //指定了id或使用缓存中的id if ($idlist != '') { $query = "SELECT arc.*,tp.typedir,tp.typename,tp.corank,tp.isdefault,tp.defaultname,tp.namerule,tp.namerule2,tp.ispart,tp.moresite,tp.siteurl,tp.sitepath $addfieldsSql FROM `$maintable` arc left join `#@__arctype` tp on $addfieldsSqlJoin WHERE in($idlist) $ordersql "; } $dsql->SetQuery($query); $dsql->Execute('al'); $artlist = ''; if ($pagesize > 0) $artlist .= "
\r\n"; if ($col > 1) $artlist = "\r\n"; $dtp2 = new DedeTagParse(); $dtp2->SetNameSpace('field', '[', ']'); $dtp2->LoadString($innertext); $GLOBALS['autoindex'] = 0; $ids = array(); $orderWeight = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $line; $i++) { if ($col > 1) $artlist .= "\r\n"; for ($j = 0; $j < $col; $j++) { if ($col > 1) $artlist .= " \r\n"; }//Loop Col if ($col > 1) $i += $col - 1; if ($col > 1) $artlist .= " \r\n"; }//loop line if ($col > 1) $artlist .= "
\r\n"; if ($row = $dsql->GetArray("al")) { $ids[] = $row['id']; //处理一些特殊字段 $row['info'] = $row['infos'] = cn_substr($row['description'], $infolen); $row['id'] = $row['id']; if ($row['corank'] > 0 && $row['arcrank'] == 0) { $row['arcrank'] = $row['corank']; } $row['filename'] = $row['arcurl'] = GetFileUrl( $row['id'], $row['typeid'], $row['senddate'], $row['title'], $row['ismake'], $row['arcrank'], $row['namerule'], $row['typedir'], $row['money'], $row['filename'], $row['moresite'], $row['siteurl'], $row['sitepath'] ); $row['typeurl'] = GetTypeUrl( $row['typeid'], $row['typedir'], $row['isdefault'], $row['defaultname'], $row['ispart'], $row['namerule2'], $row['moresite'], $row['siteurl'], $row['sitepath'] ); if ($row['litpic'] == '-' || $row['litpic'] == '') { $row['litpic'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_cmspath'].'/static/web/img/thumbnail.jpg'; } if (!preg_match("#^(http|https):\/\/#i", $row['litpic']) && $GLOBALS['cfg_multi_site'] == 'Y') { $row['litpic'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_mainsite'].$row['litpic']; } $row['picname'] = $row['litpic']; $row['stime'] = GetDateMK($row['pubdate']); $row['typelink'] = "".$row['typename'].""; $row['image'] = "<]#", "", $row['title'])."'>"; $row['imglink'] = "".$row['image'].""; $row['fulltitle'] = $row['title']; $row['title'] = cn_substr($row['title'], $titlelen); if ($row['color'] != '') $row['title'] = "".$row['title'].""; if (preg_match('#b#', $row['flag'])) $row['title'] = "".$row['title'].""; //$row['title'] = "".$row['title'].""; $row['textlink'] = "".$row['title'].""; $row['plusurl'] = $row['phpurl'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_phpurl']; $row['memberurl'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_memberurl']; $row['templeturl'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_templeturl']; if (is_array($dtp2->CTags)) { foreach ($dtp2->CTags as $k => $ctag) { if ($ctag->GetName() == 'array') { //传递整个数组,在runphp模式中有特殊作用 $dtp2->Assign($k, $row); } else { if (isset($row[$ctag->GetName()])) $dtp2->Assign($k, $row[$ctag->GetName()]); else $dtp2->Assign($k, ''); } } $GLOBALS['autoindex']++; } if ($pagesize > 0) { if ($GLOBALS['autoindex'] <= $pagesize) { $liststr = $dtp2->GetResult(); $artlist .= $liststr."\r\n"; } else { $artlist .= ""; $orderWeight[] = array( 'weight' => $row['weight'], 'arclist' => '' ); } } else { $liststr = $dtp2->GetResult(); $artlist .= $liststr."\r\n"; } $orderWeight[] = array( 'weight' => $row['weight'], 'arclist' => $liststr ); }//if hasRow else { $artlist .= ''; } //进行判断,如果启用排序则文档输出为重新排序后的文档 //var_dump($isweight=='y' && count($orderWeight) == $line); $isweight = strtolower($isweight); if ($isweight == 'y') { $artlist = ''; $orderWeight = list_sort_by($orderWeight, 'weight', 'asc'); foreach ($orderWeight as $vv) { $artlist .= $vv['arclist']; } } if ($col > 1) $artlist .= "
\r\n"; $dsql->FreeResult("al"); $idsstr = join(',', $ids); //保存ID缓存 if ($needSaveCache) { if ($idsstr == '') $idsstr = '0'; if ($cfg_cache_type == 'content' && $idsstr != '0') { $idsstr = addslashes($artlist); } $inquery = "INSERT INTO `#@__arccache` (`md5hash`,`uptime`,`cachedata`) VALUES ('".$taghash."','".time()."', '$idsstr'); "; $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("DELETE FROM `#@__arccache` WHERE md5hash='".$taghash."' "); $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($inquery); } return $artlist; } /** * 查询缓存 * * @access public * @param string $md5hash 唯一识别hash * @return string */ function GetArclistCache($md5hash) { global $dsql, $envs, $cfg_makesign_cache, $cfg_index_cache, $cfg_cache_type; if ($cfg_index_cache <= 0) return ''; if (isset($envs['makesign']) && $cfg_makesign_cache == 'N') return ''; $mintime = time() - $cfg_index_cache; $arr = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT cachedata,uptime FROM `#@__arccache` WHERE md5hash = '$md5hash' "); if (!is_array($arr)) { return ''; } else if ($arr['uptime'] < $mintime) { return ''; } else { return $arr['cachedata']; } } /** * 获取自动栏目id * * @access public * @param string $sortid * @param string $topid * @return string */ function lib_GetAutoChannelID($sortid, $topid) { global $dsql; if (empty($sortid)) $sortid = 1; $getstart = $sortid - 1; $row = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT id,typename FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE reid='{$topid}' And ispart<2 And ishidden<>'1' ORDER BY sortrank asc limit $getstart,1"); if (!is_array($row)) return 0; else return $row['id']; } /** * 对查询结果集进行排序 * * @access public * @param array $list 查询结果 * @param string $field 排序的字段名 * @param array $sortby 排序类型 asc正向排序 desc逆向排序 nat自然排序 * @return array */ function list_sort_by($list, $field, $sortby = 'asc') { if (is_array($list)) { $refer = $resultSet = array(); foreach ($list as $i => $data) $refer[$i] = &$data[$field]; switch ($sortby) { case 'asc'://正向排序 asort($refer); break; case 'desc'://逆向排序 arsort($refer); break; case 'nat'://自然排序 natcasesort($refer); break; } foreach ($refer as $key => $val) $resultSet[] = &$list[$key]; return $resultSet; } return false; } ?>