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  13. function viewArc(aid) {
  14. window.open("{dede:global.cfg_phpurl /}/view.php?aid=" + aid);
  15. }
  16. function editArc(aid, channelid) {
  17. location = "archives_do.php?dopost=edit&channelid=" + channelid + "&aid=" + aid;
  18. }
  19. function delArc(aid) {
  20. if (window.confirm('你确定要删除这篇文档吗?')) location = "archives_do.php?aid=" + aid + "&dopost=delArc";
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  74. {dede:datalist}
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  76. <td class="tabTitle"><a
  77. href='<?php echo $cfg_phpurl; ?>/view.php?aid=<?php echo $fields['id']; ?>'
  78. target='_blank'><?php echo $fields['title']; ?><?php echo IsPicArchives($fields['litpic']); ?></a>
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  80. <td align="center"><?php echo $fields['typename']; ?></td>
  81. <td align="center"><?php
  82. if($fields['arcrank']>=0) echo "已审核";
  83. else if($fields['arcrank']==-2) echo "<font color='blue'>被退回</font>";
  84. else echo "<font color='red'>未审核</font>";
  85. ?></td>
  86. <td align="center"><?php echo $fields['click']; ?></td>
  87. <td><?php echo GetDateMk($fields['senddate']); ?></td>
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  89. if($fields['arcrank']<0 || $dtime - $fields['senddate'] < $maxtime)
  90. {
  91. ?>
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  94. <?php
  95. }
  96. else
  97. {
  98. echo "<span class='gray'>改 | 删 | </span>";
  99. }
  100. ?> <a href="javascript:viewArc(<?php echo $fields['id']; ?>);">预览</a></td>
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