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shops_delivery.htm 3.3KB

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  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html>
  3. <head>
  4. <meta charset="<?php echo $cfg_soft_lang;?>">
  5. <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge,chrome=1">
  6. <title>配送方式配置</title>
  7. <link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/web/css/bootstrap.min.css">
  8. <link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/web/font/css/font-awesome.min.css">
  9. <link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/web/css/admin.css">
  10. </head>
  11. <style>.fontOrange{color:#ff4e00}.npvar{width:90%}</style>
  12. <body>
  13. <center>
  14. <form action="shops_delivery.php" method="post" name="form1">
  15. <input type="hidden" name="do" value="add">
  16. <table width="100%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="table maintable mt-3 sysinfo">
  17. <tr>
  18. <td bgcolor="#f8f8f8" colspan="2">增加一个配送方式</td>
  19. </tr>
  20. <tr>
  21. <td width="10%">名称:</td>
  22. <td><input type="text" name="dname" id="dname" class="biz-input-sm"> * 此处填写配送方式名称</td>
  23. </tr>
  24. <tr>
  25. <td width="10%">手续费:</td>
  26. <td><input type="text" name="price" id="price" value="0.00" class="biz-input-sm"> 元 * 发货时所用的手续费,若要收取,请填写(精确到小数位两位)</td>
  27. </tr>
  28. <tr>
  29. <td width="10%">简要说明:</td>
  30. <td><textarea name="des" id="des" class="biz-textarea-sm"></textarea></td>
  31. </tr>
  32. <tr>
  33. <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#f8f8f8" align="center" class="py-2">
  34. <button type="submit" class="btn btn-success btn-sm">添加</button>
  35. <button type="reset" name="button" class='btn btn-success btn-sm'>重置</button>
  36. </td>
  37. </tr>
  38. </table>
  39. </form>
  40. <form action="shops_delivery.php" method="post" name="form2">
  41. <input type="hidden" name="do" value="edit">
  42. <table width="98%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" align="center" class="table maintable mt-3 mb-3">
  43. <tr>
  44. <td bgcolor="#f8f8f8" colspan="2">已有配送方式列表</td>
  45. </tr>
  46. <tr>
  47. <td colspan="2">
  48. <table width="100%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2" class="table">
  49. <?php foreach($deliveryarr as $rs) {?>
  50. <input type="hidden" name="pid[]" value="<?php echo $rs['pid'];?>">
  51. <tr>
  52. <td width="30%">
  53. <input type="text" name="m_dname<?php echo $rs['pid'];?>" value="<?php echo $rs['dname'];?>">
  54. <a class="btn btn-success btn-sm" href="shops_delivery.php?do=del&id=<?php echo $rs['pid'];?>" onClick="return(confirm('删除后无法恢复,您确定删除吗'))">删除</a>
  55. </td>
  56. <td width="70%">
  57. <span>手续费:<input type="text" name="m_price<?php echo $rs['pid'];?>" id="m_price<?php echo $rs['pid'];?>" value="<?php echo $rs['price'];?>" class="biz-input-sm"> 元</span>
  58. <textarea name="m_des<?php echo $rs['pid'];?>" id="m_des<?php echo $rs['pid'];?>" class="biz-textarea-sm"><?php echo $rs['des'];?></textarea>
  59. </td>
  60. </tr>
  61. <?php }?>
  62. </table>
  63. </td>
  64. </tr>
  65. <tr>
  66. <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#f8f8f8" align="center" class="py-2"><button name="imageField2" type="submit" class="btn btn-success btn-sm">保存</button></td>
  67. </tr>
  68. </table>
  69. </form>
  70. </center>
  71. </body>
  72. </html>