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inc_menu_map.php 10KB

3 vuotta sitten
3 vuotta sitten
  1. <?php
  2. /**
  3. * 菜单地图
  4. *
  5. * @version $Id: inc_menu_map.php 1 10:32 2010年7月21日Z tianya $
  6. * @package DedeBIZ.Administrator
  7. * @copyright Copyright (c) 2021, DedeBIZ.COM
  8. * @license https://www.dedebiz.com/license
  9. * @link https://www.dedebiz.com
  10. */
  11. require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../config.php");
  12. $maparray = array(1 => '文档相关', 2 => '系统设置', 3 => '必须辅助功能', 4 => '网站更新操作', 5 => '会员相关', 6 => '基本模块插件');
  13. //载入可发布频道
  14. $addset = '';
  15. //检测可用的内容模型
  16. if ($cfg_admin_channel = 'array' && count($admin_catalogs) > 0) {
  17. $admin_catalog = join(',', $admin_catalogs);
  18. $dsql->SetQuery(" SELECT channeltype FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE id IN({$admin_catalog}) GROUP BY channeltype ");
  19. } else {
  20. $dsql->SetQuery(" SELECT channeltype FROM `#@__arctype` GROUP BY channeltype ");
  21. }
  22. $dsql->Execute();
  23. $candoChannel = '';
  24. while ($row = $dsql->GetObject()) {
  25. $candoChannel .= ($candoChannel == '' ? $row->channeltype : ',' . $row->channeltype);
  26. }
  27. if (empty($candoChannel)) $candoChannel = 1;
  28. $dsql->SetQuery("SELECT id,typename,addcon,mancon FROM `#@__channeltype` WHERE id IN({$candoChannel}) AND id<>-1 AND isshow=1 ORDER BY id ASC");
  29. $dsql->Execute();
  30. while ($row = $dsql->GetObject()) {
  31. $addset .= " <m:item name='{$row->typename}' ischannel='1' link='{$row->mancon}?channelid={$row->id}' linkadd='{$row->addcon}?channelid={$row->id}' channelid='{$row->id}' rank='' target='main' />\r\n";
  32. }
  33. //////////////////////////
  34. $menusMain = "
  35. -----------------------------------------------
  36. <m:top mapitem='1' item='1_' name='常用操作' display='block'>
  37. <m:item name='网站栏目管理' link='catalog_main.php' ischannel='1' addalt='创建栏目' linkadd='catalog_add.php?listtype=all' rank='t_List,t_AccList' target='main' />
  38. <m:item name='所有档案列表' link='content_list.php' rank='a_List,a_AccList' target='main' />
  39. <m:item name='等审核的档案' link='content_list.php?arcrank=-1' rank='a_Check,a_AccCheck' target='main' />
  40. <m:item name='我发布的文档' link='content_list.php?mid=" . $cuserLogin->getUserID() . "' rank='a_List,a_AccList,a_MyList' target='main' />
  41. <m:item name='评论管理' link='feedback_main.php' rank='sys_Feedback' target='main' />
  42. <m:item name='内容回收站' link='recycling.php' ischannel='1' addalt='清空回收站' addico='img/gtk-del.png' linkadd='archives_do.php?dopost=clear&aid=no' rank='a_List' target='main' />
  43. </m:top>
  44. <m:top mapitem='1' item='1_' name='内容管理' display='block'>
  45. $addset
  46. <m:item name='专题管理' ischannel='1' link='content_s_list.php' linkadd='spec_add.php' channelid='-1' rank='spec_New' target='main' />
  47. </m:top>
  48. <m:top mapitem='1' item='1_' name='频道模型' display='block' rank='t_List,t_AccList,c_List,temp_One'>
  49. <m:item name='内容模型管理' link='mychannel_main.php' rank='c_List' target='main' />
  50. <m:item name='单页文档管理' link='templets_one.php' rank='temp_One' target='main'/>
  51. <m:item name='联动类别管理' link='stepselect_main.php' rank='c_Stepseclect' target='main' />
  52. <m:item name='自由列表管理' link='freelist_main.php' rank='c_List' target='main' />
  53. <m:item name='自定义表单' link='diy_main.php' rank='c_List' target='main' />
  54. </m:top>
  55. <m:top mapitem='3' item='1_3_3' name='批量维护' display='block'>
  56. <m:item name='更新系统缓存' link='sys_cache_up.php' rank='sys_ArcBatch' target='main' />
  57. <m:item name='文档批量维护' link='content_batch_up.php' rank='sys_ArcBatch' target='main' />
  58. <m:item name='搜索关键词维护' link='search_keywords_main.php' rank='sys_Keyword' target='main' />
  59. <m:item name='文档关键词维护' link='article_keywords_main.php' rank='sys_Keyword' target='main' />
  60. <m:item name='自动摘要|分页' link='article_description_main.php' rank='sys_Keyword' target='main' />
  61. <m:item name='Tag标签管理' link='tags_main.php' rank='sys_Keyword' target='main' />
  62. <m:item name='数据库内容替换' link='sys_data_replace.php' rank='sys_ArcBatch' target='main' />
  63. </m:top>
  64. <m:top mapitem='4' item='5_' name='自动任务' notshowall='1' display='block' rank='sys_MakeHtml'>
  65. <m:item name='一键更新网站' link='makehtml_all.php' rank='sys_MakeHtml' target='main' />
  66. <m:item name='更新系统缓存' link='sys_cache_up.php' rank='sys_ArcBatch' target='main' />
  67. </m:top>
  68. <m:top mapitem='4' item='5_' name='HTML更新' notshowall='1' display='none' rank='sys_MakeHtml'>
  69. <m:item name='更新主页HTML' link='makehtml_homepage.php' rank='sys_MakeHtml' target='main' />
  70. <m:item name='更新栏目HTML' link='makehtml_list.php' rank='sys_MakeHtml' target='main' />
  71. <m:item name='更新文档HTML' link='makehtml_archives.php' rank='sys_MakeHtml' target='main' />
  72. <m:item name='更新网站地图' link='makehtml_map_guide.php' rank='sys_MakeHtml' target='main' />
  73. <m:item name='更新RSS文件' link='makehtml_rss.php' rank='sys_MakeHtml' target='main' />
  74. <m:item name='获取JS文件' link='makehtml_js.php' rank='sys_MakeHtml' target='main' />
  75. <m:item name='更新专题HTML' link='makehtml_spec.php' rank='sys_MakeHtml' target='main' />
  76. </m:top>
  77. <m:top mapitem='3' item='1_6_' name='附件管理' display='none' rank='sys_Upload,sys_MyUpload,plus_文件管理器'>
  78. <m:item name='上传新文件' link='media_add.php' rank='' target='main' />
  79. <m:item name='附件数据管理' link='media_main.php' rank='sys_Upload,sys_MyUpload' target='main' />
  80. <m:item name='文件式管理器' link='media_main.php?dopost=filemanager' rank='plus_文件管理器' target='main' />
  81. </m:top>
  82. <m:top mapitem='5' item='6_' name='会员管理' display='none' rank='member_List,member_Type'>
  83. <m:item name='注册会员列表' link='member_main.php' rank='member_List' target='main' />
  84. <m:item name='会员级别设置' link='member_rank.php' rank='member_Type' target='main' />
  85. <m:item name='积分头衔设置' link='member_scores.php' rank='member_Type' target='main' />
  86. <m:item name='会员短信管理' link='member_pm.php' rank='member_Type' target='main' />
  87. </m:top>
  88. <m:top mapitem='2' item='10_' name='系统设置' display='none' rank='sys_User,sys_Group,sys_Edit,sys_Log,sys_Data'>
  89. <m:item name='系统基本参数' link='sys_info.php' rank='sys_Edit' target='main' />
  90. <m:item name='系统用户管理' link='sys_admin_user.php' rank='sys_User' target='main' />
  91. <m:item name='用户组设定' link='sys_group.php' rank='sys_Group' target='main' />
  92. <m:item name='系统日志管理' link='log_list.php' rank='sys_Log' target='main' />
  93. <m:item name='图片水印设置' link='sys_info_mark.php' rank='sys_Edit' target='main' />
  94. <m:item name='自定义文档属性' link='content_att.php' rank='sys_Att' target='main' />
  95. <m:item name='软件频道设置' link='soft_config.php' rank='sys_SoftConfig' target='main' />
  96. <m:item name='防采集串混淆' link='article_string_mix.php' rank='sys_StringMix' target='main' />
  97. <m:item name='随机模板设置' link='article_template_rand.php' rank='sys_StringMix' target='main' />
  98. <m:item name='数据库备份/还原' link='sys_data.php' rank='sys_Data' target='main' />
  99. <m:item name='SQL命令行工具' link='sys_sql_query.php' rank='sys_Data' target='main' />
  100. <m:item name='病毒扫描[S]' link='sys_safetest.php' rank='sys_verify' target='main' />
  101. <m:item name='系统错误修复[S]' link='sys_repair.php' rank='sys_verify' target='main' />
  102. </m:top>
  103. <m:top mapitem='5' item='10_6_' name='支付工具' display='none' rank='sys_Data'>
  104. <m:item name='点卡产品分类' link='cards_type.php' rank='sys_Data' target='main' />
  105. <m:item name='点卡产品管理' link='cards_manage.php' rank='sys_Data' target='main' />
  106. <m:item name='会员产品分类' link='member_type.php' rank='sys_Data' target='main' />
  107. <m:item name='会员消费记录' link='member_operations.php' rank='sys_Data' target='main' />
  108. <m:item name='商店订单记录' link='shops_operations.php' rank='sys_Data' target='main' />
  109. <m:item name='支付接口设置' link='sys_payment.php' .php' rank='sys_Data' target='main' />
  110. <m:item name='配货方式设置' link='shops_delivery.php' rank='sys_Data' target='main' />
  111. </m:top>
  112. <m:top mapitem='2' item='10_7_' name='模板管理' display='none' rank='temp_One,temp_Other,temp_MyTag,temp_test,temp_All'>
  113. <m:item name='默认模板管理' link='templets_main.php' rank='temp_All' target='main'/>
  114. <m:item name='标签源码管理' link='templets_tagsource.php' rank='temp_All' target='main'/>
  115. <m:item name='自定义宏标记' link='mytag_main.php' rank='temp_MyTag' target='main'/>
  116. <m:item name='智能标记向导' link='mytag_tag_guide.php' rank='temp_Other' target='main'/>
  117. <m:item name='全局标记测试' link='tag_test.php' rank='temp_Test' target='main'/>
  118. </m:top>
  119. ";
  120. //载入插件菜单
  121. $plusset = '';
  122. $dsql->SetQuery("SELECT * FROM `#@__plus` WHERE isshow=1 ORDER BY aid ASC");
  123. $dsql->Execute();
  124. while ($row = $dsql->GetObject()) {
  125. $plusset .= $row->menustring . "\r\n";
  126. }
  127. $menusMain .= "
  128. <m:top mapitem='6' name='模块管理' c='6,' display='block'>
  129. <m:item name='模块管理' link='module_main.php' rank='sys_module' target='main' />
  130. <m:item name='上传新模块' link='module_upload.php' rank='sys_module' target='main' />
  131. <m:item name='模块打包' link='module_make.php' rank='sys_module' target='main' />
  132. </m:top>
  133. <m:top mapitem='6' item='7' name='辅助插件' display='block'>
  134. <m:item name='插件管理器' link='plus_main.php' rank='10' target='main' />
  135. $plusset
  136. </m:top>
  137. ";
  138. $mapstring = '';
  139. $dtp = new DedeTagparse();
  140. $dtp->SetNameSpace('m', '<', '>');
  141. $dtp->LoadString($menusMain);
  142. foreach ($maparray as $k => $bigname) {
  143. $mapstring .= "<dl class='maptop'>\r\n";
  144. $mapstring .= "<dt class='bigitem'>$bigname</dt>\r\n";
  145. $mapstring .= "<dd>\r\n";
  146. foreach ($dtp->CTags as $ctag) {
  147. if ($ctag->GetAtt('mapitem') == $k) {
  148. $mapstring .= "<dl class='mapitem'>\r\n";
  149. $mapstring .= "<dt>" . $ctag->GetAtt('name') . "</dt>\r\n";
  150. $mapstring .= "<dd>\r\n<ul class='item'>\r\n";
  151. $dtp2 = new DedeTagParse();
  152. $dtp2->SetNameSpace('m', '<', '>');
  153. $dtp2->LoadSource($ctag->InnerText);
  154. foreach ($dtp2->CTags as $j => $ctag2) {
  155. $mapstring .= "<li><a href='" . $ctag2->GetAtt('link') . "' target='" . $ctag2->GetAtt('target') . "'>" . $ctag2->GetAtt('name') . "</a></li>\r\n";
  156. }
  157. $mapstring .= "</ul>\r\n</dd>\r\n</dl>\r\n";
  158. }
  159. }
  160. $mapstring .= "</dd>\r\n</dl>\r\n";
  161. }