$v) { if ($k == 'nextdo') { $nextdo = ''; $nextdos = explode(',', $GLOBALS[$k]); if (isset($nextdos[1])) { for ($i = 1; $i < count($nextdos); $i++) { if (trim($nextdos[$i]) == '') continue; $nextdo .= ($nextdo == '' ? $nextdos[$i] : ','.$nextdos[$i]); } } //如果系统有多重任务,把下一任务和任务列表参数提交给程序处理 if (in_array('morejob', $notallowArr)) { $reurl .= "&doposttmp=".$nextdos[0]; if ($nextdo != '') $reurl .= "&nextdotmp=$nextdo"; } else { $reurl .= "&dopost=".$nextdos[0]; if ($nextdo != '') $reurl .= "&nextdo=$nextdo"; } } else if (in_array($k, $notallowArr)) { continue; } else { $reurl .= "&{$k}=".urlencode($GLOBALS[$k]); } } return $reurl; } //更新上一篇和下一篇 if ($dopost == 'makeprenext') { require_once(DEDEINC.'/archive/archives.class.php'); $aid = intval($aid); $preRow = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT id FROM `#@__arctiny` WHERE id<$aid AND arcrank>-1 AND typeid='$typeid' ORDER BY id DESC"); $nextRow = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT id FROM `#@__arctiny` WHERE id>$aid AND arcrank>-1 AND typeid='$typeid' ORDER BY id ASC"); if (is_array($preRow)) { $envs['aid'] = $preRow['id']; $arc = new Archives($preRow['id']); $arc->MakeHtml(); } if (is_array($nextRow)) { $envs['aid'] = $nextRow['id']; $arc = new Archives($nextRow['id']); $arc->MakeHtml(); } if (empty($nextdo)) { ShowMsg("完成上下篇文档更新任务完成所有更新任务", "close::tgtable"); exit(); } else { $jumpurl = GetNextUrl(); ShowMsg("完成下篇文档更新任务 继续执行其它任务", $jumpurl, 0, 500); exit(); } } //更新首页的任务 if ($dopost == 'makeindex') { require_once(DEDEINC.'/archive/partview.class.php'); $envs = $_sys_globals = array(); $envs['aid'] = 0; $pv = new PartView(); $row = $pv->dsql->GetOne('SELECT * FROM `#@__homepageset`'); $templet = str_replace("{style}", $cfg_df_style, $row['templet']); $homeFile = dirname(__FILE__).'/'.$row['position']; $homeFile = str_replace("//", "/", str_replace("\\", "/", $homeFile)); $fp = fopen($homeFile, 'w') or die("无法更新网站首页到:$homeFile 位置"); fclose($fp); $tpl = $cfg_basedir.$cfg_templets_dir.'/'.$templet; if (!file_exists($tpl)) { $tpl = $cfg_basedir.$cfg_templets_dir.'/default/index.htm'; if (!file_exists($tpl)) exit("无法找到首页模板:$tpl "); } $GLOBALS['_arclistEnv'] = 'index'; $pv->SetTemplet($tpl); $pv->SaveToHtml($homeFile); $pv->Close(); if (empty($nextdo)) { ShowMsg("完成首页更新任务完成所有更新任务", "close::tgtable"); exit(); } else { $jumpurl = GetNextUrl(); ShowMsg("完成首页更新 现在跳转其它更新任务", $jumpurl, 0, 500); exit(); } } //更新所有关连的栏目 else if ($dopost == 'makeparenttype') { require_once(DEDEDATA."/cache/inc_catalog_base.inc"); require_once(DEDEINC.'/archive/listview.class.php'); $notallowArr = array('dopost', 'f', 'del', 'curpage', 'morejob'); $jumpurl = GetNextUrl($notallowArr); if (empty($typeid)) { ShowMsg("完成栏目更新任务完成所有更新任务", "close::tgtable"); exit(); } $topids = explode(',', GetTopids($typeid)); if (empty($curpage)) $curpage = 0; $tid = $topids[$curpage]; if (isset($cfg_Cs[$tid]) && $cfg_Cs[$tid][1] > 0) { require_once(DEDEINC."/archive/listview.class.php"); $lv = new ListView($tid); $lv->CountRecord(); $lv->MakeHtml(); $lv->Close(); } else { require_once(DEDEINC."/archive/sglistview.class.php"); $lv = new SgListView($tid); $lv->CountRecord(); $lv->MakeHtml(); $lv->Close(); } if ($curpage >= count($topids) - 1) { if (!empty($doposttmp)) { $jumpurl = preg_replace("#doposttmp|nextdotmp#", 'del', $jumpurl); $jumpurl .= "&dopost={$doposttmp}&nextdo={$nextdotmp}"; ShowMsg("完成栏目:{$tid}更新
完成栏目更新任务,继续执行后续任务", $jumpurl, 0, 500); exit(); } else { ShowMsg("完成栏目:{$tid}更新
完成栏目更新任务,完成所有更新任务", "close::tgtable"); exit(); } } else { $curpage++; $jumpurl .= "&curpage={$curpage}&dopost=makeparenttype"; ShowMsg("完成栏目:{$tid}更新,继续更新其它栏目", $jumpurl, 0, 500); exit(); } } ?>