Explorar el Código

Merge branch 'api_list' into develop

tianya hace 1 año
Se han modificado 3 ficheros con 428 adiciones y 81 borrados
  1. +3
  2. +244
  3. +181

+ 3
- 2
src/apps/list.php Ver fichero

@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
$t1 = ExecTime();
$tid = (isset($tid) && is_numeric($tid) ? $tid : 0);
$mod = (isset($mod) && is_numeric($mod) ? $mod : 0);
$channelid = (isset($channelid) && is_numeric($channelid) ? $channelid : 0);
if ($tid == 0 && $channelid == 0) die("dedebiz");
if (isset($TotalResult)) $TotalResult = intval(preg_replace("/[^\d]/", '', $TotalResult));
@@ -31,10 +32,10 @@ if ($tinfos['issystem'] == -1) {
if (!empty($infotype)) $cArr['infotype'] = $infotype;
if (!empty($keyword)) $cArr['keyword'] = $keyword;
$lv = new SgListView($tid, $cArr);
$lv = new SgListView($tid, $cArr, $mod);
} else {
$lv = new ListView($tid);
$lv = new ListView($tid, 1, $mod);
if (isset($lv->Fields['corank']) && $lv->Fields['corank'] > 0) {

+ 244
- 46
src/system/archive/listview.class.php Ver fichero

@@ -33,15 +33,17 @@ class ListView
var $CrossID;
var $IsReplace;
var $remoteDir;
var $mod;
* php5构造函数
* @access public
* @param int $typeid 栏目id
* @param int $uppage 上一页
* @param int $typeid 栏目id
* @param int $uppage 上一页
* @param int $mod 渲染类型 0:HTML 1:JSON
* @return string
function __construct($typeid, $uppage = 1)
function __construct($typeid, $uppage = 1, $mod = 0)
global $dsql, $envs;
$envs['url_type'] = 1;
@@ -58,6 +60,7 @@ class ListView
$this->TypeLink = new TypeLink($typeid);
$this->upPageType = $uppage;
$this->remoteDir = '';
$this->mod = $mod;
$this->TotalResult = is_numeric($this->TotalResult) ? $this->TotalResult : "";
if (!is_array($this->TypeLink->TypeInfos)) {
$this->IsError = true;
@@ -71,7 +74,7 @@ class ListView
if (isset($_REQUEST['tid'])) {
foreach($_GET as $key => $value) {
if ($key!="tid" && $key!="TotalResult" && $key!="PageNo") {
if ($key!="tid" && $key!="TotalResult" && $key!="PageNo" && $key!="PageSize" && $key!="mod") {
$this->Fields[string_filter($key)] = string_filter(urldecode($value));
@@ -104,9 +107,9 @@ class ListView
function ListView($typeid, $uppage = 0)
function ListView($typeid, $uppage = 0, $mod = 0)
$this->__construct($typeid, $uppage);
$this->__construct($typeid, $uppage, $mod);
function Close()
@@ -148,7 +151,7 @@ class ListView
if (isset($_REQUEST['tid'])) {
foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) {
$filtersql .= ($key!="tid" && $key!="TotalResult" && $key!="PageNo") ? " AND $addtable.".string_filter($key)." = '".string_filter(urldecode($value))."'" : '';
$filtersql .= ($key!="tid" && $key!="TotalResult" && $key!="PageNo" && $key!="PageSize" && $key!="mod") ? " AND $addtable.".string_filter($key)." = '".string_filter(urldecode($value))."'" : '';
} else {
@@ -211,30 +214,35 @@ class ListView
$this->TotalResult = 0;
$tempfile = $GLOBALS['cfg_basedir'].$GLOBALS['cfg_templets_dir']."/".$this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['templist'];
$tempfile = str_replace("{tid}", $this->TypeID, $tempfile);
$tempfile = str_replace("{cid}", $this->ChannelUnit->ChannelInfos['nid'], $tempfile);
if (!file_exists($tempfile)) {
$tempfile = $GLOBALS['cfg_basedir'].$GLOBALS['cfg_templets_dir']."/".$GLOBALS['cfg_df_style']."/list_default.htm";
if (!file_exists($tempfile) || !is_file($tempfile)) {
echo "主题模板文件不存在,无法发布文档";
$ctag = $this->dtp->GetTag("page");
if (!is_object($ctag)) {
$ctag = $this->dtp->GetTag("list");
if (!is_object($ctag)) {
$this->pagesize = 30;
} else {
if ($ctag->GetAtt("pagesize") != "") {
$this->pagesize = $ctag->GetAtt("pagesize");
} else {
if ($this->mod === 0) {
$tempfile = $GLOBALS['cfg_basedir'].$GLOBALS['cfg_templets_dir']."/".$this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['templist'];
$tempfile = str_replace("{tid}", $this->TypeID, $tempfile);
$tempfile = str_replace("{cid}", $this->ChannelUnit->ChannelInfos['nid'], $tempfile);
if (!file_exists($tempfile)) {
$tempfile = $GLOBALS['cfg_basedir'].$GLOBALS['cfg_templets_dir']."/".$GLOBALS['cfg_df_style']."/list_default.htm";
if (!file_exists($tempfile) || !is_file($tempfile)) {
echo "主题模板文件不存在,无法发布文档";
$ctag = $this->dtp->GetTag("page");
if (!is_object($ctag)) {
$ctag = $this->dtp->GetTag("list");
if (!is_object($ctag)) {
$this->pagesize = 30;
} else {
if ($ctag->GetAtt("pagesize") != "") {
$this->pagesize = $ctag->GetAtt("pagesize");
} else {
$this->pagesize = 30;
} else {
$this->pagesize = isset($GLOBALS['PageSize'])? intval($GLOBALS['PageSize']) : 10;
$this->pagesize = $this->pagesize > 20? 20 : $this->pagesize;
$this->TotalPage = ceil($this->TotalResult / $this->pagesize);
@@ -319,24 +327,214 @@ class ListView
function Display()
if ($this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['ispart'] > 0) {
if ($this->mod === 0) {
if ($this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['ispart'] > 0) {
if ((empty($this->PageNo) || $this->PageNo == 1) && $this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['ispart'] == 1) {
$tmpdir = $GLOBALS['cfg_basedir'].$GLOBALS['cfg_templets_dir'];
$tempfile = str_replace("{tid}", $this->TypeID, $this->Fields['tempindex']);
$tempfile = str_replace("{cid}", $this->ChannelUnit->ChannelInfos['nid'], $tempfile);
$tempfile = $tmpdir."/".$tempfile;
if (!file_exists($tempfile)) {
$tempfile = $tmpdir."/".$GLOBALS['cfg_df_style']."/index_default.htm";
$this->ParseDMFields($this->PageNo, 0);
} else {
$result = $this->GetAPIList($this->PageNo,$this->pagesize);
if (!is_array($result)) {
echo json_encode(array(
"code" => -1,
"msg" => "none result",
} else {
echo json_encode(array(
"code" => 0,
"msg" => "",
"lists" => $result,
"total" => intval($this->TotalResult),
if ((empty($this->PageNo) || $this->PageNo == 1) && $this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['ispart'] == 1) {
$tmpdir = $GLOBALS['cfg_basedir'].$GLOBALS['cfg_templets_dir'];
$tempfile = str_replace("{tid}", $this->TypeID, $this->Fields['tempindex']);
$tempfile = str_replace("{cid}", $this->ChannelUnit->ChannelInfos['nid'], $tempfile);
$tempfile = $tmpdir."/".$tempfile;
if (!file_exists($tempfile)) {
$tempfile = $tmpdir."/".$GLOBALS['cfg_df_style']."/index_default.htm";
* GetAPIList
* @param mixed $PageNo 页码
* @param mixed $row 条数
* @param mixed $titlelen 标题字符长度
* @param mixed $infolen 描述字符长度
* @param mixed $orderby 排序
* @param mixed $orderWay 排序方式
* @return array
function GetAPIList($PageNo = 1,$row = 10,$titlelen = 30,$infolen = 250,$orderby = "default",$orderWay = 'desc') {
$limitstart = ($PageNo - 1) * $row;
if ($row == '') $row = 10;
if ($limitstart == '') $limitstart = 0;
if ($titlelen == '') $titlelen = 100;
if ($infolen == '') $infolen = 250;
if ($orderWay == '') $orderWay = 'desc';
if ($orderby == '') {
$orderby = 'default';
} else {
$orderby = strtolower($orderby);
$ordersql = '';
if ($orderby == "senddate" || $orderby == "id") {
$ordersql = " ORDER BY arc.id $orderWay";
} else if ($orderby == "hot" || $orderby == "click") {
$ordersql = " ORDER BY arc.click $orderWay";
} else if ($orderby == "lastpost") {
$ordersql = " ORDER BY arc.lastpost $orderWay";
} else {
$ordersql = " ORDER BY arc.sortrank $orderWay";
$addtable = $this->ChannelUnit->ChannelInfos['addtable'];
$filtersql = "";
if ($addtable!="")
$addJoin = " LEFT JOIN `$addtable` ON arc.id = ".$addtable.'.aid ';
$addField = '';
$fields = explode(',',$this->ChannelUnit->ChannelInfos['listfields']);
foreach($fields as $k=>$v)
$nfields[$v] = $k;
if (is_array($this->ChannelUnit->ChannelFields) && !empty($this->ChannelUnit->ChannelFields)) {
foreach($this->ChannelUnit->ChannelFields as $k=>$arr)
if (isset($nfields[$k])) {
if (!empty($arr['rename'])) {
$addField .= ','.$addtable.'.'.$k.' as '.$arr['rename'];
else {
$addField .= ','.$addtable.'.'.$k;
if (isset($_REQUEST['tid'])) {
foreach($_GET as $key => $value)
$filtersql .= ($key!="tid" && $key!="TotalResult" && $key!="PageNo" && $key!="PageSize" && $key !="mod") ? " AND $addtable.".string_filter($key)." = '".string_filter(urldecode($value))."'" : '';
} else {
$addField = '';
$addJoin = '';
$this->ParseDMFields($this->PageNo, 0);
if (preg_match('/hot|click|lastpost/', $orderby)) {
$query = "SELECT arc.*,tp.typedir,tp.typename,tp.isdefault,tp.defaultname,tp.namerule,tp.namerule2,tp.ispart,tp.moresite,tp.siteurl,tp.sitepath,mb.uname,mb.face $addField FROM `#@__archives` arc LEFT JOIN `#@__arctype` tp ON arc.typeid=tp.id LEFT JOIN `#@__member` mb ON arc.mid=mb.mid $addJoin WHERE {$this->addSql} $filtersql $ordersql LIMIT $limitstart,$row";
else {
$t1 = ExecTime();
$ids = array();
$query = "SELECT id FROM `#@__arctiny` arc $addJoin WHERE {$this->addSql} $filtersql $ordersql LIMIT $limitstart,$row";
while ($arr = $this->dsql->GetArray()) {
$ids[] = $arr['id'];
$idstr = join(',', $ids);
if ($idstr == '') {
return '';
} else {
$query = "SELECT arc.*,tp.typedir,tp.typename,tp.corank,tp.isdefault,tp.defaultname,tp.namerule,tp.namerule2,tp.ispart,tp.moresite,tp.siteurl,tp.sitepath,mb.uname,mb.face $addField FROM `#@__archives` arc LEFT JOIN `#@__arctype` tp ON arc.typeid=tp.id LEFT JOIN `#@__member` mb ON arc.mid=mb.mid $addJoin WHERE arc.id in($idstr) $ordersql ";
$t2 = ExecTime();
$t2 = ExecTime();
$result = array();
$GLOBALS['autoindex'] = 0;
while ($row = $this->dsql->GetArray("al")) {
$ids[$row['id']] = $row['id'];
$row['infos'] = cn_substr($row['description'], $infolen);
$row['id'] = $row['id'];
if ($row['corank'] > 0 && $row['arcrank'] == 0) {
$row['arcrank'] = $row['corank'];
$row['filename'] = $row['arcurl'] = GetFileUrl(
$row['typeurl'] = GetTypeUrl(
if ($row['litpic'] == '-' || $row['litpic'] == '') {
$row['litpic'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_cmspath'].'/static/web/img/thumbnail.jpg';
/*if (!preg_match("/^http:\/\//i", $row['litpic']) && $GLOBALS['cfg_multi_site'] == 'Y') {
$row['litpic'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_mainsite'].$row['litpic'];
$row['picname'] = $row['litpic'];
$row['stime'] = GetDateMK($row['pubdate']);
$row['typelink'] = "<a href='".$row['typeurl']."'>".$row['typename']."</a>";
$row['image'] = "<img src='".$row['picname']."' title='".preg_replace("/['><]/", "", $row['title'])."'>";
$row['imglink'] = "<a href='".$row['filename']."'>".$row['image']."</a>";
$row['fulltitle'] = $row['title'];
$row['title'] = cn_substr($row['title'], $titlelen);
if ($row['color'] != '') {
$row['title'] = "<span style='color:".$row['color']."'>".$row['title']."</span>";
if (preg_match('/c/', $row['flag'])) {
$row['title'] = "".$row['title']."";
$row['face'] = empty($row['face'])? $GLOBALS['cfg_mainsite'].'/static/web/img/admin.png' : $row['face'];
$row['textlink'] = "<a href='".$row['filename']."'>".$row['title']."</a>";
$row['plusurl'] = $row['phpurl'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_phpurl'];
$row['memberurl'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_memberurl'];
$row['templeturl'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_templeturl'];
foreach ($row as $k => $v) {
$row[strtolower($k)] = $v;
foreach ($this->ChannelUnit->ChannelFields as $k => $arr) {
if (isset($row[$k])) {
$row[$k] = $this->ChannelUnit->MakeField($k, $row[$k]);
$result[] = $row;
}//if hasRow
$t3 = ExecTime();
return $result;
* 创建单独模板页面
@@ -639,7 +837,7 @@ class ListView
if (isset($_REQUEST['tid'])) {
foreach($_GET as $key => $value)
$filtersql .= ($key!="tid" && $key!="TotalResult" && $key!="PageNo") ? " AND $addtable.".string_filter($key)." = '".string_filter(urldecode($value))."'" : '';
$filtersql .= ($key!="tid" && $key!="TotalResult" && $key!="PageNo" && $key!="PageSize" && $key!="mod") ? " AND $addtable.".string_filter($key)." = '".string_filter(urldecode($value))."'" : '';
} else {
@@ -900,7 +1098,7 @@ class ListView
$pageaddurl = "";
foreach($_GET as $key => $value) {
$pageaddurl .= ($key!="tid" && $key!="TotalResult" && $key!="PageNo") ? "&".string_filter($key)."=".string_filter($value) : '';
$pageaddurl .= ($key!="tid" && $key!="TotalResult" && $key!="PageNo" && $key!="PageSize" && $key!="mod") ? "&".string_filter($key)."=".string_filter($value) : '';
if ($this->PageNo != 1) {

+ 181
- 33
src/system/archive/sglistview.class.php Ver fichero

@@ -34,15 +34,17 @@ class SgListView
var $ListFields;
var $searchArr;
var $sAddTable;
var $mod;
* php5构造函数
* @access public
* @param int $typeid 栏目id
* @param int $typeid 栏目id
* @param array $searchArr 检索数组
* @param int $mod 渲染类型 0:HTML 1:JSON
* @return void
function __construct($typeid, $searchArr = array())
function __construct($typeid, $searchArr = array(), $mod = 0)
global $dsql, $envs;
$envs['url_type'] = 1;
@@ -59,6 +61,7 @@ class SgListView
$this->dtp2->SetNameSpace("field", "[", "]");
$this->TypeLink = new TypeLink($typeid);
$this->searchArr = $searchArr;
$this->mod = $mod;
if (!is_array($this->TypeLink->TypeInfos)) {
$this->IsError = true;
@@ -100,9 +103,9 @@ class SgListView
} //!error
function SgListView($typeid, $searchArr = array())
function SgListView($typeid, $searchArr = array(), $mod = 0)
$this->__construct($typeid, $searchArr);
$this->__construct($typeid, $searchArr, $mod);
function Close()
@@ -171,30 +174,35 @@ class SgListView
$this->TotalResult = 0;
$tempfile = $GLOBALS['cfg_basedir'].$GLOBALS['cfg_templets_dir']."/".$this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['templist'];
$tempfile = str_replace("{tid}", $this->TypeID, $tempfile);
$tempfile = str_replace("{cid}", $this->ChannelUnit->ChannelInfos['nid'], $tempfile);
if (!file_exists($tempfile)) {
$tempfile = $GLOBALS['cfg_basedir'].$GLOBALS['cfg_templets_dir']."/".$GLOBALS['cfg_df_style']."/list_default_sg.htm";
if (!file_exists($tempfile) || !is_file($tempfile)) {
echo "主题模板文件不存在,无法发布文档";
$ctag = $this->dtp->GetTag("page");
if (!is_object($ctag)) {
$ctag = $this->dtp->GetTag("list");
if (!is_object($ctag)) {
$this->pagesize = 20;
} else {
if ($ctag->GetAtt('pagesize') != '') {
$this->pagesize = $ctag->GetAtt('pagesize');
} else {
if ($this->mod === 0) {
$tempfile = $GLOBALS['cfg_basedir'].$GLOBALS['cfg_templets_dir']."/".$this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['templist'];
$tempfile = str_replace("{tid}", $this->TypeID, $tempfile);
$tempfile = str_replace("{cid}", $this->ChannelUnit->ChannelInfos['nid'], $tempfile);
if (!file_exists($tempfile)) {
$tempfile = $GLOBALS['cfg_basedir'].$GLOBALS['cfg_templets_dir']."/".$GLOBALS['cfg_df_style']."/list_default_sg.htm";
if (!file_exists($tempfile) || !is_file($tempfile)) {
echo "主题模板文件不存在,无法发布文档";
$ctag = $this->dtp->GetTag("page");
if (!is_object($ctag)) {
$ctag = $this->dtp->GetTag("list");
if (!is_object($ctag)) {
$this->pagesize = 20;
} else {
if ($ctag->GetAtt('pagesize') != '') {
$this->pagesize = $ctag->GetAtt('pagesize');
} else {
$this->pagesize = 20;
} else {
$this->pagesize = isset($GLOBALS['PageSize'])? intval($GLOBALS['PageSize']) : 10;
$this->pagesize = $this->pagesize > 20? 20 : $this->pagesize;
$this->TotalPage = ceil($this->TotalResult / $this->pagesize);
@@ -281,14 +289,154 @@ class SgListView
function Display()
if ($this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['ispart'] > 0 && count($this->searchArr) == 0) {
if ($this->mod === 0) {
if ($this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['ispart'] > 0 && count($this->searchArr) == 0) {
$this->ParseDMFields($this->PageNo, 0);
} else {
$result = $this->GetAPIList($this->PageNo,$this->pagesize);
if (!is_array($result)) {
echo json_encode(array(
"code" => -1,
"msg" => "none result",
} else {
echo json_encode(array(
"code" => 0,
"msg" => "",
"lists" => $result,
"total" => intval($this->TotalResult),
$this->ParseDMFields($this->PageNo, 0);
* GetAPIList
* @param mixed $PageNo 页码
* @param mixed $row 行数
* @param mixed $titlelen 标题宽度
* @param mixed $orderby 排序
* @param mixed $orderWay 排序方式
* @return void
function GetAPIList($PageNo, $row = 10, $titlelen = 30, $orderby = "default", $orderWay = 'desc')
$limitstart = ($PageNo - 1) * $row;
if ($titlelen == '') $titlelen = 100;
if ($orderby == '') $orderby = 'id';
else $orderby = strtolower($orderby);
if ($orderWay == '') $orderWay = 'desc';
$ordersql = '';
if ($orderby == 'senddate' || $orderby == 'id') {
$ordersql = " ORDER BY arc.aid $orderWay";
} else if ($orderby == 'hot' || $orderby == 'click') {
$ordersql = " ORDER BY arc.click $orderWay";
} else {
$ordersql = " ORDER BY arc.aid $orderWay";
$addField = 'arc.'.join(',arc.', $this->ListFields);
if (preg_match('/hot|click/', $orderby) || $this->sAddTable) {
$query = "SELECT tp.typedir,tp.typename,tp.isdefault,tp.defaultname,tp.namerule,tp.namerule2,tp.ispart,tp.moresite,tp.siteurl,tp.sitepath,arc.aid,arc.aid AS id,arc.typeid,mb.uname,mb.face,$addField FROM `{$this->AddTable}` arc LEFT JOIN `#@__arctype` tp ON arc.typeid=tp.id LEFT JOIN `#@__member` mb on arc.mid = mb.mid WHERE {$this->addSql} $ordersql LIMIT $limitstart,$row";
else {
$t1 = ExecTime();
$ids = array();
$nordersql = str_replace('.aid', '.id', $ordersql);
$query = "SELECT id FROM `#@__arctiny` arc WHERE {$this->addSql} $nordersql LIMIT $limitstart,$row";
while ($arr = $this->dsql->GetArray()) {
$ids[] = $arr['id'];
$idstr = join(',', $ids);
if ($idstr == '') {
return '';
} else {
$query = "SELECT tp.typedir,tp.typename,tp.isdefault,tp.defaultname,tp.namerule,tp.namerule2,tp.ispart,tp.moresite,tp.siteurl,tp.sitepath,arc.aid,arc.aid AS id,arc.typeid,mb.uname,mb.face,$addField FROM `{$this->AddTable}` arc LEFT JOIN `#@__arctype` tp ON arc.typeid=tp.id LEFT JOIN `#@__member` mb on arc.mid = mb.mid WHERE arc.aid IN($idstr) AND arc.arcrank >-1 $ordersql";
$t2 = ExecTime();
$t2 = ExecTime();
$GLOBALS['autoindex'] = 0;
$result = array();
while ($row = $this->dsql->GetArray("al")) {
$ids[$row['aid']] = $row['id'] = $row['aid'];
$row['ismake'] = 1;
$row['money'] = 0;
$row['arcrank'] = 0;
$row['filename'] = '';
$row['filename'] = $row['arcurl'] = GetFileUrl(
$row['typeurl'] = GetTypeUrl(
if ($row['litpic'] == '-' || $row['litpic'] == '') {
$row['litpic'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_cmspath'].'/static/web/img/thumbnail.jpg';
if (!preg_match("/^http:\/\//", $row['litpic']) && $GLOBALS['cfg_multi_site'] == 'Y') {
$row['litpic'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_mainsite'].$row['litpic'];
$row['picname'] = $row['litpic'];
$row['pubdate'] = $row['senddate'];
$row['stime'] = GetDateMK($row['pubdate']);
$row['typelink'] = "<a href='".$row['typeurl']."'>".$row['typename']."</a>";
$row['fulltitle'] = $row['title'];
$row['title'] = cn_substr($row['title'], $titlelen);
if (preg_match('/b/', $row['flag'])) {
$row['title'] = "".$row['title']."";
$row['textlink'] = "<a href='".$row['filename']."'>".$row['title']."</a>";
$row['plusurl'] = $row['phpurl'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_phpurl'];
$row['memberurl'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_memberurl'];
$row['templeturl'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_templeturl'];
$row['face'] = empty($row['face'])? $GLOBALS['cfg_mainsite'].'/static/web/img/admin.png' : $row['face'];
foreach ($row as $k => $v) $row[strtolower($k)] = $v;
foreach ($this->ChannelUnit->ChannelFields as $k => $arr) {
if (isset($row[$k])) {
$row[$k] = $this->ChannelUnit->MakeField($k, $row[$k]);
$result[] = $row;
} //if hasRow
$t3 = ExecTime();
return $result;
* 创建单独模板页面
